
One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

author:Jiande Procuratorate

  The sales elite and team were hired with high salaries, and not only did not improve their performance, but they fell into labor disputes, which is a bad thing experienced by hundreds of companies in Shanghai.

  It wasn't until the police intervened that the companies realized that they had been the victim of a salary fraud. In just two years, the salary fraudsters defrauded hundreds of companies of more than 50 million yuan.

Two years

Defrauded hundreds of companies of more than 50 million yuan

  What kind of fraud tactics did the wage fraud gang use? Let's start with the story of a company that was killed.

  In March 2021, an asset management company in Shanghai launched an asset management product for high-net-worth individuals, which required salespeople to expand the market, so the company released a recruitment posting, and soon a candidate named Guan Moumou attracted the attention of the person in charge of the company and stood out.

  At the same time, another candidate Zuo Moumou also has rich experience in the financial field, in order to improve performance as soon as possible, the company has hired Guan Moumou and Zuo Moumou, after reaching the employment intention, Guan Moumou and Zuo Moumou also put forward a request to the company at the same time, that is, to join the company with the sales team under the previous hand.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  In the end, Guan Moumou and Zuo Moumou respectively joined the asset management company with their sales team, Guan Moumou and Zuo Moumou are both sales directors, with a basic salary of 20,000 yuan and 15,000 yuan respectively, in addition to business commissions. After that, the onboarding, business development, and weekly work reports seemed normal, and these salespeople would also bring customers to the company to discuss business, but two months later, no business was negotiated.

  Due to the delay in performance, Mr. Qi, the head of the company, felt both confused and anxious. Subsequently, he proposed to the two sales teams of Guan Moumou and Zuo Moumou that if there is no performance, the salary will be halved. But what Mr. Qi didn't expect was that not only did the performance still not improve after that, but the people from the two sales teams also disappeared one after another.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Mr. Qi, the person in charge of the victim company: At the beginning, there were various reasons to leave the job, there was something in my hometown, someone in my family was sick, anyway, there were various reasons, basically everyone lost contact by the fourth month. For business owners, I stopped my loss in the third month, and my overall loss at that time was about 300,000 yuan.

  paid a salary of 300,000 yuan, wasted 3 months, and received nothing. In August 2022, another online technology company in Shanghai also posted an announcement to recruit salespeople, and soon a candidate surnamed Yang was hired by the company for his excellent work history and sales ability.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  After gaining the favor of Mr. Luo, the person in charge of the company, Yang Moumou put forward a request to let his sales team join the company, and the company finally agreed to Yang's request. Starting from September 2022, Yang Moumou and his sales team of a total of 8 people have joined this network technology company, Yang Moumou's position is sales director, with a monthly salary of 30,000 plus sales commission, and a monthly salary of 10,000 for other sales personnel.

  On the first day of employment, the boss Luo found that none of the 8 people, including Yang, came to the company. After calling Yang Moumou, he got such a reply.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Mr. Luo, the person in charge of the victim company: Our sales people are in the market, and there is no need to be on duty, as long as we build a group, it is equivalent to punching in the group, and it is OK to report for a while.

  A month later, Mr. Luo, the person in charge of the company, proposed to hold several roadshows to introduce the project content to customers in detail, and let the sales team organize target customers to participate. Three roadshows followed, and although dozens of customers participated in these events, none of them actually invested.

  Soon the time came to the third month, at this time, the company had paid more than 200,000 yuan to Yang Moumou and his sales team, but it never negotiated a deal. As a result, the company came up with the idea of terminating the labor contract, and a labor dispute arose between the two parties.

One person works for two companies at the same time

Two disputes are now emerging

  Just when Yang Moumou had a labor dispute with this network technology company, Yang Moumou also had a labor dispute with another consulting company. It is said that it is impossible for a person to work in two companies at the same time, what is going on with Yang Moumou? A document sent by Yang Moumou by mistake exposed his own elaborate scam.

  In September 2022, a corporate consulting company in Shanghai released a recruitment information for a sales position, and a very qualified candidate with both professional background and work experience was quickly favored by this company, and this person was Yang Moumou.

  Yang Moumou successfully obtained the position of sales director in this corporate consulting company, with a basic salary of 25,000 yuan, in addition to a monthly reimbursement amount. When going through the entry procedures for Yang Moumou in this company, there was a problem with the housing provident fund payment.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Ms. Sun, the manager of the victim company: I paid a gold fund, but I couldn't pay it, everyone thought it was very strange, so we asked the finance department to check, but we had to take his ID card to check, we couldn't find it, we wanted to take his own. The boss also said that the finance should not doubt him, so he didn't have to worry about him, so he didn't pay it if he couldn't pay it, so he paid five insurances.

