
Goodbye Cai Bin, goodbye Chinese women's volleyball team, Hong Kong's first person to leave the team was exposed! The fans bombarded, and Zhu Ting regretted it

author:Junior Disc Sports
Goodbye Cai Bin, goodbye Chinese women's volleyball team, Hong Kong's first person to leave the team was exposed! The fans bombarded, and Zhu Ting regretted it

The Chinese women's volleyball team is preparing for the World Women's Volleyball League in Hong Kong and is about to start a high-profile match. However, a sudden turmoil shattered the peace of preparations. Olympic champion Ding Xia suddenly announced her departure from the team, a news that caused huge shocks and doubts among fans.

Head coach Cai Bin admitted that Ding Xia was unable to participate due to health reasons and was forced to return to Beijing early for adjustment. As soon as the news broke, fans expressed their opinions. Some fans expressed their understanding and believed that the health problems of athletes cannot be ignored, after all, they are also human beings and need proper rest and adjustment. But there are also many fans who are skeptical of Cai Bin's decision-making, believing that he has deviations in the selection of personnel.

On the Internet, fans are hotly discussing this topic. Some netizens "Volleyball Maniac" commented: "Cai Bin's decision is a bit inexplicable, Ding Xia is obviously in good shape, why do you have to let her rest?" Isn't that a blow to the team's morale? Another netizen "Green Tea Sister" said: "I think Cai Bin didn't handle it properly this time, Ding Xia, as a core member of the team, leaving the team will affect the stability of the entire team." ”

Regarding Ding Xia's departure, fans also expressed their concern and blessings to her. Some netizens "Volleyball Little Confused" wrote: "I hope Ding Xia can recover as soon as possible, return to the court, and bring more honors to the national team!" And "I love volleyball" left a message: "Ding Xia is our pride, her departure is a loss for the team, but we believe that she will overcome difficulties and return to the game." ”

Goodbye Cai Bin, goodbye Chinese women's volleyball team, Hong Kong's first person to leave the team was exposed! The fans bombarded, and Zhu Ting regretted it

In addition, fans also put forward suggestions and opinions on the selection of Cai Bin's 15-man roster in Hong Kong. They believe that young players should be given more opportunities to show their quality in the game. Some fans "volleyball fan girl" said: "Cai Bin is too conservative, and more young players should be considered, such as Xu Xiaoting, she has great potential and is fully capable of taking on important tasks!" And the "volleyball little expert" suggested: "Maybe Cai Bin should let Ding Xia rest for a period of time to restore her state to the best, which is more beneficial to the overall interests of the team." ”

Cai Bin's decision sparked more controversy among fans. Some fans supported his insistence, believing that it was out of trust in Ding Xia and responsibility for the entire team. In the fan base, someone left a message: "I think Cai Bin did the right thing, Ding Xia is a key figure in the team, and he believes that she can overcome difficulties and lead us to good results." Another fan said: "Ding Xia is the core of the women's volleyball team, Cai Bin chooses to believe her, this is to bring more stability to the team, and I support his decision." ”

However, there are also many fans who have different views on Cai Bin's approach. On online forums, some fans are talking about this topic. Someone commented: "I think Cai Bin's decision this time is too risky, Ding Xia's health problems cannot be ignored, and he should take more into account the overall interests of the team." Someone else ridiculed: "Is Cai Bin too persistent, if it weren't for him, Ding Xia would have rested a long time ago, now it's okay, not only Ding Xia left the team, but the team is also facing greater challenges." ”

Goodbye Cai Bin, goodbye Chinese women's volleyball team, Hong Kong's first person to leave the team was exposed! The fans bombarded, and Zhu Ting regretted it

Ding Xia's departure also had a certain impact on other members of the team, especially Zhu Ting. On Weibo, Zhu Ting published a long article expressing her feelings and regrets for Ding Xia: "Sister Ding Xia is our spiritual pillar, and I feel sorry for her departure, but I believe she will come back soon." And some fans also left messages in the comment area, expressing their hope that Zhu Ting can shoulder more responsibilities and bring more honor to the team. Someone praised: "Zhu Ting is our leader, and I believe she will definitely bring us more victories!" ”

Ding Xia's departure is not only her personal decision, but also has a certain impact on the entire team. In the team, especially for Zhu Ting, Ding Xia's presence is irreplaceable. Although Ding Xia laughed at her limited contribution on the field, her stabilizing role in the team was undeniable. In the fan circle, some of Zhu Ting's die-hard fans expressed their opinions. Someone left a message on Weibo: "Sister Ding Xia's departure is very heart-wrenching, she is not only a teammate, but also Zhu Ting's spiritual pillar." Another fan said: "Although Ding Xia's retirement is regrettable, it also provides more opportunities for young players, and I hope Zhu Ting can shoulder more responsibilities and bring more victories to the team!" ”

Goodbye Cai Bin, goodbye Chinese women's volleyball team, Hong Kong's first person to leave the team was exposed! The fans bombarded, and Zhu Ting regretted it

Regarding Cai Bin's command, fans expressed different opinions. Some fans believe that Cai Bin should give young players more opportunities to get more exercise and growth in the game. On social platforms, a fan left a message: "Cai Bin's decision is a bit conservative, and more consideration should be given to the development of young players." Another fan has a different opinion: "Although Ding Xia's departure is regrettable, it is also for the adjustment of the team, and I believe Cai Bin will make the right decision." "The coach has done this, the senior management is not satisfied, the players do not trust, the masses have opinions, what else do you have to do, resign, don't be ordered to resign in the end, then it will be a shame." The remark sparked a discussion, with many fans giving their opinions on the issue.

In a fan WeChat group, someone expressed his opinion: "Indeed, if the coach has lost trust in the players and the management, then what is the point of continuing to coach?" Resigning may be the best option. Another netizen left a message: "I think this situation may be caused by many reasons, not only the responsibility of the coach, we can't blindly blame him." ”

On social platforms, some netizens also discussed this matter. Someone wrote: "If the coach has lost trust, then his stay on will only make the situation worse." Another netizen said: "Maybe we should give the coach some time to adjust and improve, after all, he also has his difficulties." ”

Goodbye Cai Bin, goodbye Chinese women's volleyball team, Hong Kong's first person to leave the team was exposed! The fans bombarded, and Zhu Ting regretted it

This discussion has been going on online for some time, reflecting the concerns and concerns of fans about the current state of the coach and the team. They want to see a more harmonious and consistent team that can show their best form in the game.

In the prospect of preparing for the Hong Kong station, fans are still full of confidence in the Chinese women's volleyball team, but they are full of worries about Cai Bin's command. Some fans called on Cai Bin to be able to command reasonably and give young players more opportunities to cope with the challenges ahead. They hope that the women's volleyball team can show its best condition in Hong Kong and once again prove the strength and resilience of the Chinese women's volleyball team. At this critical moment, fans hope that the women's volleyball team can achieve better results and bring more glory to the national team.

Goodbye Cai Bin, goodbye Chinese women's volleyball team, Hong Kong's first person to leave the team was exposed! The fans bombarded, and Zhu Ting regretted it

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