
Australian Open: Any Jiang Wei Guo Chen advanced to the quarterfinals 2:0 and continued to attack the men's doubles and mixed doubles championship!

author:Table tennis basket foot feathers

On June 13, Beijing time, the 2024 BWF Super 500 Australian Open Badminton Championships ushered in the 1/8 finals, and all three pairs of national badminton advanced to the quarterfinals 2:0 and continued to impact the men's doubles and mixed doubles championship! The specific results are as follows:

Men's Doubles 1/8 Finals: Ren Xiangyu/He Jiting 2:0 Keith/Yu Yabei (Australia)

Australian Open: Any Jiang Wei Guo Chen advanced to the quarterfinals 2:0 and continued to attack the men's doubles and mixed doubles championship!

The top seeds of the tournament bid farewell to the host Australian pair Keith/Yu Yabei in straight games 21:15 and 21:12 to advance to the quarterfinals, and the quarter-finals opponent is the seventh seed of the tournament Malaysia's Jiang Kaixing/Dai Wei Chin, who defeated the host Australian pair Ikawa Wangui/Richardson 21:14 and 21:8.

Mixed Doubles 1/8 Finals: Jiang Zhenbang/Wei Yaxin 2:0 Xu Bangrong/Zhong Shuyun (Malaysia)

Australian Open: Any Jiang Wei Guo Chen advanced to the quarterfinals 2:0 and continued to attack the men's doubles and mixed doubles championship!

The top seed Jiang Wei of this tournament narrowly defeated the Malaysian pair Xu Bangrong/Zhong Shuyun 21:17 and 21:18 to advance to the quarterfinals, and the 1/4 final opponent is the eighth seed of the tournament Indian pair Sumet / Reddy, the latter two 21:11 easy host Australian pair Zhang Kaizhen / Zhang Kaiqi, looking forward to Jiang Wei defending the glory and continuing to soar!

Guo Xinwa/Chen Fanghui 2:0 Rennes Wang/Caitlin (AUS)

Australian Open: Any Jiang Wei Guo Chen advanced to the quarterfinals 2:0 and continued to attack the men's doubles and mixed doubles championship!

In this tournament, the seventh-seeded Guoyu Guo Chen pair defeated the host Australia's Rennes Wong/Caitlin 21-8 and 21-14 to advance to the quarterfinals, and the third-seeded Singaporean pair Xu Yongkai/Chen Weihan will face the quarterfinals. The latter defeated the hosts, Australia's Jordan Young/Sandy, 21-4, 21-11, and looked forward to Guo Chen's further meeting his teammate Jiang Wei, the top seed of the tournament.