
Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

author:Ningning Entertainment Show


In the match against Thailand on June 7, the Chinese national football team failed to achieve the desired victory, and the result of the draw disappointed the fans.

After the game, the attitude of the players and coaches became the focus of public attention.

Captain Wang Dalei and head coach Ivankovic both expressed their apologies and took responsibility, showing the responsibility of leaders.

Key players Baihelam and Zhang Yuning reflected and showed confidence respectively.

However, the silence of naturalized player Fernando has raised questions among fans.

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

The game was not only a sporting competition, but also a test of the attitude and responsibility of the players.

This matchup attracted the attention of countless fans, and everyone followed the progress of the game with anticipation and nervousness.

In the end, the game ended in a draw, and this result was like a pebble thrown into the lake, stirring up layers of waves, and the various attitudes and responses of the players and coaches after the game became the focus of public opinion.

Captain Wang Dalei, the soul of the team, stood up for the first time after the game.

In front of many media and fans, he made no secret of his inner self-blame.

He sincerely apologized to the fans, saying: "I have an unshirkable responsibility for the result of this game, and as the captain, I should do better. ”

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

His voice was firm and powerful, giving a sense of his grief at the result and his determination to take responsibility.

Wang Dalei is well aware of his mission, and he said that in the next crucial game against the South Korean team, he will lead his teammates to go all out and strive for victory with a more fighting spirit, and he will use practical actions to make up for this regret.

Head coach Ivankovic, the experienced coach, has also shown admirable responsibility.

In his post-match press conference, he solemnly apologized for the result and the team's performance.

He said: "As a manager, I am responsible for the draw, it is my tactical arrangement and on-the-spot command that is lacking.

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

His words revealed his dissatisfaction with the team's performance, but at the same time showed his courage to take responsibility.

Ivankovic is full of confidence in the future of Chinese football, and he promised to continue to work hard, lead the team to continue to move forward, and contribute to the development of Chinese football.

The key player, Baihelam, a young man who has played well in the game, has a maturity and reflection beyond his years.

Although he scored a crucial goal, he admitted in his post-match interview that he was not doing enough.

'I scored but I know I can do better in a lot of ways. He analysed his performance objectively and did not get complacent about his goal.

He is full of expectations for the future and hopes that he can continue to improve and contribute more to the team.

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

This spirit of reflection in Baihoram shows his love for football and his desire to grow up.

Substitute Jang Yuning, a player who has always had a dream, also expressed his firm confidence in the next match against South Korea.

"We will not be discouraged by this draw, on the contrary, we will work harder to prepare for the game against South Korea," he said. He thanked the fans for their continued support and knew they were the driving force behind the team.

Zhang Yuning emphasized the importance of a positive attitude, and he believes that only by maintaining a positive attitude can we be indomitable and continue to move forward in the face of difficulties.

He believes that as long as the team is united, they will be able to do well against South Korea.

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

However, the performance of naturalized player Fernando was a big disappointment.

He missed a number of chances in this crucial match, and after the game he chose to remain silent.

He didn't take the initiative to take responsibility like other players, which raised questions about his sense of responsibility.

This silence exposes a lack of responsibility on the part of the naturalized players, who do not seem to be fully integrated into the team and do not really understand the responsibilities they shoulder.

The appearance of all beings after this game is like a picture scroll, showing the different attitudes and mental outlook within the team.

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

Wang Dalei's responsibility and responsibility let people see the demeanor of an excellent captain; Ivankovic's apology and promise have made people look forward to the future of the team; Baihelam's reflection and expectations make people feel the growth and progress of young people; Zhang Yuning's confidence and support let people see the unity and vitality of the team.

Fernando's silence is a wake-up call to focus on the responsibility of our players.

Responsibility, reflection and a positive mindset are all indispensable qualities for a good team.

In the world of football, there are no eternal winners, only pursuers who keep working hard and keep improving.

The Chinese national football team needs every player to have a strong sense of responsibility and the courage to assume their own responsibilities, only in this way can the team be indomitable in the face of difficulties and keep moving forward.

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

The spirit of reflection can help players to learn from the lessons and improve their technical and tactical skills.

A positive attitude is an important guarantee for the team to achieve good results, and only by maintaining a positive attitude can we play at the best level in the game.

Looking back at the game, we see where the team is lacking, but at the same time we see hope.

We believe that as long as the players can maintain this sense of responsibility, reflection and positive attitude, the future of Chinese football will be brighter.

We call on all players to be more responsible, whether they are local players or naturalized players, to work hard for the glory of the team.

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

Let us look forward to the national football team showing stronger strength and more tenacious spirit in future competitions, and writing a new glorious chapter for Chinese football.

In the coming days, we will continue to pay attention to the performance of the national football team and look forward to more surprises and touches from them.

We believe that with the joint efforts of all players and coaches, the Chinese national football team will be able to achieve better results in the international arena, win honor for the country and bring joy to the fans.

Let's cheer for the Chinese national football team and work hard for the future of Chinese football!

Wang Dalei apologized after the game: Zhang Yuning admitted his mistake, but the person who should apologize most to the national football team did not admit his mistake

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