
Zhu Ting is definitely the material to be a coach! The women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, and she and Cai Bin co-directed the game

author:Lao Gao said sports

On the evening of June 1, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost three games in a row, swept the weak team Thailand 3-0, and won the second victory of the World League in Macau. Looking back at this game, Zhu Ting, who debuted on the stage, was the key to the victory of the Chinese team, not only scored the second highest score of the team with 17 points, but also co-directed the game with head coach Cai Bin, demonstrating the potential of coaching. With this battle, it can be seen that Zhu Ting in the future is definitely the material to be a coach.

Zhu Ting is definitely the material to be a coach! The women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, and she and Cai Bin co-directed the game

Zhu Ting called a timeout

Against the Thai women's volleyball team, it was Zhu Ting's first start on behalf of the Chinese women's volleyball team after 1,034 days after leaving the national team. In the end, the Chinese women's volleyball team was able to win 3-0, and Zhu Ting was the biggest hero. First of all, Zhu Ting not only supported Li Yingying's opposite corner well, scoring 17 points alone, but also undertook six rounds of one pass, which not only strengthened the attack, but also stabilized one pass. Secondly, Zhu Ting's appearance gave the whole team a backbone, reduced the psychological pressure of the players on the field, and reduced the burden of the first pass of the number one attacker Li Yingying, who could let go of the attack.

Zhu Ting is definitely the material to be a coach! The women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, and she and Cai Bin co-directed the game

Zhu Ting made a pause gesture

More importantly, Zhu Ting, as the leader of the whole team, also gave full play to her core role and command ability. There is a detail in the game, when the Chinese team was leading by a large score, Thailand played a small climax by fighting serve, and the Chinese team was chaotic and lost points in a row. When Thailand was only 3 points away, head coach Cai Bin still did not call a timeout. At the critical moment, Zhu Ting, who had a clear mind and rich experience on the spot, stood up and directly made a pause gesture, signaling Cai Bin to pause quickly. Cai Bin saw Zhu Ting's reminder and immediately called a timeout, and the Chinese women's volleyball team stabilized the situation.

Zhu Ting is definitely the material to be a coach! The women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, and she and Cai Bin co-directed the game

Cai Bin took a leisurely stroll

In addition to arranging a timeout in time, Zhu Ting is also a commander on the field. The live TV screen shows that head coach Cai Bin is walking with his hands behind his back next to him, while Zhu Ting has called his teammates together many times to exchange reminders. You must know that this kind of ability is not something that ordinary people can have, after all, the situation on the field is changing rapidly and is extremely complex, and young players are sometimes confused. Zhu Ting's guidance at critical times controlled the rhythm of the game well and ensured that her teammates were in danger.

Zhu Ting is definitely the material to be a coach! The women's volleyball team defeated Thailand, and she and Cai Bin co-directed the game

Zhu Ting was instructing her teammates

Zhu Ting's mentor Lang Ping was also a professional athlete and later became a world-renowned coach. Zhu Ting studied under Lang Ping and benefited a lot and learned a lot. In addition, Zhu Ting also has the experience of captain of the national team. According to Zhu Ting's talent, experience and ability, after the end of her athlete career, she will definitely be an excellent coach. Let's look forward to it!

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