
Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

author:Colorful clouds
Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

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Renewed turmoil in the South China Sea: The Philippines' assertive posture and the U.S. behind-the-scenes drivers

In recent years, the Philippines has been tough on the South China Sea issue, frequently provoking disputes with China, and the shadow of the United States looms behind it

Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

Since the 10s of the 21st century, with the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength, the United States has felt that its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region has been challenged, so it has begun to implement the "pivot to the Asia-Pacific" strategy in an attempt to win over the Philippines and other countries surrounding the South China Sea to contain China

In recent years, nationalist sentiment in the Philippines has been on the rise, and some politicians have been hyping up the South China Sea issue and taking a tough stance against China in order to gain political benefits

Scarborough Shoal: The epicenter of the storm in the South China Sea

Among the many disputed islands and reefs in the South China Sea, Scarborough Shoal has become the center of the storm in the South China Sea due to its special geographical location and strategic value

Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

Huangyan Dao is located in the north-central part of the South China Sea, about 230 kilometers away from Luzon Island in the Philippines and about 600 kilometers away from Chinese mainland, guarding the important shipping lanes of the South China Sea

It is precisely for this reason that in recent years, the Philippines has continuously strengthened its so-called "sovereignty" declaration over Scarborough Shoal, and has even tried to enlist the intervention of the United States and other foreign forces in order to gain more bargaining chips on the Scarborough Shoal issue

The military ambitions of the Philippines: opening up bases to lure wolves in

In order to realize its ambitions in the South China Sea, the Philippines has continuously strengthened military cooperation with the United States in recent years, and even did not hesitate to open domestic military bases for the use of the US military, in an attempt to use the power of the United States to counter China

Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

In 2022, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. took office, continuing the pro-US policy of his predecessor Duterte, further strengthening military cooperation with the United States, and agreeing to open more military bases to the United States, a move that immediately alerted China and added more uncertainties to the situation in the South China Sea

The Philippines' move is tantamount to luring the wolf into the house and introducing foreign forces into the South China Sea, which will not only not help resolve the South China Sea issue, but will aggravate regional tensions and further complicate the South China Sea issue

U.S. Military Deterrence: Showing Muscle Sword Guide to the Sea

In recent years, the United States has continuously strengthened its military presence in the South China Sea, frequently sending warships and military aircraft to the South China Sea to conduct military exercises and reconnaissance activities, in an attempt to "flex its muscles" to deter China militarily and obstruct China's assertion of its sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea

Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

In addition to frequent military exercises and cruises, the United States has also continuously strengthened military cooperation with the Philippines and other countries surrounding the South China Sea, providing them with weapons and equipment and military training, and encouraging them to take a tough stance against China on the South China Sea issue in an attempt to "internationalize" the South China Sea issue so that it can benefit from it

These moves by the United States have not only seriously damaged China's core interests, but also seriously threatened peace and stability in the South China Sea and pushed the situation in the South China Sea to an even more dangerous brink

China's response strategy: Firmly uphold sovereignty and maintain peace in the South China Sea

In the face of provocations by the Philippines and military deterrence by the United States, China has always maintained a high degree of restraint and calmness, unswervingly defended its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and actively promoted the settlement of disputes in the South China Sea through dialogue and consultation, and was committed to maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea

Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

China is ready to work with ASEAN countries to fully and effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, actively promote consultations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, and jointly build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation

China has the confidence, ability and determination to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, and will unswervingly defend its territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests

The future of the South China Sea: win-win cooperation is the right way

Peace and stability in the South China Sea are related to the common interests of all countries in the region

Guo Zhengliang warned: The real contest between China and the United States is Scarborough Shoal, and if China reclaims the sea, the United States may directly blow it up

China has always advocated resolving disputes in the South China Sea through dialogue and consultation, and is willing to work with ASEAN countries to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation, and make greater contributions to regional and world peace and development

I believe that as long as the countries in the region can unite and work together, they will be able to overcome difficulties, resolve differences, and achieve long-term peace and stability in the South China Sea

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