
What are the main reasons for the fact that Zuo Lanyu is already a husband and wife?

author:Soar and chat

In the TV series lurking, the male protagonist Yu Zecheng seems to be suave and suave, Yushu is in the wind, and he has emotional entanglements with many women. But in the final analysis, Yu Zecheng's favorite is Zuo Lan, on the one hand, because Zuo Lan is Yu Zecheng's first love; On the other hand, the two can also be called a loving couple who cherish each other. Although the two are only in a short-term relationship, they may already be husband and wife, what are the main reasons?

What are the main reasons for the fact that Zuo Lanyu is already a husband and wife?

Left blue

First, Yu Zecheng and Zuo Lan's love is deep, and it has reached the point of talking about marriage

Although Zuo Lan in the play does not appear many times, he has left a deep impression on us with his super high appearance and heroic image. And Zuo Lan, as Yu Zecheng's first love, was in a good time in life when the two fell in love, handsome men and beautiful women, talented and beautiful women were passionate and concubines, if it were not for the barrier of faith, they would definitely be a good match at that time. And Zuo Lan, as Yu Zecheng's fiancée at that time, has actually reached the point of talking about marriage, and it is naturally reasonable for adult men and women to cross the realm of Lei Chi.

What are the main reasons for the fact that Zuo Lanyu is already a husband and wife?


The second is that Yu Ze became Zuo Lan to change his position, and Zuo Lan has been single for him for many years

In the play, Yu Zecheng, as an outstanding agent of the military system at that time and a young talent from the Qingpu class, was received by Dai Li and promoted to the rank of major after the successful assassination of Li Haifeng. Originally, the background of the time seemed to have a great future, but he was able to abandon the darkness and risk his life to lurk. Among them, his lover Zuo Lan played a decisive role in his change. As an excellent representative of Communist Party women, Zuo Lan is intellectually elegant, generous, and has countless suitors around her. Zuo Lan was able to remain single for Yu Zecheng for many years after going to Yan'an, which shows that the depth of the relationship between the two is even better than that of husband and wife.

What are the main reasons for the fact that Zuo Lanyu is already a husband and wife?


The third is that Yu Ze was firm in his establishment, but he fell for Zuo Lan's "beauty plan"

Speaking of the male protagonist Yu Zecheng, he was able to repeatedly perform miraculous feats from the crisis-ridden Tianjin Station, and constantly smashed the enemy's conspiracies one by one. It is inseparable from Yu Zecheng's wisdom and firm communist will. And in Yu Zecheng's successful life, the real "gutter overturned" was Zuo Lan's love, and when he was still a military commander agent, he had the voice of his lover Zuo Lan in the surveillance. even violated the regulations and let Zuo Lan and his party go. Later, when Zuo Lan persuaded him, Yu Zecheng's words also revealed the true relationship between the two: "You are not sent by the other party" and "beauty plan". As the strict logic of the military command, the beauty plan may not be as simple as hugging and hugging.

What are the main reasons for the fact that Zuo Lanyu is already a husband and wife?


In the end, although Yu Zecheng and Zuo Lan did not come together, they had already been married and walked together in their hearts. And Zuo Lan's love for Yu Zecheng is even more reflected in her accidental sacrifice of her life in order to cover. At the same time, Zuo Lan's sacrifice also strengthened the determination and will of the lurker Yu Zecheng to move forward and work hard to create a better tomorrow for the people. Therefore, although Zuo Lan is gone, she will always be in Yu Zecheng's heart. What do you think about this?