
At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

author:Rakuten system waterdrop piT

At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

Why is the road to 35 years old so difficult?

Layoffs, unemployment, mortgages, childcare...... The pressures and challenges faced by today's middle-aged people are coming one after another, and the tide of the times has not passed everyone, and only by striving upstream can we gain a foothold.

In recent years, elites working in well-known technology companies in Chinese mainland (such as Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba, etc.) have been considering applying for the Hong Kong Quality Migrant Scheme to obtain Hong Kong status. These elites themselves have excellent academic qualifications and work backgrounds, and they are located in first-tier cities, so they have clear plans for family planning, career development and children's future education.

They often have three obvious advantages: high net worth, high education, and famous enterprise background.

Employees from large factories have both these advantages and have become the group with the highest probability of applying for Hong Kong status.

At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

Why Hong Kong prefers employees from large factories

There are three main reasons why the Hong Kong Immigration Department prefers employees of large mainland factories in the process of identity approval:

1. There are many scientific and technological talents urgently needed in Hong Kong

At present, among all occupations in Hong Kong, there is a great shortage of technology-based talents.

In 2023, IT talents accounted for 28% of the total number of approved students!

At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

According to the survey, in the next five years, Hong Kong urgently needs about 100,000 new IT talents, including 30,000 software engineers.

The technology talents of major manufacturers such as Huawei, Tencent, and Alibaba are all top leaders in the industry, which is very suitable for the needs of Hong Kong's high-tech industry.

2. How high the income of employees in large factories

In Hong Kong's talent introduction policy, high-income people are preferred, such as high-income Pass A, with an annual income of HK$2.5 million, you can directly get Hong Kong identity.

On the one hand, high income means that it is capable and can create greater economic value for Hong Kong. On the other hand, it means that they can settle down in Hong Kong, and they do not need to apply for public housing, CSSA, etc. in the future, and do not have to crowd out Hong Kong's public welfare.

The income of employees in large factories such as Huawei, Tencent, and Alibaba is generally higher than that of ordinary workers in the mainland, and many middle and senior managers and technical experts can even directly meet the standard of Category A.

3. How many employees of large factories have high education and graduated from prestigious schools

In addition, Hong Kong's talent introduction policy has always been fond of highly educated students, especially those who graduated from top universities. For example, if you have graduated from one of the world's top 100 universities with a bachelor's degree in Class B and C, you can directly get a Hong Kong identity.

It can be that this group of people has a high level of IQ, strong learning ability, a lot of knowledge reserves, and great development prospects, and after obtaining the Hong Kong identity, they have greater potential contributions to Hong Kong.

However, due to the high recruitment threshold of large factories such as Huawei, Tencent, and Alibaba, the employees are basically highly educated and graduated from prestigious universities.

For example, 91% of Huawei's employees have a bachelor's degree or above, and 50% have a master's degree or above.

At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

Employees who have worked for Tencent and Huawei are really "sweet" in the eyes of the Hong Kong Immigration Department, especially executives with technical capabilities and R&D capabilities.

If you have also been working in the game industry, big data, artificial intelligence, financial technology, communication technology and other fields for many years, perhaps many of the Hong Kong talents approved are your colleagues.

If you are interested in Hong Kong identity, you can click the link below to do a professional assessment, and the assessment score of 80 points will be eligible to apply!

Comprehensive Assessment of Hong Kong Identity Planning

The Hong Kong workplace is very tolerant of the age cycle, and not only does not discriminate against the age of 35, but will consider this age to be the age with the best experience and maturity, and there are still 30 years before retirement......

Therefore, many companies will give priority to the age group of 35 years old when they are promoted and raised.

After getting the Hong Kong identity, you can save hundreds of thousands of taxes every year and solve the problem of children's education.

01Family Planning:

Dual status: After applying for permanent residence in Hong Kong, as long as you do not take the initiative to apply for a family permit, the mainland hukou will not be cancelled, that is, you can hold both the mainland hukou and the Hong Kong identity at the same time, and it will not affect the work and life of the two places at all.

Accompanying the whole family: One person applies, the whole family approves, and the spouse and children can obtain status together as dependents.

The focus of life is still on the mainland: Most people plan their status, their career focus is still on the mainland, and Hong Kong has no immigration supervision and the renewal conditions are relaxed. They can emigrate instead of immigrants and continue to work and live on the mainland for a long time.

Hong Kong Treasure has permanent residency in Hong Kong: Hong Kong's population policy is relaxed, and the Hong Kong government encourages more children and is not affected by the mainland's family planning policy. As long as pregnant women are legally resident in Hong Kong, they will receive permanent status directly after birth and enjoy all child benefits.

