
Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

author:Three small hairs

In recent years, the inconspicuous grass and trees in the countryside have become popular, and many people who like to raise flowers and grass have specially bought it online, and some farmers have bought grass and wood ash to grow vegetables. All because now more and more people know the value of plant ash, and they prefer the method passed down from their ancestors, after all, plant ash is a high-quality farm fertilizer.

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

Not long ago, a netizen left me a message saying that after reading my previous article about plant ash, he also bought some plant ash and used it to grow vegetables and fruit trees.

Especially in the spring of this year, he used plant ash as the base fertilizer, and then came to raise some seedlings of melons, fruits and vegetables, but they all died soon after.

When I asked, I found out that it was the first time he had used plant ash to raise seedlings, and he had no experience. I used all the ashes of a bag of plants and trees, and used it to top dressing from time to time, and finally caused the vegetable seedlings to die. As soon as I analyzed it, combined with the pictures he showed me, it was obvious that these vegetable seedlings were "fattened to death".

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

Although the plant ash is good, it cannot be used indiscriminately, especially these three misunderstandings, many people often make them, I hope you can pay attention to them.

Reference for the value of plant ash in agriculture

As a high-quality farmhouse fertilizer, plant ash also has a wide range of uses in agriculture. It is not only a natural fertilizer, but also an effective substance for the control of pests and diseases.

As we all know, plant ash is the ash left behind after the burning of various plants. It is rich in mineral elements such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc., which are essential for plant growth.

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

In particular, potassium in plant ash is one of the essential nutrients of plants, which can promote photosynthesis and improve plant stress resistance.

Therefore, it is a high-quality potassium fertilizer, and for many potash-loving crops, the use of plant ash is very beneficial to increase its yield. For example, leeks, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. often use potassium fertilizer, which has good growth and high yield.

At the same time, plant ash also has a certain bactericidal and insecticidal effect, which can reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. In addition, plant ash can also regulate the pH of the soil, improve soil structure, and improve soil fertility.

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

Especially when planting fruits and vegetables, plant ash is incomparable to modern chemical fertilizers. Some people say that many vegetables don't taste good now, but in fact, it has a lot to do with the use of fertilizers.

Three misunderstandings about using plant ash

Although plant ash has many advantages, there are also some misunderstandings in the process of use. If peasant friends don't pay attention, it often backfires. Here is a summary of the three major misunderstandings that we often make when using plant ash, and I hope you will pay attention to the following points:

(1) Excessive use

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

Some farmers believe that plant ash is a "universal fertilizer", and for crops, more fertilizer can grow stronger, so they use a lot of fertilizer.

However, excessive use of plant ash can lead to excess potassium in the soil, affecting the absorption and utilization of other elements, resulting in nutrient imbalance in crops.

In addition, excessive use of plant ash may also make the soil alkaline, which is not conducive to crop growth, and even cause the crops in the soil to be overfertilized and "fattened". Therefore, when using plant ash, it should be applied in an appropriate amount according to soil fertility and crop needs. If you don't have experience, it is recommended to apply fertilizer in small amounts and many times, depending on its growth.

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

(2) Mistaking plant ash for a versatile fertilizer.

In fact, in rural areas, some people also have misunderstandings about plant ash, for example, it is common to see some farmers mix plant ash with human manure and urine, or mix plant ash with manure and compost. In fact, this is also the wrong approach.

Although plant ash is a high-quality fertilizer, not all fertilizers can be mixed with it. In particular, it should be noted that plant ash should not be mixed with human manure and manure.

Because plant ash is alkaline, while human manure and manure are acidic, and it contains a large amount of organic matter and nitrogen, it will produce a chemical reaction after mixing with plant ash, resulting in nitrogen volatilization loss and reducing fertilizer efficiency.

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

(3) It cannot be mixed with nitrogen fertilizer

This is because the ammonium nitrogen in nitrogen fertilizer is easily converted into ammonia gas and volatilized under alkaline conditions, thus reducing fertilizer efficiency. Therefore, when using plant ash, it should be avoided to mix with nitrogen fertilizer.

If it is necessary to use plant ash and nitrogen fertilizer on the same plot at the same time, it should be applied separately and staggered to give full play to the effectiveness of the two fertilizers.

In addition, the storage of plant ash is also important. Because the gray matter of plants and trees is light and alkaline, special attention should be paid when storing, and improper storage will also lead to a significant reduction in its fertilizer efficiency.

Although the plant ash is good, it can not be used indiscriminately, and the three major misunderstandings of using plant ash should be understood by farmers

Farmers with conditions can build a permanent ash silo and pour ash into the silo every day for accumulation. The ash silo should have a rain shelter to prevent rain from getting wet, and the ground should be high to avoid water accumulation, and at the same time it should be hardened and moisture-proof.

If there are no warehouse conditions, you can choose to bag the plant ash and seal it in a plastic bag in time. This can not only prevent the plant ash from being blown away by the wind or wet by the rain and lose the fertilizer effect, but also can be easily accessed at any time.

Well, that's all for today. As a traditional agricultural resource, plant ash still has important application value in modern agricultural production.

Farmers should fully understand the nature and characteristics of plant ash when using it, so as to avoid losses caused by misunderstandings and improper use. If you have any other questions, you are welcome to leave a message to discuss! #头条创作挑战赛#