
0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

author:The taste is flowing for years


0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

On the southeast coast of China, especially in Fujian and Guangdong, the deliciousness of abalone has long become an indispensable delicacy on people's tables. In autumn, when the sea breeze brings a salty and wet smell, the wharf of the fishing village begins to come alive with fishermen returning with a load of precious abalone. Braised abalone, a dish that combines traditional cooking techniques and regional flavors, not only makes people have an endless aftertaste in taste, but also carries the profound cultural heritage of this land.

0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

Abalone, known as "shark fin" in ancient times, is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", calling it "a treasure in the sea", which has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidneys and benefiting the shrewd purpose. In "Suiyuan Food List", Yuan Mei even listed braised abalone as the top grade on the banquet, and its cooking method is also quite exquisite. In modern times, with the spread of food culture, braised abalone has become a favorite dish of Chinese and foreign diners.

The choice of ingredients is crucial. Fresh abalone has firm flesh and a delicious taste, while dried abalone needs to be soaked for a long time to regain its original flavor. In addition, the soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine and other seasonings used in the braised sauce also need to be carefully selected to ensure that the final flavor is rich and the color is bright red.

0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

Cooking in detail

Nutritional information

Each 100 grams of abalone contains about 80 calories of energy, 15 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, and is rich in trace elements and minerals, such as zinc and selenium, which are of great benefit to human health.

Cooking principle

Braised is a classic cooking technique that is simmered over a slow flame to allow the ingredients to fully absorb the flavor of the spices while keeping the meat tender.

A list of ingredients

  • 500 grams of fresh abalone
  • 3 slices of ginger
  • 1 green onion
  • Soy sauce 50 ml
  • Dark soy sauce 10ml
  • Cooking wine 50 ml
  • Sugar to taste
  • Water: Appropriate amount
  • Salt to taste
  • Cooking oil to taste
0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

Cooking steps:

  1. Clean the abalone, remove the internal organs, and use a knife to scratch a cross knife on the surface of the abalone to make it easier to absorb the flavor.
  2. Slice the ginger, cut the green onion into pieces and set aside.
  3. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the pot, heat it until it is 50% hot, add the ginger slices and green onions, and stir-fry until fragrant.
  4. Place the abalone in a pan and stir-fry quickly over medium heat until the surface of the abalone changes color.
  5. Add soy sauce, dark soy sauce and cooking wine, stir-fry evenly, so that the surface of the abalone is evenly coated with seasoning.
  6. Add an appropriate amount of water, the amount of water is preferable to cover the abalone, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer.
  7. Simmer for about 30 minutes, turning the abalone at the right time to prevent it from sticking.
  8. Wait until the abalone is stewed until it tastes good, the soup is thick, add an appropriate amount of sugar and salt to taste, stir-fry evenly and then remove from the pot.
0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

Personal style is self-adjusting

The amount of sugar and salt can be adjusted according to personal taste, and if you like spicy, you can add a small amount of dried chili.

Cooking tips and tricks

  1. The abalone should be cleaned thoroughly to remove the fishy smell while being careful not to destroy the integrity of the abalone.
  2. When scratching the knife, the knife edge should not be too deep, so as not to affect the taste of the abalone.
  3. When stir-frying ginger and green onions, the heat should not be too high to avoid scorching.
  4. During the braising process, pay attention to the changes in the soup to avoid the abalone becoming old due to the long simmering time.
  5. The addition of sugar and salt should be adjusted according to personal taste and the strength of the soup.
  6. Finally, before cooking, sprinkle with chopped green onions or coriander to increase the aroma of the dish.
0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

Cooking Instructions

Q1: How to choose fresh abalone? A1: The surface of fresh abalone should be shiny, the flesh should be firm and odorless. The elasticity of the abalone can be judged by gently pressing it.

Q2: When braising abalone, how to prevent the abalone from getting old? A2: When simmering, use low heat and turn the abalone at the right time to avoid the abalone meat becoming old due to high temperature for a long time.

Q3: How to adjust the taste of braised abalone? A3: According to personal taste, you can increase or decrease the amount of sugar and salt, or add other seasonings such as star anise, cinnamon, etc.

Q4: How do you thicken the soup of braised abalone? A4: During the simmering process, the soup will gradually thicken as the water evaporates. Thicken appropriately if desired.

0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy

Related dishes to share

  1. Steamed abalone: Fresh abalone, with shredded ginger and green onions, is simply steamed, which retains the original flavor of abalone.
  2. Steamed abalone with garlic vermicelli: Spread a layer of fried minced garlic and soaked vermicelli on top of the abalone, and the garlic aroma will overflow after steaming.
  3. Lo Noodles with Abalone Sauce: Noodles are mixed with braised abalone broth, and the noodles absorb the deliciousness of abalone, which is simple but full of flavor.
  4. Abalone slices and stir-fried seasonal vegetables: Abalone is sliced and quickly stir-fried with seasonal vegetables such as broccoli and carrots, which is rich in color and balanced in nutrition.
0 basic cuisine of braised abalone, nourishing yin and nourishing kidneys, benefiting shrewdness and eyesight, nanny-level home-cooked food strategy


Braised abalone, a delicacy that carries tradition and innovation, is not only a pleasure for the taste buds, but also a cultural inheritance. In every detail of cooking, we can feel the respect for ingredients and the pursuit of deliciousness. I hope this article will spark your passion for cooking, and I look forward to you sharing your cooking tips and ideas in the comment section. Don't forget to like and follow, let's explore more secrets of food together.

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