
Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

author:Three small hairs

Tomorrow is June 5th, Wednesday, and it is also the 29th day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar.

Miscanthus is also called "busy planting", which means that in this season, "the wheat with mangs is harvested quickly, and the rice with mangs can be planted", so the mangs are very busy in a solar term. For most parts of the mainland, the solar term is also the busiest time of the year.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

From the solar term to the summer solstice, it is not only the time when summer crops are ripe and harvested, but also the climax of autumn crop sowing, transplanting and seedling management.

Now that the solar term has arrived, it is recommended that no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", spend the summer safely, let's find out together!

1. Introduction to the customs of the solar terms of mangs

It is the ninth of the 24 solar terms and marks the beginning of the midsummer season. As the temperature gradually rises, everything grows at its most luxuriant, and it is also a critical period for crop cultivation.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

In this season, there are rich customs among the people, among which in the past there were the customs of sending flowers to the gods, offering sacrifices to the seedlings and fighting mud fights.

The so-called god of flowers, this is because when it comes to the solar term of the mango seed, most of the flowers in nature have begun to wither, so the custom of sacrificing to the god of flowers has been formed in ancient folk.

This custom stems from the reverence and cherishing of natural life, and people express their gratitude to the god of flowers through rituals, and also pray for the flowers to bloom and life to last.

However, in the southern Anhui region of the mainland, the agricultural custom of "An Miao" was spread in the past. The Anmiao festival began in the early Ming Dynasty and was held by farmers to pray for a good harvest in the fall.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

At this time, the rice has been planted, and the farmers hope to bless the crops to thrive and usher in the harvest season through the festival.

In addition, in the southeast of Guizhou, the Dong people spread the traditional custom of fighting mud, that is, before and after the solar term of mangseng, the newlyweds and their relatives and friends planted seedlings in the field together, and then played while planting seedlings, throwing mud at each other. And the custom also stipulates that whoever has more mud on him is the more popular person.

Second, the mango is taboo, and two things cannot be done.

There are also some taboos in the solar terms of mangs, among which there are two important taboos that people need to pay attention to.

First of all, you can't put away the quilt and thick clothes early. Although the temperature gradually rises during the mango season, it does not mean that the weather is hot but not cold, in fact, even when it comes to the mango season, the weather is changeable, and sometimes there is still a cooling situation.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

As the saying goes: "If you haven't eaten the Dragon Boat Festival dumplings, you can't send them if you break them." This sentence warns people not to easily put away thick clothes and quilts before the Dragon Boat Festival in case the weather changes abruptly. Therefore, people should pay attention to keeping warm and avoid catching colds.

Secondly, there should also be taboos in diet. During the period of mango planting, the weather is hot, high temperature and humidity, and people's diet should be mainly light, and avoid eating too much greasy and spicy food.

This is because too much greasy and spicy food can easily burden the body, leading to symptoms such as indigestion and irritation. Therefore, the ancients, who paid great attention to health preservation, suggested that we should eat more light foods, such as vegetables and fruits, in this season to maintain good health.

Third, the solar term of mango seeds "eat three treasures".

There is also the traditional custom of "eating the three treasures" during the solar term of mangzhong, and these three treasures actually refer to three kinds of food, which are plums, juntao vegetables and duck meat. These foods are not only delicious and tasty, but also have unique nutritional value and have a good health care effect on the body.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

The first one is plums.

Everyone also knows that in the southern region, the fruit of plum is ripe before and after the solar term of mangzhong, and in the mainland, there is a tradition of eating plum during the solar term of mango seed since ancient times.

Plums contain a variety of natural high-quality organic acids and rich minerals, which not only have unique nutritional and health functions such as relieving fatigue, beauty, and regulating acid-base balance.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

Eating plums in the season of mango planting can not only relieve the heat and rejuvenate the body, but also enhance the body's immunity. Moreover, the ancients also discovered that eating too many raw plums is not good for the body, so there is a way to eat "boiled plums".

The second is Juntacai.

This is a seasonal vegetable in the southern region before and after the solar term, and the locals believe that Juntao has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying.

After the mango is planted, it is the summer solstice, and it is the heat soon, the temperature is about to reach the hottest time of the year, people are easy to sweat and get angry, and eating Juntao vegetables can help clear heat and detoxify, prevent prickly heat, etc.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

The third type is duck meat.

In many places in the south, almost every solar term is inseparable from eating meat, and all kinds of meat take turns. The reason why duck meat is eaten in the Mangchong solar term is mainly because in the traditional culture of the mainland, duck meat is considered to be a cold food and is suitable for consumption in summer.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" also records: "Duck meat is the main supplement for fatigue, and it is the most disinfectant and hot." ”

Therefore, consuming duck meat during the mango season is a very healthy dietary choice.

Tomorrow's mango planting, I suggest everyone: no matter how busy you are, don't forget to "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely!

What's more, it is the critical period of summer busyness in the mango planting season, and the amount of physical labor is large, and it is also necessary to make appropriate supplements, so as to have the strength to work. Eating duck meat can not only supplement the nutrients needed by the body, but also replenish physical strength, relieve the heat in summer, and prevent the occurrence of heat stroke and other diseases.

Tomorrow is the mango seed, what are the customs of the mango seed in your hometown? It is recommended that everyone abide by the tradition, no matter how busy you are, you must keep in mind "avoid 2 things, eat 3 treasures", and spend the summer safely! #头条创作挑战赛#

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