
Get up close and personal with the production process of cured meat The Parent Committee of Shawan Central Primary School in Panyu District guides students to understand intangible cultural heritage


Recently, the Parent Committee of Shawan Central Primary School in Panyu District organized 30 groups of families from grades 4 to 6 to carry out the research activity of "Love the Motherland and Care for the Hometown" at the Yushan Lamei Inheritance Base, an intangible cultural heritage, to enrich students' extracurricular life and deepen their understanding of local intangible cultural heritage.

Get up close and personal with the production process of cured meat The Parent Committee of Shawan Central Primary School in Panyu District guides students to understand intangible cultural heritage

Visit the Yushan Lap-mei Inheritance Base

In the Yushan Lap-mei Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, the students listened to Mr. Chen Yanxiong's explanation of the culture of lap-mei, and got close to and learned about the culture and production process of lap-mei. Mr. Chen analyzed the historical inheritance of lap-mei and the key links of intangible cultural heritage skills. Mr. Chen's wonderful explanation made the students have a strong interest in this traditional skill, and they carefully recorded every detail, actively participated in the question and answer session, and demonstrated their understanding and enthusiasm for the intangible cultural heritage of lap mei.

Get up close and personal with the production process of cured meat The Parent Committee of Shawan Central Primary School in Panyu District guides students to understand intangible cultural heritage
Get up close and personal with the production process of cured meat The Parent Committee of Shawan Central Primary School in Panyu District guides students to understand intangible cultural heritage

Students listen to the teacher's talk about the intangible cultural heritage of lap-mei culture

Get up close and personal with the production process of cured meat The Parent Committee of Shawan Central Primary School in Panyu District guides students to understand intangible cultural heritage

The students carefully understood and learned about the intangible cultural heritage of Yushan cured meat

Get up close and personal with the production process of cured meat The Parent Committee of Shawan Central Primary School in Panyu District guides students to understand intangible cultural heritage

The students raised their hands to answer the teacher's questions

Kong Huanli, representative of the Shawan Central Primary School Parent Committee, said that the activity not only enriched the students' extracurricular life, but also deepened their knowledge and understanding of the intangible cultural heritage of their hometown. This approach not only imparts knowledge, but also stimulates students' inquisitive and innovative thinking. At the same time, the communication and collaboration between the school and the family were further promoted through the form of home-school co-construction.

"This event made us know that Yushan lap-mei, as a representative brand in Panyu, not only carries the good memories and growth process of countless Panyu people, but also has been listed on the list of intangible cultural heritage with its unique production skills and profound cultural connotation. We must understand the intangible cultural heritage, but also publicize and protect the intangible cultural heritage, so that the intangible cultural heritage of Panyu can be passed on. Xiao Yanming said.

It is understood that since its establishment, the Shawan Central Primary School Parent Committee has always adhered to the concept of home-school co-education, actively led parents to participate in the growth process of students, and is committed to creating a variety of student activities and parent courses.

Text/photo: Panyu financial media reporter Zhong Shiwei, correspondent Xiao Jiazhou, Ye Jingling

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