
#头条创作挑战赛#又到佳节, the boat race in the mountains coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival, and the dragon boat of others and my bamboo row in my hometown are not also very beautiful.

author:Apricot blossom shadow 123


It's the festive season again, and the people in the mountains are boating

coincided with the Dragon Boat Festival, and other people's dragon boats and my bamboo rows

My hometown, isn't it also beautiful?

#头条创作挑战赛#又到佳节, the boat race in the mountains coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival, and the dragon boat of others and my bamboo row in my hometown are not also very beautiful.
#头条创作挑战赛#又到佳节, the boat race in the mountains coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival, and the dragon boat of others and my bamboo row in my hometown are not also very beautiful.
#头条创作挑战赛#又到佳节, the boat race in the mountains coincides with the Dragon Boat Festival, and the dragon boat of others and my bamboo row in my hometown are not also very beautiful.

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