At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

02 Development Opportunities:

As a highly open and international city in the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong is an international financial, shipping, trade center and aviation hub, and has always played a role in connecting the mainland and international markets, which is full of development opportunities. Entrepreneurship: There is no foreign exchange control for business and trade in Hong Kong, it is convenient to collect and settle foreign exchange, and currency exchange is free. Whether it's business, investment, or entrepreneurship: Hong Kong is definitely the perfect place to expand your business area.

Employment: In 2021, Hong Kong ranked 18th in the world in terms of per capita annual income, with an average salary of US$42,000. Working in Hong Kong not only provides a good salary, but also provides access to more internationally renowned companies, which is a springboard for career advancement.

International presence: Hong Kong enterprises are conducive to increasing international visibility and helping brand building. Hong Kong allows enterprises from any country or region to operate within its borders, which is not only a window to expand the international market, but also a springboard to enter the Chinese mainland market.

03Educational Resources:

Hong Kong's education system is ranked third in the world and meets international standards, with the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the City University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. With Hong Kong identity, you have a great competitive advantage in studying in the mainland, studying in Hong Kong or further study.

Anyone who comes to study in Hong Kong can enjoy the same right to education as both permanent and non-permanent residents.

Hong Kong's 15-year free education (3 years in kindergarten, 6 years in primary school, 3 years in junior high school, and 3 years in high school) is an important reason to attract mainland parents to send their children to study in Hong Kong, including international education, biliteracy and trilingualism, flexible small class teaching, and strong teachers.

Students with Hong Kong status can attend Hong Kong's public primary and secondary schools for free every semester by paying a small fee for books and fees, and enjoy world-class international education resources. Mainland students who apply for Hong Kong undergraduate or postgraduate studies can enjoy the application channel of Hong Kong local students, and get 80% of the places in prestigious universities. Students in the mainland have the status of permanent residence in Hong Kong, and pass the DSE (Hong Kong University Entrance Examination) to directly enter 132 universities in the mainland (including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong and other famous universities).

At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

In addition, Hong Kong permanent residence students can also apply to nearly 320 universities in China through the "Joint Examination for Overseas Chinese Students", and most importantly, the score requirement is very low. The total score is 750 points (the content of the exam is similar to that of mainland candidates), the admission score line of the joint examination for overseas Chinese students: 400 points, 2300 points, 200 points for art candidates, and mainland universities choose the best admission.

Mainland students with Hong Kong status usually have an easy time getting into China's ideal good universities, which is the main reason why parents apply for Hong Kong status.

Overseas students can apply for well-known overseas universities (the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, Canada, etc.) with the DSE results of the Hong Kong College Entrance Examination. Nearly 300 well-known universities in the world recognize and accept DSE exam results. The DSE exam is the only exam in the world that can be answered in Chinese. It is very friendly to Chinese students, it is easier to get high scores, and it helps prestigious universities overseas.

At the age of 35 in the workplace, is Hong Kong a new way out?

04Medical Resources:

The purpose of Hong Kong's healthcare system is to provide all Hong Kong residents with access to high-quality medical services at low prices. Even if they are not permanent residents, their children can be vaccinated for free.

Hong Kong has high levels of both inside and outside, women, childbirth and children, as well as individual areas such as lung, liver, bowel and breast cancers in Europe and the United States.

Persons with a Hong Kong Identity Card or Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card are eligible to use the heavily subsidised public healthcare services. Healthcare in Hong Kong is almost always free, costing only HK$100 per day for a stay in a public hospital. Both Chinese and Western medicine can meet medical needs. If you want to receive better medical care, you can also opt for a private hospital, where you have to pay for it yourself.

05 Tax Incentives:

Hong Kong's tax system has two characteristics: one is the simplicity of the tax system, and the other is the low tax rate. There is no double taxation in Hong Kong and there is no inheritance, interest, capital, business, sales, value-added tax, gift tax or capital gains tax. In addition, Hong Kong has also signed "Double Taxation Agreements" with many countries and regions around the world, and products can enter the mainland with zero tariff.

In general, a Hong Kong identity can bring a series of advantages to the applicant's family, such as education, taxation, medical care, freedom of passage, etc. In terms of education, not only can you enjoy Hong Kong's first educational resources in Asia, but also add the two tracks of the Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Joint Entrance Examination and the Hong Kong College Entrance Examination in the college entrance examination stage, with less competition and broader prospects - Hong Kong local universities are given priority admission, European and American universities are seamlessly connected, and domestic 985, 211 and other first-class undergraduates can also be easily enrolled.

If you are interested in Hong Kong identity, you can click the link below to do a professional assessment, and the assessment score of 80 points will be eligible to apply!

Comprehensive Assessment of Hong Kong Identity Planning

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