
In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

author:The taste is flowing for years


In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

In the ancient East, there was a fertile land with four distinct seasons and abundant products. Here, the spring drizzle moistens the earth, the summer sun shines on the fields, the autumn golden pavement covers the hillsides, and the winter snow covers the village. In this land, braised beef brisket is not just a dish, it is a witness of time, a cultural inheritance, and a taste of home.

In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

Braised beef brisket originated in the north and has been passed down with the long river of history. On a cold winter day, the family sits around the fire, a pot of braised beef brisket, steaming hot, fragrant, and heart-warming delicacies. It is not only a food in a specific culture or region, but also an emotional sustenance, a ritual of life.

The choice of ingredients is crucial. Fresh brisket, the meat is tender, fat but not greasy; The best spices, such as star anise, cinnamon, cloves, they are the soul of the dish, giving the brisket its unique aroma and taste. In the ancient book "Suiyuan Food List", it is mentioned: "Beef brisket should be fat and thin, and spices should be made of real materials." The "Compendium of Materia Medica" emphasizes the medicinal value of spices, such as star anise can dispel cold in warmth, and cinnamon can invigorate blood and dispel blood stasis.

In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

In the food documentary "A Bite of China", the production process of braised beef brisket is shown in detail, which makes people feel the cultural connotation of this dish and the exquisite production process. Each bite is a tribute to traditional culinary techniques, and every bite is a respect for the original taste of the ingredients.

Cooking in detail

Nutritional information

Brisket contains about 250 calories per 100 grams, 22 grams of protein, 18 grams of fat, and is rich in trace elements and minerals, such as iron, zinc, etc., which is a good source of energy and nutrition.

Cooking principle

The cooking principle of braised beef brisket is to simmer it over a slow heat to make the meat crispy and the flavors of spices fully penetrate the meat to form a unique flavor.

A list of ingredients

  • 1000g fresh brisket
  • Star anise: 3 pcs
  • Cinnamon bark 1 piece
  • Cloves 5 capsules
  • 3 slices of ginger
  • 2 green onions
  • Cooking wine 50 ml
  • Light soy sauce 30ml
  • Dark soy sauce 20ml
  • 30 grams of rock sugar
  • Water: Appropriate amount
In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

Cooking steps:

  1. Cut the brisket into 3-4 cm cubes and rinse with water to remove the blood.
  2. Add water to the pot, put in the beef brisket, add cooking wine, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off the foam, blanch to remove the smell.
  3. Prepare the spices, wrap the star anise, cinnamon and cloves in gauze, slice the ginger and cut the green onion into sections.
  4. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pan, add rock sugar, and slowly fry over low heat until the rock sugar melts and turns red.
  5. Add the blanched brisket and stir-fry quickly to evenly coat it with sugar.
  6. Add the ginger slices, green onions and spice packets and continue to stir-fry until fragrant.
  7. Pour in the light soy sauce and dark soy sauce and stir-fry evenly to color the brisket.
  8. Add enough water, the amount of water needs to be submerged over the brisket, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat, and simmer for 2 hours until the brisket is crispy.
In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

Personal style is self-adjusting

The type and amount of spices can be adjusted according to personal taste, and vegetables such as carrots and potatoes can also be added appropriately to increase the richness of the dish.

Cooking tips and tricks

  1. Choice of brisket: Choose a fat and lean brisket, so that the meat is more tender and juicy.
  2. Blanching skills: Cooking wine is added when blanching, which can effectively remove the fishy smell of beef brisket.
  3. Stir-fry sugar: When frying sugar, you need to use low heat to avoid scorching sugar, which will affect the taste.
  4. Use of spices: The spices are wrapped in gauze to prevent spice crumbs from mixing into the meat and affecting the taste.
  5. Stewing time: The simmering time needs to be adjusted according to the texture of the brisket and personal taste.
  6. Seasoning tips: During the simmering process, you can try the flavor of the soup at the right time, and adjust the amount of light soy sauce and dark soy sauce as needed.
In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

Cooking Instructions

Q1: Why does the beef brisket still smell fishy after blanching? A1: When blanching, make sure to skim off the foam after boiling, if there is still a fishy smell, you can increase the amount of cooking wine, or add some hawthorn slices when simmering to help remove the fishiness.

Q2: How can I tell if the brisket is stewed properly? A2: When the brisket is stewed, the meat should be crispy and easy to insert with chopsticks. If the meat is still firm, simmer for a longer time.

Q3: What should I do if there is not enough water during the stewing process? A3: If there is not enough water during the stewing process, heat the water to replenish it to avoid adding cold water to cause the meat to become firm.

Q4: How to make the brisket more flavorful? A4: During the stewing process, turn the brisket at the right time to allow it to absorb the soup evenly and increase the flavor.

In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages

Related dishes to share

  1. Beef brisket stewed with potatoes

Ingredients: brisket, potatoes, carrots, etc.

Steps: Cut the potatoes and carrots into cubes and simmer with the brisket until the potatoes and carrots are soft and the brisket is flavorful.

  1. Beef brisket in a pot

Ingredients: brisket, tofu, enoki mushrooms, etc.

Steps: Put vegetables such as tofu and enoki mushrooms in a pot with the beef brisket and simmer over low heat to allow the vegetables to absorb the flavor of the brisket.

  1. Spicy brisket

Ingredients: brisket, dried chilies, Sichuan peppercorns, etc.

Steps: On top of the stewed beef brisket, add dried chili peppers and Sichuan peppercorns to add a spicy flavor, suitable for diners who like spicy flavor.

  1. Brisket noodles

Ingredients: beef brisket, noodles, vegetables, etc.

Steps: Use the stewed beef brisket as a topping for the noodles, and serve it with greens and noodles, which is simple and quick, and delicious.

In June, a red stewed beef brisket, sweet and umami and delicious, fat but not greasy, suitable for all ages


Braised beef brisket, a delicacy that carries history and culture, is not only a pleasure for the taste buds, but also a comfort for the soul. In this fast-paced era, let's slow down, cook with our hearts, and enjoy life. If you also like this dish, you may wish to share your cooking tips, likes and follows in the comment section, and let's explore more secrets of food together.

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