
Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

author:Qi discusses the past and the present
Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old
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Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

On a movie set in Hong Kong, the originally peaceful shooting scene was suddenly broken into by a group of menacing gangsters. There was tension and fear in the air, and everyone held their breath and did not dare to act rashly.

At this moment, a woman dressed in black and wearing slippers walked slowly out of the crowd.

Her eyes were firm, her steps were steady, and she was not in the least intimidated by the battle in front of her. After standing still, she looked directly at the other party, and her voice was calm and powerful: "If you really dare to shoot, then shoot to the end, and don't shoot at will."

This sentence was like a hammer, shocking everyone present, including those menacing gangsters.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

This courageous woman is Qiu Likuan, who will be known as the "female godfather of the entertainment industry" in the future. From this moment on, her legendary story in the Hong Kong entertainment industry officially kicked off.

However, what kind of experience created this "Sister Kuan" that no one dares to mess with? How did she step by step to the top of the entertainment industry and become the eldest sister who even had to give three points of thin noodles to the underworld? Let's unveil the mystery of Qiu Likuan's legendary life.

Qiu Likuan's saga began with a sudden blow when she was 18 years old. She originally had the dream of being a singer, but she had to give up the opportunity to stand on stage because of a serious throat disease.

The blow was undoubtedly heavy for the young Qiu Likuan, but she was not struck down by fate. Instead, it became a turning point in her life and propelled her down a very different path.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

With a love for music and acting, Qiu Likuan resolutely stepped into the film industry. She started from the most basic level of follow-up actors, and often needed to play high-risk stand-in scenes for stars.

Although this job is unknown, it has exercised Qiu Likuan's indomitable will and brave and upright spirit. Every adventure, every challenge, has given her a deeper understanding of the industry.

By chance, Qiu Likuan met the noble man who changed the trajectory of her life - the famous director Zhu Yanping. In Zhu Yanping's team, Qiu Likuan studied hungrily, worked hard, and was promoted step by step from backstage work to assistant director, and finally became an excellent producer.

This experience not only allowed her to accumulate rich industry experience, but also laid a solid foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

In the 80s of the 20th century, the Hong Kong entertainment industry was changing, with opportunities and challenges coexisting. Qiu Likuan relied on his talent and courage to gradually gain a firm foothold in this complex circle.

Her name began to circulate in the circle, some people called her "superstar pusher", and some people jokingly called her "the first female hooligan in the entertainment industry". No matter what people call her, there's no denying her growing influence in the industry.

The turning point in Qiu Likuan's career came when she co-founded the agency with Chen Jiaying. The first signed artist of this company is Faye Wong, the diva who shocked the Chinese music scene in the future.

This decision not only changed Faye Wong's fate, but also brought Qiu Likuan's status in the entertainment industry to a higher level.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

From an 18-year-old girl who lost her dream of being a singer to becoming an important big sister in the entertainment industry, Qiu Likuan proved with her own actions that every setback given by fate can become a stepping stone to success.

Her story tells us that as long as we don't give up easily, and maintain tenacity and courage, we will definitely shine on the stage of life.

In the ever-changing entertainment industry, Qiu Likuan is well aware of the fleeting truth of opportunities. With her vigorous style and keen insight, she began to devote herself to the image of Faye Wong.

Every performance, every publicity activity, Qiu Likuan does it himself, no matter how big or small. Her dedication and professionalism have paved a bright road for Faye Wong's star journey.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

Under Qiu Likuan's careful cultivation, Faye Wong has gradually transformed into a top singer in the Chinese music scene, and her unique timbre and temperament have conquered countless audiences.

In 1995, an unexpected opportunity once again showed Qiu Likuan's talent and courage. At that time, the powerful singer Na Ying was hidden due to a dispute with the original company, and her career fell into a trough.

When Faye Wong learned of this, she was anxious and asked Qiu Likuan for help. Faced with this tricky situation, Qiu Likuan accepted this challenge without hesitation.

She called the top management of Fumao Records directly and started a fierce exchange. On the other end of the phone, the two sides were arguing, and neither of them would back down. Just when the stalemate was at a stalemate, Qiu Likuan suddenly said something that seemed ordinary but meaningful: "Please ask the secretary to send the documents over."

