
The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

author:Didi sees the world

Life is the goal that people pursue, and it is also the most precious gift of life. For the post-75s couple Zhang Wei and Li Ying, they chose a unique way of life - quit their jobs when they were in the prime of life, started to travel around the world with a net worth of millions, and spent three years to appreciate the beauty of this world.

After three years of wandering, they chose to settle down in a small city in China and started a new life of "lying and earning". Middle-aged and physically and mentally exhausted, they can now lazily enjoy the fruits of the first three years at home, live a different retirement life, and realize the dreams of many people. Let's take a closer look at their story and unravel the secrets of the life of this "blind stream" couple.

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

The "leader" of the post-90s generation with high education and high income

Zhang Wei and Li Ying both come from ordinary families. Zhang Weiyuan is a top student majoring in computer science, and was directly hired by an international IT company to work in software development after graduating from his bachelor's degree. Li Ying graduated from a prestigious finance school and worked as a financial analyst in a large foreign bank. Through years of hard work, the two have earned considerable income and become a typical post-90s "leader".

Zhang Wei recalls the experience vividly: "When I was in college, I knew that programming was a good profession and that I could make a lot of money with this skill. So I studied very hard and tried to practice all aspects of my abilities to the extreme, in order to find my dream job after graduation, and sure enough, I was not disappointed. "

Li Ying is also a very good student, proficient in English, and has studied finance very well. After graduating, he joined a large company and provided various financial services to international customers. Zhang Wei said: "Li Ying usually works very hard, and when she returns home from work, she will continue to read financial books and improve herself day and night."

While the two are thriving in their careers, their lives are becoming richer and richer. Before the age of 30, they saved millions in savings, and at the same time bought a small property in Shanghai. Many friends "congratulated" them, and life seemed to have entered a tailwind. However, at this moment, the two made a surprising decision - quit their high-paying jobs and start traveling the world.

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

Giving up "wealth" and traveling, holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son

For Zhang Wei and Li Ying's choice, many people feel incredible. If life is so good, why give up your career and a comfortable living environment? Zhang Wei said: "Yes, we did have a good life at that time, but there was always a desire in our hearts that could not be calm. I love to travel, and every time I go out, I have an experience like never before. But what really made us make a decision came from Li Ying. "

It turned out that Li Ying had been very envious of the adventurers in the movie since she was a child, and hoped that one day she would be able to put down her work and personally travel to every corner of the world. "Maybe it's because we were all travel experts when we were students, and we really experienced the vast world outside, so our passion for exploring the unknown has never stopped."

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Wei and Li Ying were the first to set the "short-sighted" policy called "Riguan Cutting Relatives", that is, not revealing their true whereabouts to any relatives and friends, so as not to cause interference. "Maybe they'll dissuade us, or they'll have unrealistic expectations of us, so we just don't say anything."

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

Three years of journey, thousands of miles

In 2019, Zhang Wei and Li Ying started their world journey with millions of deposits. At first, the two of them carried their bags on their backs, took trains and cars to visit the scenic spots and natural scenery of the motherland, and felt the mountains and rivers of the motherland in the most simple way. Later, they took a passenger plane to various Asian countries to enjoy the exotic scenery.

"During our travels in Asia, we experienced a wide variety of religious cultures and tried a lot of unexpected cuisines." Zhang Wei recalled with a smile: "At that time, Li Ying and I were in a temple in India to experience Zen meditation, but I didn't expect it to make me have a strong interest in Buddhism."

After a year and a half of traveling in Asia, they set off for Africa. Over the course of a year, they traveled in off-road vehicles, visited many World Heritage sites and natural landscapes on foot, and participated in several outdoor activities. "At that time, we met a lioness passing by with her cubs, and she was almost trampled by an elephant, which was very exciting! In addition, we are also very impressed by African cuisine, and some ingredients will definitely cause questions about food hygiene when placed in China. "

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

In the last six months, Zhang Wei and Li Ying finally entered Europe and North America. Here, they not only feast on world-class art masterpieces and modern cityscapes, but also discover some amazing historical sites. "I once entered an abandoned tunnel where graffiti and objects on the walls were still preserved, and it was very shocking."

Wandering progresses to the next level, and after three years they find themselves the same as before. Whether it is life experience or inner understanding, everything that was ordinary in the past has been reborn. At this moment, they finally felt the true meaning of travel.

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

You can also make money while lying down to create a new model of "Internet + companionship".

Time flies, and three years pass quickly. When their savings were about to bottom out, the duo realized it was time to forge a new path in their lives. "But we don't want to re-enter that tiring driveway, let alone be bound by the rules of the world. As the saying goes, we decided to explore a new way of life. Zhang Wei said.

After inquiring around the country, Zhang Wei and Li Ying finally chose to settle in a medium-sized city. The slow pace of life here, the quiet and pleasant environment, and the cost of living are much lower than those in first-tier cities, which is exactly what they need.

After settling in, the two used what they learned and what they learned from their travels to start an online companion service company. The so-called "Internet + companionship" refers to providing paid companionship services for single elderly people and children living alone through online video connection.

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

"We are not just chatting, but as a psychological counselor, we should use professional knowledge and rich experience to give each other appropriate care and guidance, so that they can feel warmth and joy, which is a kind of service of 'warming away the cold and the joy of the joy'." Li Ying introduced.

At first, many people scoffed at this, but as the business progressed, more and more people realized the importance of their services. "In contemporary society, there are more and more mental illnesses due to lack of companionship, and we have filled this gap in the market." Zhang Wei explained.

Today, their company has become a well-known online companion service provider in China, serving tens of thousands of lonely groups. And the two have also gained considerable benefits from it, which is fully enough to support their future living expenses.

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

"Now, we earn a decent amount of money every month, and we don't have to work as hard as we used to. We can use computers and mobile phones at home to earn good remuneration in the most comfortable way and live a comfortable life like no other. Zhang Wei shook his head involuntarily as he spoke.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even without this new job, they have enough savings on hand to allocate some stable investment products, and they will no longer have to work hard to survive. And now, they have both, undoubtedly raising the quality of life to new heights.

The post-75 couple has traveled for 3 years with a million property, and now they are lying at home and earning millions to praise their new life

Take control of your life and write a gorgeous turn

Looking back on the whole process, from a high degree and high salary to leaving everything to travel around the world, and then relying on its own advantages to start a new career, it can be described as an inspirational blockbuster-like legendary story.

As Zhang Wei said: "The reason why we can realize our current life ideals is that we had a clear life plan back then, and we persistently implemented it." Conventional wisdom is that we should follow the rules and teach each other, but we believe that we should be in charge of our own lives and let our passions and passions shine. And the premise is that it must be achieved with the ability to do it, not blind fantasy. "

Referring to the current state of life, Zhang Wei is very proud: "We still have a considerable income now, but life is no longer hard. This is the courage and determination of our youth, in exchange for a new life. "

Life is bittersweet, and only by knowing how to control your own destiny can you write a wonderful chapter without regrets. Maybe there is no so-called perfect life in this world, but as long as you dare to pursue your dreams and ideals, you will definitely be able to find a wonderful life that belongs to you.

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