
Revised to go crazy! The leader is always dissatisfied with the summary of the party discipline study and education work, how to break it?

author:Political Papers
Revised to go crazy! The leader is always dissatisfied with the summary of the party discipline study and education work, how to break it?

The study and education work has gradually entered the final stage, and all kinds of materials have been pouring in.

Friends, is there a little panic and nervousness in your heart?

After several months of "tempering" in writing, it is estimated that the "seven meat and eight vegetables" of the leadership speeches, work reports, phased summaries, special summaries, government affairs information and other materials for learning and education have also been bombed - the tricks that should be thought of have also been used, and the places where they should use their brains have also been used.

Even if there is a realm of "ten thousand flowers in the bush, not a single leaf sticks to the body", it is inevitable to fall into the situation of "Jiang Lang's talents".

In this case, how should we "break the game"?

I think that the work practices and achievements of a unit's study and education will not dare to "show off and wear it" at will.

At this time, we must break through the shackles of inherent thinking and outdated content through the innovation of article framework and text.

Revised to go crazy! The leader is always dissatisfied with the summary of the party discipline study and education work, how to break it?

First, the innovation of the article framework

Many literary friends will encounter this situation, the leader took the draft you drafted, simply flipped through it, and said: This draft will go back to study and study, some of the content is not logical, and the highlights of the work are not shown.

Some novice writers will feel very strange: how does the leader achieve "never forget, ten lines at a glance" in just 1-2 minutes?

In fact, it is because the leader is actually looking at the framework of your drafting, that is, the first-level heading and the second-level heading, both of which are problematic, so the content naturally does not need to be read more.

This shows the importance of building a good manuscript framework.

So, how do you innovate your manuscript framework?

The so-called innovation of the manuscript framework, in essence, is to do a good job in the idea of the article, that is, to break the previous framework thinking.

Under the circumstance that the practices and achievements of the unit's study and education remain unchanged, these practices and achievements should be disrupted and the "layout of the article" should be re-arranged, and the most important thing is to prepare the first-level and second-level headings of the manuscript.

But it's easier said than done!

As long as the idea is stable and new, then the rest of the work is just to put words and sentences into the frame.

So, how do you make an idea? In other words, how to build the framework?

Here you can refer to an article I posted before on the summary of learning and education, "Summary of Party Discipline Study and Education Work Drafted by Many "Pen Sticks", Selected from the Best, Each with Its Own Characteristics".

Revised to go crazy! The leader is always dissatisfied with the summary of the party discipline study and education work, how to break it?

Second, the innovation of words

The so-called innovation of words is a series of splitting and combining words to make them a new form of expression. The purpose is to form a contrast with the previously drafted manuscript, so that it has a different sensory experience, and increase the probability of the manuscript being recognized by the leader.

So, what words need to be innovatively combined with learning and education?

The outline of the text innovation provided below is selected from the 692nd issue of the "Think Tank" series of 15 series of materials originally compiled by me, with a total of 34 articles and more than 70,000 words. For the specific text content in the outline, please check it in this compilation, which has been sent to the group.

(1) Organizational leadership

This aspect is very important, and this is the premise and guarantee for doing a good job in study and education. How to organize and lead, the plan of the superior is very clear, but the form of each unit is different, some have a level, and some have no bright spots.

Here are some combinations of words.

1. Deepen ideological understanding and "grasp" organizational leadership from a higher position

2. Persist in advancing at a high level and quickly and forcefully start deployment.

3. Focus on organizational leadership to ensure comprehensive mobilization and deployment

4. Deploy and plan to promote the comprehensive rollout of the work

5. Based on "early deployment", we should strengthen our responsibilities at the above rate

6. It is to strengthen overall planning, classified deployment and promotion.

7. High-level planning and deployment, integrating learning and education into daily life, and grasping it regularly

8. Strong overall planning under the above rate to ensure that the deployment is carried out in a strong and orderly manner

9. Adhere to systematic planning and high-level overall planning

10. Work organization and implementation.

11. Keep an eye on the target and require careful planning and deployment

12. Carefully organize and implement to promote learning and education in the brain and heart

13. High standards and strict requirements for deployment, and promote the strengthening of demonstration and driving at the above rate

14. High-position mobilization and deployment

15. Formulate implementation plans with high standards

16. Promote the implementation of learning and education with high quality

17. Highlight the high-level deployment of the word "strict" and make efforts to enhance the "systematic".

18. It is to plan and deploy to highlight "strictness", improve the position, and pay close attention to implementation

19. Organize and promote the emphasis on "reality", integrate it into daily life, and grasp it regularly

20. Start the deployment "quickly", carefully prepare and make careful arrangements

(2) Learning

This aspect is undoubtedly the most important, learning education, only learning can be educated. Therefore, we must explain clearly how to organize learning.

In fact, the content and form of study in various units are similar, but some words appear to be very high in expression, and some words, such as comprehensively strengthening study and organizing rich and colorful study, appear to be of a very low level. At this time, we need to make some word innovation in learning.

Here are some combinations of words.

