
He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

author:Entertainment narrator
He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

In the middle of nowhere, you probably won't notice him. He is humble and simple, without the frame of a big star, but he has convincing acting skills.

This person is Sha Jingchang, a national first-class actor, a performance artist who has worked tirelessly on stage and screen for half a century.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

Sha Jingchang was born in 1950 in a small rural village in Fuyu City, Jilin Province.

In an era of scarcity of materials, his love for acting was like a seed that quietly took root in his heart.

After graduating from high school in 1969, with a yearning for art, he resolutely enlisted in the army and became a literary soldier.

During his eight years in the army, he served as a horn player, not only honing his blowing skills, but also forging a solid musical foundation, which laid the foundation for his future performance career.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

In 1979, Sha Jingchang was fortunate to be admitted to the Central Experimental Theater.

In this theater, which is known as the "cradle of new Chinese drama", he met many outstanding acting predecessors, such as Chen Hao, Xu Xingzhi and so on.

Under their careful guidance, Sha Jingchang's performance skills have been rapidly improved.

He played the pilot Xiao Hao in the drama "The Call of the Future", and he amazed the audience on the stage for the first time.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

And what really made him famous in one fell swoop was his superb performance in the drama "Spirit and Flesh".

This drama, which reflects the life of doctors, allowed Sha Jingchang to win the second prize of the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Drama Young Actors with his solid acting skills and deep understanding of the characters.

In the following years, Sha Jingchang starred in many classic dramas such as "He's Bi" and "Wu Laojiu and His Troubles", and quickly grew from a young newcomer to the backbone of the theater.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

His performances are natural and expressive, not only grasping the personality characteristics of the characters, but also showing the emotional changes of the characters, which has won the unanimous recognition of the audience and the theater industry.

From the drama stage to the film and television screen, Sha Jingchang's performance road continues to extend.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

He is good at capturing the details of the characters and paying attention to psychological portrayal, so that each character is vivid and three-dimensional and unforgettable.

In the play, Sha Jingchang vividly interprets an old Beijing who is straightforward and jealous and hateful, and the natural Beijing flavor has made the audience talk about it so far.

In 2003, the play won the first prize of the 22nd Chinese TV drama "Feitian Award" feature-length TV series.

And Sha Jingchang also won the "Feitian Award" Best Actor Award for his role as Yi Zhonghai.

In addition, he has also contributed memorable performances in many of his well-known TV series.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

In the field of film and television alone, Sha Jingchang's footprints are all over various types of works.

As the famous actor Pu Cunxin said, "Sha Jingchang is an 'unborn' performance artist, no matter what role he plays, he is very good and distinctive."

When he became famous, Sha Jingchang won the honorary title of national first-class actor, which is the best praise for his decades of dedication to stage art.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

In the face of honor, he is still as humble as ever.

In his opinion, the value of an actor does not lie in how many honors he has received, but in whether he can impress the audience and convey emotions with his performance.

Over the years, he has always maintained his devotion and love for performing arts, and interpreted the true meaning of "one minute on stage, ten years off stage" in his own way.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

In addition to the brilliant achievements of his acting career, Sha Jingchang's family life is also enviable.

He and his wife met at a party, and the two fell in love at first sight and quickly established a romantic relationship.

In 1980, they entered the marriage hall hand in hand.

After 44 years of marriage, the husband and wife have been in love with each other and have never had a trace of scandal.

Sha Jingchang often said that his wife is not only a virtuous helper in his life, but also a good helper in his career.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

Whenever he prepares a new role, his wife always listens to him read the script, helps him analyze the characters, and accompanies him to study and discuss together.

It is with the support and encouragement of his wife that he can devote himself to performing with peace of mind and go further on the road of art.

Sha Jingchang's son Sha Gu also inherited his father's acting talent.

In 1988, Sha Gu was admitted to the Performance Department of Shanghai Theater Academy and studied under the famous performance educator Yang Shaolin.

As a father, Sha Jingchang is very supportive of his son's acting career, but at the same time, he is also worried about his son's lifelong events.

He hopes that his son can achieve his own happiness in both career and love, start a family, and live a plain and happy life.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

As the saying goes, "there is no filial son in front of the bed of a long illness", Sha Jingchang's filial piety has never diminished due to the passage of time.

In 2015, Sha Jingchang's mother was seriously ill and hospitalized, and he put down his work and waited at his mother's bedside day and night, carefully taking care of her diet and daily life.

It wasn't until his mother's condition improved and he was discharged from the hospital that he rededicated himself to acting.

Sha Jingchang often said that the nurturing grace of his parents is something he cannot repay in his lifetime.

It is his greatest wish to be able to do his filial piety and serve his parents in their old age.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

As the years go by, Sha Jingchang is already in his old age.

Looking back on the past, he used perseverance and tenacity to interpret the legendary life of a national first-class actor.

In the face of his upcoming retirement, he has no intention of stopping there.

In his opinion, acting is a lifelong career, and as long as his body allows, he will continue to perform.

He once said in an interview: "In my life, what I am most grateful for is that God has given me the talent to perform. It is my greatest happiness to be able to bring joy to the audience and convey emotions through performances. "

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

In order to allow more young actors to inherit their acting experience, Sha Jingchang also plans to open an acting studio to teach and teach acting skills in person.

He believes that only by passing the torch from generation to generation can China's performing arts be carried forward and continuously improved.

"As a veteran actor, I hope that I can pave an artistic path for the younger generation, so that they can take fewer detours and gain more." Sha Jingchang said.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

Today, although Sha Jingchang is over seventy years old, his eyes are still bright when he talks about performance.

He often tells the people around him that he still has many artistic ideals that have not been realized, and there are still many roles that have not been performed.

In his heart, acting has long been not only a profession, but also a kind of spiritual sustenance.

"My life has become one with performance." He once said emotionally in an interview, "As long as I can still stand on the stage, I will do my best to live up to the audience and myself." "

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

Sha Jingchang is the first representative artist cultivated in New China, and he is the eternal "Uncle Yi" in the hearts of a generation.

With his persistent artistic pursuit and noble personality charm, he interprets the spiritual map of an era.

In him, we see the original intention and responsibility of Chinese actors, and the true meaning and power of performing arts.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

Sha Jingchang's life story is not only a heart-wrenching artistic legend, but also a touching hymn to life.

In his own way, he interpreted the extraordinary life of an ordinary person and the spiritual outlook of an era.

And those audiences who have been moved by his superb acting skills will eventually treasure his name and the best memories of that era in their hearts.

I hope that this performer of both virtue and art can live a long and healthy life, continue to shine on the road of art, and illuminate the lives of more people in his own way.

He is a national first-class actor, but he married an ordinary wife, and his handsome son is his heart disease

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