
In India in the 19th century, women needed to pay a strange "breast tax", the bigger the breasts, the higher the tax. In 1

author:Know a little bit of history, Zhao Fugui

In India in the 19th century, women needed to pay a strange "breast tax", the bigger the breasts, the higher the tax.

In 19th-century India, British colonial rule brought about many changes, some of which were extreme and cruel, and they were deeply rooted in the greed and injustice of colonial policies.

Among these harsh tax policies, there is a particularly outrageous tax, and that is the so-called "breast tax".

This tax is not only a great violation of women's dignity, but also a clear manifestation of gender discrimination and caste oppression.

Under the scorching Kerala sun, the sun does not seem to bring hope and warmth, but only highlights the injustice and darkness of society.

The breast tax is even more absurd, and it determines the amount of the tax according to the size of a woman's breasts. In other words, the bigger a woman's breasts, the higher the amount of tax she has to pay.

Even more tragic is that if women can't afford this high amount of taxes, then they have to choose to go topless as a way to avoid taxes.

This absurd approach to taxation not only seriously violates the dignity of women, but also reflects profound gender discrimination. In that era, women were seen as appendages to men, and their rights and dignity were ruthlessly trampled on.

The breast tax is inextricably linked to India's entrenched caste system. In India's hierarchical society, the caste system is an insurmountable divide.

The upper castes enjoy privilege and respect, while the lower castes live at the bottom of society, suffering endless oppression and exploitation. The provisions of the breast tax are a microcosm of this caste system.

It stipulates that lower-caste women must be topless in front of higher-caste people, otherwise it is considered disrespectful. Such a provision is undoubtedly a great insult and discrimination against low-caste women.

The combination of the breast tax and the caste system has subjected lower-caste women to a double social oppression, not only with a heavy economic burden, but also with further marginalization of their social status.

This cruel way of taxation has undoubtedly exacerbated social injustice and contradictions, and made an already difficult life even more difficult.

However, as with all volcanoes that have been oppressed for a long time, there is a limit to the patience of Indian women. Historically, a woman named Mlakram has become a symbol of rebellion against this cruel tax.

On a public tax collection occasion, when the tax collector asked her to strip for unpaid taxes, she responded in a way that shocked everyone by cutting off her breasts and throwing them at the tax collector.

This act was not only a protest against the breast tax, but also a revolt against the oppressive social structure as a whole.

That night, Mlakram died of blood loss, and his sacrifice sparked widespread social reflection and change.

Her story went viral, provoking a revolt from more women and social forces. The struggle gradually evolved into a broader social movement that eventually forced the colonial authorities to formally abolish the breast tax in 1924.

While the abolition of this policy is a victory, the deep-rooted caste and gender issues it reveals have not completely dissipated.

Despite the fact that the caste system has been abolished by Indian law, discrimination on the basis of sex and caste is still deeply entrenched in society. Women continue to face significant barriers to education, career development and social activities.

For example, despite the fact that education is seen as a key force in breaking down social shackles and promoting social progress, many women from low-caste and marginalized groups are unfortunately denied access to basic education, which makes it difficult for them to pursue self-development and realize social values.


Information sources:

The terrible past of breast tax2020-12-09 15:35Source: The Paper

In India in the 19th century, women needed to pay a strange "breast tax", the bigger the breasts, the higher the tax. In 1
In India in the 19th century, women needed to pay a strange "breast tax", the bigger the breasts, the higher the tax. In 1
In India in the 19th century, women needed to pay a strange "breast tax", the bigger the breasts, the higher the tax. In 1

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