
At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine

author:A strong country is a sword

Since it was firmly controlled by the Jewish clique, the United States has completely degenerated into a country without discipline, selfish, ugly, and willing to be a lackey, how can such a country uphold justice?

It is precisely because of this that Russia and Ukraine both hope that China can come forward and mediate the contradictions from their own perspective.

- Swordsman

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine


As we enter June, there are two things that are worth paying attention to.

One is the game between the United States and Israel and the countries of the Middle East as a whole, which is bound to intensify after the United Nations has adopted a resolution on the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The whole world has seen the efforts and tremendous role that China has made behind the scenes, and the fact that 22 Arab countries came to China to participate in the China-Arab Ministerial Conference some time ago is the best proof of this.

This includes the presidents of four countries, including Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, who want to give the Arabs and the entire Islamic world a voice while China administers justice.

Another thing is more interesting.

That was the peace summit in Switzerland, a traditionally neutral country in Europe, in the middle of this month.

The peace summit, led by the United States and convened by Switzerland and Ukraine, is currently facing great embarrassment.

Because not only China and Russia are reluctant to go, but US President Biden also openly rejected Zelensky's invitation, making Ukrainians very faceless.

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine


It is precisely because of this embarrassing situation that at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore two days ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who was forcibly placed by the United States to make an impromptu speech, said a lot of words with guns and sticks, and was very dissatisfied with China's unwillingness to attend the peace summit.

We have to say that Zelensky has said a lot of harsh things about China recently, and he is also exerting so-called public opinion pressure on us on various occasions, hoping that we can handle the problem from the perspective of Ukraine and the United States and the West as a whole.

A brief glance will show that in the past period, Zelensky has expressed dissatisfaction with China in at least the following two aspects.

First, at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and Russia signed a so-called Budapest Memorandum.

According to the memorandum, after Ukraine disarmed its nuclear warheads on its own initiative, a number of other major powers should provide Ukraine with protection to ensure that its territory is not invaded.

Of course, everyone knows the current situation, Ukraine has been hammered into slag by Russia, so Ukraine, Britain and the United States and other Western countries have been frantically hyping up this matter recently, demanding that China must provide protection for Ukraine!

However, we must make clear the ins and outs of this matter, when they signed this document, they did not invite China to sign it, and as the five permanent members of the United Nations, China's comprehensive strength at that time was indeed a certain gap compared with Britain and the United States and other powers.

It's normal to be looked down upon by them!

In addition, we are in the early stage of reform and opening up, and it coincides with the major historical background of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the great changes in Eastern Europe, so Britain and the United States and other countries must not treat China as a dish at all, and may even think that China will follow in the footsteps of the Soviet Union, so they only informed China after they signed the letter.

It is nonsense to demand that China be held accountable now.

We must make clear the ins and outs of this matter, in the final analysis, China did not sign it at all, it was the three strong countries of Britain, the United States and Russia that signed, so it is better for Ukraine to find Russia to protect itself, and the United States is of course a very good choice, but the Biden administration has always demanded that Ukraine must shed the last drop of blood and die the last person.

At least from this point of view, Russia is still much more reliable than the United States.

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine

The second point that Zelensky is dissatisfied with is the strategic interaction that has formed between China and Russia, and our normal diplomatic exchanges have been described by Zelensky as China becoming a tool of Russia.

That's what to do!

On the one hand, Ukraine hopes that China will stand up for them, but on the other hand, it is frantically squeezing China and making irresponsible remarks about China's normal major-country diplomacy.

To put it mildly, although Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky treats himself as a dish and a figure, and demands that the whole world must revolve around Ukraine, it is not the case at all in China's global strategy.

If we put it mildly, Ukraine, like Russia, has maintained very good interaction with both sides long before the Russian-Ukrainian war, and even after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war, both Ukraine and Russia have continued to buy a large number of supplies from China.

This is a real situation.

China has always taken a neutral position and has not particularly embarrassed Ukraine, and if China really wanted to let go of its support for Russia, the war would have ended long ago, and Ukraine would have been hammered into slag long ago.

Just to give a simple example, two days ago I read a report from the United States, according to this American media, the United States can currently produce about 50,000 shells per month, and it is still saturated.

What about China?

It's scary to say it!

It is possible to produce 150,000 shells of all kinds per day, which is 4.5 million a month, and the United States and the West as a whole together are not more than a fraction of ours.

Therefore, the current slander of China by Ukraine and the United States is simply nonsense, and if China lets go of its assistance to Russia, how can they still have a chance to speak?

Above are some kind words to say.

If you put it mildly, or according to the logic of the law of the jungle of US Secretary of State Blinken, the countries that are currently qualified to sit at the same table with China are the United States and Russia, France and Germany are not bad, and Ukraine, like Japan and South Korea, is only worthy of sitting at the table of children and playing while playing.

China really didn't take Ukraine too seriously, but they didn't know what to do, but they even sent a delegation to participate in Lai Qingde's inauguration, wanting to play the so-called balanced diplomacy in turn to stimulate China, but it is useless to play this kind of careful thinking, the Chinese have their own principles and will not act according to the requirements of every West.

It is precisely because of this that Zelensky quickly realized the seriousness of the problem after his frenzy, first sent Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba to explain in the air, and then yesterday, that is, on June 5, sent Ukraine's first deputy foreign minister Serby to Beijing to carry out formal diplomatic measures with China, which is equivalent to bowing his head to China and admitting his mistakes!

