
Hong Kong is not joking, playing the national anthem without standing, disrespecting the national flag, will really be arrested!

author:The cat that can't be asked

June 6th was a big day for us football fans in Hong Kong. The World Cup qualifiers in Asia have ignited here in Hong Kong, which is not just as simple as watching the game, but also a big show of our Hong Kong spirit. Unexpectedly, when such a big guy was excited and thinking about it together, there was a little episode, which made people feel complicated.

Hong Kong is not joking, playing the national anthem without standing, disrespecting the national flag, will really be arrested!

On that day, the Hong Kong fans on the stadium were all like chickens, full of enthusiasm, and the rules were well done. The national anthem came together, and everyone automatically and spontaneously stood up straight and quietly, which was a respect for our country and full of expectations for the upcoming game.

Hong Kong is not joking, playing the national anthem without standing, disrespecting the national flag, will really be arrested!

But at such a solemn time, there were three people, and their actions were particularly eye-catching. The national anthem was played, but they did not stand facing the national flag, which not only ruined the atmosphere at the time, but also made the people next to them feel uncomfortable.

We have regulations in Hong Kong that whoever wants to disrespect the national anthem in a public place is guilty of a crime, and if you don't do it, you will have to go to three years in prison and pay a fine of 50,000 yuan. This fan is making such a fuss, which is tantamount to fighting the law. The police uncles were so resolute that they immediately began to investigate, collect evidence, and ensure that the authority of the law was not underestimated.

Hong Kong is not joking, playing the national anthem without standing, disrespecting the national flag, will really be arrested!

As soon as this incident came out, the Hong Kong society exploded. Some people feel that the police have overreacted, saying that just the individual actions of a few fans will not make such a big move. However, there are also a large number of people who support the police's approach, believing that this is to do things according to law and protect the dignity of the country, and they cannot be sloppy at all.

In fact, in the final analysis, whether it is watching a football game or any other occasion, respecting the national anthem is our basic quality as citizens. The national anthem is not just a song, it sings about the history and culture of our country, as well as the spirit of our country. When the national anthem sounds, we should put aside the little bit of personal Jiujiu and give it the most formal treatment seriously.

Hong Kong is not joking, playing the national anthem without standing, disrespecting the national flag, will really be arrested!

As for the three fans who behaved out of line, we have to be a little understanding and tolerant. Maybe they just didn't figure it out for a while, or they had some grievances in their hearts. But this is by no means a reason to casually challenge the law and take the national anthem inappropriately. Before the law, everyone is equal, and what you do, you have to bear the consequences.

This incident also reminds us that when we enjoy the joy of sports, don't forget that we still have to protect the dignity of the country. We have to learn to participate in every public activity in a more civilized and rational way, and work together to make our society more harmonious and orderly.

Hong Kong is not joking, playing the national anthem without standing, disrespecting the national flag, will really be arrested!

This World Cup qualifier is not only a lively football game, but also a test of the level of civilization in Hong Kong's society. We need to learn from this incident, improve our legal awareness, enhance our sense of social responsibility, and everyone has to contribute to building a better Hong Kong.

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