1. Insist on taking the lead in demonstrating high standing leadership

2. Make good use of high-quality in-depth study in special seminars

3. Grasp centralized training and high-efficiency student assistance

4. Closely linked to the actual high standard of practice

5. Insist on deep study and careful understanding, so as to enter the brain and heart

6. Make practical moves in learning and mobilization

7. Focus on the key points and learn carefully

8. Insist on going to school at the above rate

9. Persist in categorical policy learning

10. Persist in highlighting key studies

11. Insist on intensive training

12. Under the above rate, learn one step first to set an example

13. Have in-depth learning, overall planning and strong deployment

14. There is quality in learning, and learning discipline is clear and effective

15. Learning is effective, and the combination of learning and application promotes improvement

16. Pay close attention to the "deep" study and earnestly carry out theoretical study throughout.

17. Focus on intensive reading and deep understanding to ensure that learning is in the brain and heart

18. Hierarchical study and discussion, deep study and understanding of the original

19. Warning education in different fields, accurately guiding knowledge and action

20. Slitting line interpretation training, comprehensively deepen understanding and application

21. Ponder and study carefully

22. Promote learning with clear discipline in cases

23. Lectures on innovation carriers.

24. Build the foundation with learning, take discipline as the ruler, internalize it in the heart, externalize it in the action

25. Plan in advance, deploy at a high level, and introduce the "key minority" to learn and learn

26. Committed to "learning practically", so as to strengthen the party spirit and build a foundation

27. Pay close attention to the "deep" study, and earnestly carry out theoretical study throughout.

28. Put learning first and work comprehensive coverage

29. Focus on "high standards and high quality", strengthen the "linkage of five schools", and strive to promote the deepening of learning and education

30. Demonstration of the "Head Goose Effect".

31. "Theme Party Day" Practice.

32. "Interactive communication" in-depth learning.

33. "Warning Education" Touchology.

34. "Online and offline" linkage.

35. Do a good job of theoretical study center group research.

36. Do a good job of Party members and leading cadres leading the study.

37. Do a good job of Party branch follow-up.

38. Do a good job of personal self-study.

39. Focus on the key points, learn one step first, and learn one level deeper.

40. Up and down linkage learning, into the brain and into the heart into the daily life

41. Enhance exemplary nature in the "key minority" drive.

42. Enhance effectiveness in the use of flexible methods.

43. Enhance convenience in the integration of online and offline.

44. Enhance pertinence in pairing and complementing each other.

45. Enhance accessibility in sending mobile Party members to school.

46. Highlight the categorical guidance of the word "quasi", and make efforts to enhance "accuracy".

Revised to go crazy! The leader is always dissatisfied with the summary of the party discipline study and education work, how to break it?

(3) Combination of learning and application

The purpose of learning is to promote the high-quality development of work, so how to use learning to promote work and ensure the smooth development of work?

Please put away the expressions of these new words.

1. Strengthen the combination of chemistry and application, focusing on integration into daily life

2. Adhere to hierarchical classification to ensure full coverage

3. Adhere to the development priorities and strengthen responsibility

4. Take the case as a lesson to strengthen deterrence, and make good use of positive and negative typical "living teaching materials"

5. Promote the cast iron army with learning, and transform the learning results into practical actions

6. Analyze cases to enhance deterrence

7. Symptomatic measures to improve effectiveness

8. Tighten the ideological "master switch" to promote learning and education to go deeper and more practical

9. Use cases to promote reform, and learn a deeper level of strong warnings.

10. Promote development through training and learning, and the unity of knowledge and action.

11. Take reality as the key, and achieve practical results in the integration of learning and cadre

12. Focus on "results and results", highlight the "three major changes", and strive to promote learning and education

13. Promote the style of work by learning.

14. Promote dry transfer services through learning.

15. Promote the use of learning to change ideas.

16. Strictly abide by discipline and transform learning results into actual work performance

17. Be disciplined in your heart, and further enhance your awareness of compliance with rules and disciplines

18. Linkage up and down, joint efforts to promote, hierarchical classification and precise policy

19. Strengthen warnings, promote action through learning, and integrate what you have learned into practice

20. Practice it in "acting steadily", so that you can fulfill your duties and keep your original intention

21. Learn from each other, and promote the organic combination of work and study and education.

22. High standards and strict requirements for deployment, and promote the strengthening of demonstration and driving at the above rate

23. Focus on integration and integration to ensure the effectiveness of learning

24. Strengthen publicity and publicity, creating a positive atmosphere

25. Focus on integrating into daily life and create a good learning atmosphere

26. Focus on practical work and responsibility, and accelerate the transformation of learning results

27. Highlight the integrated advancement of the word "fine", and make efforts to enhance "normality".

28. Highlight the close integration of the word "substantial" and make efforts to enhance "effectiveness".

29. Promote work by learning, highlight "effectiveness", transform results, and apply what you have learned.

30. Give play to the role of special classes, and use stronger safeguards to "grasp" guidance and supervision

31. Be consistent in process supervision.

32. Be consistent in research and guidance.

33. Be consistent in publicity and guidance.

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