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine

The current international situation is very delicate, although China has been trying to promote the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, and keeps calling on Russia and Ukraine to cease fire as soon as possible and achieve peace through consultation, but unfortunately, European and American countries are more advocating the law of the jungle and always want to solve the problem through their own fists, and are very obsessed with this outdated hegemonic concept, which makes the problem quite complicated.

What's even more troublesome is that Ukraine actually has no command of the war, and the real command of the Ukrainian side of the Russian-Ukrainian war is in the hands of NATO, Zelensky is just a trick and puppet in the eyes of Biden, and Western politicians represented by Biden do not take Zelensky seriously at all.

So now it is clear that because the United States wants to continue to rely on the war in Ukraine to consume Russia and the whole of Europe at the same time, this war will never stop.

Their accusations against China are only to deflect contradictions and put the burden of public opinion on our heads.

However, of course, we in China are well aware of this trick they are playing, so we have always adhered to our neutral stance and laughed at the situation.

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine

The above mainly talks about the problem of Ukraine, in fact, Russia, the other side of the war, is also having a rather difficult time now.

After all, they are fighting against the entire United States and more than 30 countries in the West with one country, and if the war really becomes a protracted war under the manipulation of the Americans, it will also be very unfavorable for Russia as a country, because then it will fall into the tricks of the United States and be dragged to death by them with wheel warfare and protracted war.

It is precisely for this reason that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently expressed another point of view in an interview, suggesting that China could arrange a peace conference attended by both Russia and Ukraine, so that the war could end as soon as possible.

There is no doubt that the reason why Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said such things is that he has seen China's great efforts to mediate the Middle East issue, and we have resisted the arrogant and unreasonable mad dog model of the United States and Israel, and led more than 150 countries around the world to vote for the resolution on the establishment of Palestinian statehood.

This, coupled with the previous successful experience in mediating between Saudi Arabia and Iran, two rivals, has made Russia have high hopes for China.

In addition, one of the most critical points of Lavrov's proposal for China to take the lead in this matter is that the United States is no longer worthy of being a world leader.

Since it was firmly controlled by the Jewish clique, the United States has completely degenerated into a country without discipline, selfish, ugly, and willing to be a lackey.

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine

With regard to the peace talks led by China, Russia has clearly put forward two main demands.

First of all, of course, the Russian side knows that the overall international environment is very unfavorable to itself, after all, the current war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on on the territory of Ukraine.

This is an ironclad fact!

This has led the United States and the West to accuse Russia of waging a war of aggression, and this status quo has also given the United States and the West a handle, and they are now entangled in this point, while avoiding the root cause of the outbreak of the war, that is, the fundamental negative role played by NATO.

China's peace plan can get to the heart of the matter, requiring all stakeholders to consider each other and respect their security and territorial aspirations.

Although this is an old question, it is a crucial issue, but the US-led NATO organization is clearly pretending to be confused, and is not willing to reflect on its barbaric policy of NATO's eastward expansion, but still wants to carry out this kind of extreme bullying.

That's the problem!

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine

Second, Lavrov also pointed out another key problem: the West wants only a temporary ceasefire, while Russia wants a lasting peace.

The demands of the two sides are different.

The reason for this difference is that Ukraine is currently in a relatively passive situation, and the United States and the West want to take a breath and then come back to clean up Russia.

This is their eternal strategic ambition!

Everything is just like they do with China, that is, they want to do everything possible to defeat competitors like us, transform us into a state of fragmentation like Europe, let the United States dominate the world forever, and they will only stop after realizing this strategic ambition.

So Russia simply does not dare to believe them.

Lavrov's talk of a lasting peace is the same as the current war in Gaza in the Middle East.

At best, the United States and Israel are willing to commit to a temporary ceasefire, but they will never give the Palestinians the right to self-government, let alone the right to dialogue with them on an equal footing.

In the minds of the Jewish-controlled United States and Israel, other countries are just farts, and the ordinary people of other countries are just individual animals, their rights are not worth mentioning at all, and only their own privileges are the most important.

This is also the most fundamental reason why the current Russian-Ukrainian war and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are unresolved, some people always want to bully others!

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine


All in all, we can see through the above analysis that the most fundamental reason why there is so much turmoil in the world is Lao Mei, who is the bully tumor in the world today, which has brought great turmoil to the world.

Fortunately, China's comprehensive strength is becoming stronger day by day, and it has the ability and qualifications to wrestle with the United States, and it pursues a community with a shared future for mankind that governs the world with Taoism, and hopes that all forces can sit down and solve problems through negotiations, instead of fighting and killing, which gives the world a great hope for peace today.

It is precisely for this reason that both Russia and Ukraine hope that China will understand them and deal with the problem from their standpoint, but they have long dared not have much hope for the United States.

Shouldn't the ugly kingdom of Juza reflect on it?

I am a swordsman, in-depth thinking, rational analysis, accompany friends to witness the evolution of the world's unprecedented changes in a century, if you like it, please pay attention, if you have something to say, please leave a message in the comment area, thank you for reading.

At the critical moment, Lavrov proposed that the Chinese side arrange real peace talks between Russia and Ukraine