  However, after a period of time, the company found that Yang Moumou not only made no progress in his business, but also reimbursed very abnormally every month, including the purchase of mobile phones, jewelry, and even moving, in addition to transportation, catering, and entertainment.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  After paying Yang Moumou's salary and reimbursement expenses totaling 86,000 yuan, at the end of November 2022, the company's finance asked Yang Moumou to reconcile the reimbursed expenses, and then Yang Moumou sent a picture of the document, but the company's finance found that this was not a statement, but a notice of wage dispute between Yang Moumou and the network technology company mentioned in the previous program.

  Subsequently, the company got in touch with the network technology company on the notice, and after checking, the two companies found out that from September to November 2022, Yang Moumou actually worked for both of them at the same time, and then the two companies reported the case to the police together.


One person actually joined 211 companies

  After receiving the report, the police found that these cases were not isolated cases, but a series of wage fraud cases that had been committed continuously for two years. In the ensuing concentrated arrest operation, the police have arrested more than 200 people who cheated wages. One of them actually joined 211 companies and defrauded his salary of more than 2.76 million yuan.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  In the process of reviewing the case, the procuratorate found that these salary fraudsters applied for sales positions, and what they pursued was to cheat more salaries for more companies in the shortest possible time, that is, to join as many companies as possible at the same time, and at the same time carry out salary fraud, among which a suspect named Xu Moumou is particularly prominent.

  Wang Gang, Assistant Procurator of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: Since January 2020, Xu Moumou has joined a total of 197 units, and the total salary income received is more than 2.06 million yuan, and the maximum number of companies hired in a single month is 17. We counted that the salary of his 17 companies is more than 100,000 yuan, which means that he has an income of more than 100,000 yuan a month.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Xu's wife, Guan Moumou, is also a salary fraudster, and she claims that her "monthly performance can reach hundreds of millions". According to the investigation, Guan Moumou's salary fraud is also shocking.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Wang Gang, Assistant Procurator of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: Since January 2021, a total of 211 companies have been hired, and the salary income received is more than 2.76 million yuan, and the maximum number of companies hired in a single month is 23, which is a little more than Xu.

  And Yang Moumou, another salary fraud person mentioned in the program, was found to be audited that in more than two years, Yang Moumou's salary fraud income amounted to more than 740,000 yuan. After investigation, in addition to Xu Moumou, Guan Moumou, and Yang Moumou, among the more than 200 people involved in the case, there were dozens of people who defrauded more than 500,000 yuan, and the total amount of salary fraud in the whole case exceeded more than 5,000 yuan.

Capture the psychology of business owners

Fictional eye-catching resumes

  Why do these professional wage fraudsters succeed repeatedly? In the course of handling the case, the judicial authorities found that in order to gain the trust of the recruiting companies and win job opportunities, these salary fraudsters were fully prepared, not only grasping the psychology of these companies' thirst for performance, but also building themselves into "perfect candidates" for different positions.

  In the course of handling the case, the judicial authorities found that these salary fraudsters had carried out premeditated and meticulous planning in all aspects of the application, which could be described as full of routines.

  According to the case-handling organs, most of the victim companies sought by these wage fraudsters were small financial and wealth management companies, because the sales positions of such companies usually do not have to sit on duty, and the background checks are relatively relaxed, so it is convenient for them to commit fraud in multiple companies at the same time. In order to be able to successfully deceive, these salary fraudsters will first make a fuss on the resumes they submit.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Defendant Tao Moumou: I can clearly see his requirements on some direct recruitment websites, since he has any requirements, then according to what requirements to standard our own personal settings, for example, they may require graduation from a prestigious school or an economic major, or a background in a bank, etc., we will first change the academic qualifications to that kind of MBA or EMBA, which mainly shows that we have such strength.

  After investigation, the two suspects, Xu Moumou and Yang Moumou, both graduated from junior high school, but after "packaging", they turned into college graduates majoring in finance or economics in their resumes, but these graduation certificates and degree certificates were forged by them. As for their previous work experience, they will also make up for it.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Xue Song, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: For long-term resumes, they will look for some relatively large companies, or even fabricate some fake companies. Fake separation certificates, the units shown on them tend to be very small. The contact information of small companies is not easy to verify, and some large companies are relatively old and not easy to verify.

  This electronic bank statement with a monthly salary of more than 30,000 yuan and a commission of about 100,000 yuan is another important tool forged by these wage fraudsters. Through these fake salary commissions, they can not only claim higher salaries and benefits, but also prove their ability to complete large financing or sales performance from another aspect.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Shi Wei, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: Employers focus on performance, and even in competition with each other, they do not shy away from digging up the wall foot, that is, digging the sales champion of other companies. In this case, I was stunned by surprise, and I neglected these audits.

  In addition, these salary fraudsters sometimes offer to bring their teams to the recruiting company, and it stands to reason that the more people there are, the easier it is to be exposed, so why would they do this? According to the prosecutor handling the case, there is still a drive of interests behind this.

  Shi Wei, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: If the head person leads the group into the team, their commission will also reach more than 40%.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Defendant Tao Moumou: For example, if you get a salary of 8,000, you have to give me 50%, that is, you have to spit out 4,000 to me, so some people may lead a team, and he will earn 20,000 or 30,000 yuan a month, but with everyone in his team giving him cashback, he can earn as much as 100,000 yuan a month.

