
Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

author:Notes from the past and present

Xiao Wang is a regular customer of yoga, and she invested a lot of money in a yoga shop this year to buy classes. But one day, Xiao Wang was surprised to find that the small program of the yoga shop could not book a course, and even the customer service did not respond, so he ran to the physical store to see, the door was closed, and the yoga shop evaporated.

Xiao Wang hurriedly contacted other members, only to learn that the yoga shop had been quietly closed, and shortly before the store closed, the owner and shareholders of the yoga shop had changed.

Xiao Wang and other members found clues through the circle of friends of the new boss Xue, and Xue's news was full of information such as "activating zombie customers to make performance" and "buying beauty salon and health members at a high price", which made everyone realize that they may have encountered the legendary "professional store closure".

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

In the past two years, there has been a new phenomenon in society called "professional shopkeepers", who are like a group of cunning foxes, wandering in the commercial jungle, serving those merchants who plan to "get out of the shell", so that many consumers fall into the dilemma of protecting their rights.

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

Imagine that you happily enroll your child in an early education class, hoping that he will win at the starting line, but the early education center suddenly closes its doors after a few classes. A cold notice at the door asked you to join the group to discuss a solution, but there was no real progress in the group except for complaints.

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

You tried various ways to defend your rights, complained to the relevant departments, and even reported to the police, but the reply was: This is an economic dispute, and it is recommended that you go to the court to file a lawsuit. But the loss of thousands of dollars, the cost of hiring a lawyer is more than that, obviously, this is not a cost-effective solution.

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

What's even more frustrating is that even if you join forces with many victims and win the victory through legal means, you find that the company uses a limited liability system, the account has long been empty, the legal representative has been blacklisted for integrity at best, and your hard-earned money still cannot be recovered. Similar situations frequently occur in gyms, beauty salons and other places that require prepayment of fees, and the protection of consumers' rights and interests seems to have become a problem.

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

This is where the "professional shopkeepers" come into being, and they are like shadows, quietly lurking behind the closings of the store. Before the store actually closes, they will carefully lay out, sign an agreement with the boss, take over the store, change the legal person, and even stage a fake "last business" show, the purpose of which is to let the real boss get out of the way and escape responsibility.

What's worse is that some "professional shopkeepers" will use various promotions to trick consumers into recharging before closing their doors, or simply sell consumer information to squeeze the last drop of oil.

The rise of this professional group stems from the gray area that exists between law and practice. The legal provisions are clear, but in practice, the legal costs of small economic disputes are often prohibitive. Even though their actions may be guilty of obstruction of liquidation, contract fraud, etc., it is difficult for ordinary consumers and even grassroots law enforcers to collect conclusive evidence. Unless the police are deeply involved, which requires a strict case filing process, it is difficult for small-scale companies to reach this threshold in economic disputes.

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

This kind of behavior not only seriously damages the interests of consumers, but also undermines the integrity system of the market, making the reputation of small and micro enterprises that are already fragile even worse. Merchants easily "run away" after receiving advance payments, and with the assistance of "professional store closures", they become more unscrupulous. And the victims are often ordinary people who are frugal and just want to give their children a better education and a healthier life for themselves.

It's a pity, these years, running away can also run out of a professional team, this group of masters, is simply a modern version of the "commercial demolition team", professional pick-up, efficient aftermath, the key is to pay special attention to "professional ethics", before leaving, you have to play enough, pretend to be normal business for a few months, to ensure that the original boss slips away, and slips away so that it is called a clean and neat. If you are in a good mood, maybe you can cut another wave of leeks at the "store celebration reward", which is really "service" at home.

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

What's more, this industry also has its own industrial chain, from the front-end "enemy dog" to the back-end "watchdog", each performing its own duties in an orderly manner. This is simply the use of "fine management" to the extreme, which makes people have to "admire". Moreover, people also know how to avoid risks, pick small fish and shrimp to start, and ensure that every "harvest" is frantically tested on the edge of the law, but not one step beyond the thunder pool.

The most ironic thing is that even if all this is clearly revealed, if you want to characterize fraud, you have to go through the procedures to file a case and the criminal police to dispatch. The common people can't afford it, so this "business" is becoming more and more prosperous, and even an industry culture has been formed.

Professional closed-door people, a lack of morality that specializes in the hard-earned money of the people

We have to sigh with emotion, these days, people's wallets are like water in a sponge, as long as they are willing to squeeze, there will always be them. These "professional shopkeepers" are well versed in this, picking soft persimmons and pinching, hundreds or thousands of cuts, seemingly inconspicuous, adding up to a lot, that is a lot of money. The legal loopholes behind this are like a bottomless pit, eating away at the trust of consumers. (If there is any infringement of news material pictures, please contact to delete)

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