
It's not easy! The Chinese women's volleyball team swept Thailand 3-0, and Zhu Ting took on four roles alone

author:Lao Gao said sports

On the evening of June 1, the Chinese women's volleyball team swept Thailand 3-0 in the Macau World League, with a steady rise in points and rankings, and continued to move towards the Paris Olympics. Looking at this game, Zhu Ting, who started the game, was the key to the victory of the Chinese team, and she took on four roles in the battle between China and Thailand.

It's not easy! The Chinese women's volleyball team swept Thailand 3-0, and Zhu Ting took on four roles alone

Zhu Ting called a timeout

One is the coach. Although the whole game seemed to be commanded by head coach Cai Bin, Zhu Ting, who was experienced on the spot, played the role of a coach. In the game, the Thai team played a small climax, and once narrowed the difference to only 3 points. At this time, the Chinese team was in chaos on the field and urgently needed a timeout to ease the situation. But head coach Cai Bin didn't realize it, but Zhu Ting made a pause gesture, and after Cai Bin saw Zhu Ting's reminder, he quickly arranged a timeout to stabilize the situation.

The second is the captain on the field. In the game, it can be seen that Zhu Ting has called her teammates together many times, analyzed the situation on the field, reminded the details of each ball, and encouraged her teammates after mistakes. With her present, teammates are more confident and confident.

It's not easy! The Chinese women's volleyball team swept Thailand 3-0, and Zhu Ting took on four roles alone

Greet teammates

The third is the main attacker. The battle between China and Thailand is Zhu Ting's first start in nearly three years after leaving the national team. In the whole game, he scored 17 points, with a smash success rate of 64%, and he is still an indispensable scorer for the Chinese team, supporting Li Yingying's opposite corner well, giving the Chinese team another firepower point.

Fourth, a setter. In the first battle between China and Thailand, Zhu Ting undertook six rounds of one pass, which was the most times the team received one pass. In the whole game, Zhu Ting's 18 passes were completely in place 11 times, which was the most among the four players involved in the Chinese women's volleyball team. The data of the other three are: free man Wang Mengjie has 10 passes and 7 are completely in place, the main attack Li Yingying has 7 passes and 3 passes are in place, and Gong Xiangyu has 17 passes and 7 passes are in place.

It's not easy! The Chinese women's volleyball team swept Thailand 3-0, and Zhu Ting took on four roles alone

Hint: Coach: This ball is in bounds

For Zhu Ting, who is 30 years old, returning after recovering from injury is a process of readaptation and familiarization. The match against Thailand showed us how comprehensive Zhu Ting's ability is. Considering her age and physical condition, it should be said that it is not easy for Zhu Ting to take on four roles!

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