
Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

author:Daya Bay Nuclear Power
Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

Today (June 5) is World Environment Day, and it is also one of the 24 solar terms.

At the time of planting, Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant was busy planting trees and planting a beautiful vision of green ecology

In order to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, guide the majority of cadres and employees to practice the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and actively implement the decision-making and deployment of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee on further promoting the ecological construction of Lumei Guangdong, on the occasion of World Environment Day, the "Lumei Daya Bay" Youth Commando Team and various party branches jointly carried out voluntary tree planting activities in the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Base and Luyinluwan area

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

▲25 representatives of cadres and employees of the Party Branch of the Human Resources Department, the Fourth Party Branch of the Operation Department, and the Party Branch of the General Management Department participated in the event

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

Before the start of the activity, the participants carefully learned the skills of tree planting, and ensured that each process was correctly mastered and the survival rate of each seedling was ensured by asking questions and interacting

The main selection of this activity is the Lingnan characteristic native tree species "False Pingpo"

Fake Pingpo

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

▲ source network

Pseudo Pingpo likes warm and humid climate, dense branches and leaves, strong and robust nature, developed root system, grows in valleys, ravines, sparse woodlands and other places at low altitudes, can be interspersed with stone cracks, stone gaps, climb rock walls, well cover stone mountains, maintain water and soil, is a good tree species for ecological landscape forests.

Base pond side

The on-site staff hid the greenery of spring and summer into each seedling

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

Recently, Shenzhen has entered the "dragon boat water" season, and the tree planting site is muddy and slippery, which brings a lot of challenges to the on-site operators, but the harsh environment has not stopped everyone's enthusiasm for planting trees, the oblique wind and drizzle, and the tree planting is busy, and the members of the commando team and the cadres and employees of various branches are full of enthusiasm and wish to cultivate in the spring mud

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope
Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

The rain is "diligent", and in the drizzle, everyone's enthusiasm for planting trees and protecting greenery continues to rise, and the branches cooperate in groups, cooperate with each other, support the tree seedlings, carry buckets for watering, wave shovels to cultivate soil, step on soil planting, and install guards

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope
Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

After a busy period of work, 66 trees such as iron holly, false pingpo and cattail wood have "settled down" in the Luyin Luwan area, and the seedlings stand upright in the wind to show their vitality

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

In the future, 1,500 trees of different types will be planted in the Luyinluwan area, making the Luyinluwan area a colorful ecological natural landscape combining coastal waterfront landscape forest, youth memorial forest, valley monsoon forest, southern fruit forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest and sparse forest grassland

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

▲Renderings of the area of Green Heron Bay

Today is World Environment Day, environmental protection is not only a social responsibility, but also a practical action that everyone should participate in:


practice garbage classification,

Make the best use of things;


Use environmentally friendly products as much as possible,

reduce the use of disposables;


Cherish food and refuse to waste;


save water and electricity;


green and low-carbon travel;


participation in afforestation,

increase green space;


wildlife protection,

Refusal to buy wildlife products.

In the future, Daya Bay Nuclear Power employees will continue to deeply practice the concept of green development, actively participate in afforestation activities, take the "forest-style factory" as the goal, add greenery and color to the construction of a beautiful base, and strive to build the base into a model of "green and beautiful Shenzhen" with forest increment, ecological efficiency and landscape color, and build a poetic habitat environment where man and nature live in harmony

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

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Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

The "Daya Bay Nuclear Power Base Greening and Upgrading Work" is a green ecological construction project led by Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant and designed with the participation of Shenzhen Urban Planning and Design Institute. In order to speed up the implementation of the project, Daya Bay Nuclear Power has set up a youth commando team of "Green Beauty Daya Bay".

The goal of the project is to optimize the greening and natural landscape improvement plan of the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Base, improve the tree planting structure, increase the number of broad-leaved forests, and create an ecological model of "forest factory".

Today, "Mang" is "planting" green hope

Editor丨Ni Li

Contributed by丨Lvmei Project Team Luo Xiaoliang first instance | Ni Li, Cao Jiajing's second trial| Xuan Wei's third trial | The copyright of Yang Weizhi belongs to the original author, please indicate the source for reprinting!