Deliberately delay the payment of social security to prevent exposure

  According to the regulations, a worker can only pay social security and provident fund in one company, and there is an obstacle to joining multiple companies at the same time to cheat salaries, and frequent changes of units to pay social security and provident fund will also arouse the vigilance of the recruiting company. How do these wage fraudsters get around this obstacle?

  Xue Song, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: If the real social security is found out, the victim unit will find that it is changing the unit that pays social security every month, so it is easy to show the truth, so they refuse the victim unit to pay social security for themselves.

  Defendant Tao Moumou: He will only delay, that is, the previous company did not quit or something, and I am also negotiating with the previous company, maybe the personnel of the previous company has already left, or he may directly negotiate with the boss, saying that if you pay me after I become a regular, the boss will also think that this is very good, and I will save a sum of money.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  For this reason, these wage fraudsters are often able to get through the victim company with ease, and then in order to scam as much as possible, they will start their "show". Since there are often no hard and fast requirements for attendance in sales positions, salary scammers will claim to be out running business on a daily basis and regularly provide fake project progress reports and work logs to create the illusion of hard work.

  However, after a long time, there has been no performance, which will inevitably arouse the company's suspicion. In order to continue to fool around, the salary fraudsters will also find "trust" to play fake customers.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Writing fake work logs and finding "trusts" to impersonate customers are called "stabilizing the market" in the circle of wage fraudsters, with only one purpose, that is, to prolong the salary fraud time as much as possible and get more salaries. Generally, when the three-month probationary period is approaching, the employer will lose patience with the salary cheating personnel who have never performed well, and put forward a request to terminate the labor relationship or stop paying the salary less. At this point, the wage fraudsters will use their tried-and-true "killer tricks".

  Shi Wei, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: After they left their posts, their main focus was to turn their faces and use so-called legal means such as labor arbitration.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Xue Song, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: From the perspective of the labor arbitration institution at that time, he saw one case at a time, and he couldn't see the essence of these people's use of false means to cheat wages, so they could only look at it on the surface, and I provided you with labor services for a few months. Although there is no performance, according to the contract, you should pay me a basic salary, so in this case, it is often inclined to protect the rights and interests of the workers, but in fact, these wage fraudsters are not workers, so the victim often becomes a so-called vulnerable group in labor arbitration, either losing the lawsuit, or mediation between the two parties.

Occupational wage fraud crowds out normal employment

Undermining the business environment

  Wage fraud not only causes the victim company's salary loss and business stagnation, but also seriously occupies the employment opportunities of normal job seekers, and also causes damage to the overall business environment. According to the prosecutor handling the case, in addition to the deceptive nature of the modus operandi, these cases have also exposed problems such as lax management of relevant enterprises, information barriers between enterprises and enterprises, and between various departments.

  From October 2023, the Shanghai Pudong New Area People's Procuratorate has successively prosecuted Yang, Xu, Zuo and others for fraud.

  The Shanghai Pudong New Area People's Court successively sentenced Yang, Xu, Zuo, and others to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from 11 years and three months to eight months for the crime of fraud, and imposed corresponding fines. After analyzing the causes of the crime of occupational wage fraud, the procuratorate believes that the victim company has loopholes or lax management in the recruitment process, background investigation, social security provident fund payment, daily management, etc., so that the salary fraud personnel have an opportunity to take advantage of.

  The procuratorial organs issued procuratorial suggestions to 64 units in eight industries, including finance and sales, to help them strengthen and standardize personnel management, performance management, social security contributions, etc., and reduce the risk of being defrauded.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Shi Wei, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: In fact, we found that it is relatively simple to check the academic qualifications of these salary fraudsters on the Xuexin Network. At the threshold of recruitment, standardize the entry procedures, especially to pay social security in a timely manner, when managing this pass, we suggest that there is actually a scientific assessment mechanism, and it is not because of the management of his unlimited grace in order to make performance.

One person joins 211 companies, the conspiracy of "perfect candidate".

  Among the more than 200 wage fraudsters involved, more than 70 have filed labor arbitrations, all of which ended in the victims' losing cases. There is a lack of information exchange and mutual sharing platforms between enterprises, and the information on the entry and resignation, social security payment, labor arbitration, and litigation of salary fraudsters is scattered in various administrative departments, and enterprises and relevant departments cannot grasp and judge the situation of professional salary fraud from the overall situation, and there is a problem of information barriers. In this regard, the procuratorial organs have begun to coordinate with all parties to jointly build an information exchange and linkage mechanism.

  Xue Song, Prosecutor of the First Procuratorate Department of the People's Procuratorate of Pudong New Area, Shanghai: How can we unite these departments to put an end to these cases, and from the perspective of institutional mechanism construction, including how to connect with us in a timely manner in the future, and establish a common database or blacklist, etc., to prevent this from happening.

Source: CCTV news client