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

This sentence was like a heavy hammer, shocking the other party. Subsequently, she decisively signed Na Ying, opening a new chapter in the career of this powerful singer.

In order to let Na Ying return to the music scene, Qiu Likuan and Chen Jiaying worked together to carefully plan two songs: "A Woman Who Gets Hurt Easily" and "The Day Doesn't Understand the Darkness of the Night".

As soon as these two songs were launched, they immediately caused an uproar in the Chinese music scene and pushed Na Ying to a new peak in her career. This is not only Na Ying's victory, but also a proof of Qiu Likuan's vision and ability.

However, success is often accompanied by criticism and challenges. In the face of malicious hype and accusations from the media, Qiu Likuan always stepped forward as soon as possible to support his artists.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

She retorted with sharp rhetoric and supported her friends with a firm attitude. For example, when Faye Wong faced emotional problems, Qiu Likuan skillfully resolved the pressure of public opinion with a few concise and powerful words, showing her wisdom and ability as an agent.

Under the protection of Qiu Likuan, Faye Wong and Na Ying were able to focus on music creation without being bothered by external disturbances. Their singing spread all over the country and touched countless audiences.

Faye Wong's "Empty City" and Na Ying's "Race Against Time" and other works are not only the voices of singers, but also seem to express Qiu Likuan's understanding of music and life.

From Faye Wong to Na Ying, Qiu Likuan used his wisdom and courage to create a legend in the Chinese music scene. She is not only a successful agent, but also a strong backing and warm harbor for artists.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

Under her leadership, these singers have not only scaled new heights in their careers, but also made breakthroughs in art, injecting new vitality into Chinese music. Qiu Likuan's story is the embodiment of wisdom, courage and persistence in the entertainment industry.

Qiu Likuan's chivalrous spirit goes far beyond the scope of ordinary agents' duties. In 2005, a news that shocked the entertainment industry came: the well-known artist Lin Chiling was threatened by gangsters in the United States.

Although Lin Chiling is not her artist, Qiu Likuan still did not hesitate to come forward, showing her fearless courage and strong sense of justice.

Without saying a word, Qiu Likuan immediately flew to the United States. With years of contacts in the entertainment industry and rich experience in crisis management, she began a difficult mediation process.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

At the negotiation table, Qiu Likuan showed amazing courage and wisdom. She is neither humble nor arrogant, but also tough, and uses her unique way to deal with each other. In the end, she succeeded in defusing the crisis and freed Lin Chiling from possible illegal detention.

This incident caused huge repercussions inside and outside the circle. Lin Chiling was grateful and called Qiu Likuan a "hero" in her mind. Qiu Likuan, on the other hand, behaved unusually low-key, just calmly saying that this was just her responsibility and did not need special thanks.

This humble attitude highlights her chivalrous spirit even more.

However, Qiu Likuan's chivalrous behavior did not stop there. In 2016, Lin Chiling encountered difficulties again and was openly insulted by an artist. Qiu Likuan once again stepped forward and publicly supported Lin Chiling.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

She said resolutely: "As long as I see him or her once, I will teach him (her) a lesson." This resounding sentence is not only a strong support for Lin Chiling, but also a solemn warning to the entire entertainment industry: don't easily challenge justice.

These incidents fully demonstrated Qiu Likuan's chivalrous spirit and responsibility. Her behavior not only goes beyond the duties of the agent, but also interprets what a real "chivalrous woman" is.

Under her influence, the entertainment industry has gradually formed a good atmosphere of mutual help and common progress. Qiu Likuan proved with practical actions that in this complex entertainment industry, there are still people who adhere to justice and conscience, injecting warmth and hope into the industry.

Qiu Likuan's achievements are far more than her brilliant achievements in the entertainment industry. Her passion for the art of cinema has always driven her to explore and innovate in the field of film and television.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

Over the years, Chiu has invested in many excellent films, which have not only won awards in the international film industry, but also made her one of the leading female directors in Taiwan.

She uses the language of the lens to interpret her unique understanding of life and art, injecting new vitality into Chinese films.

However, Qiu Likuan did not stand still because of his personal achievements. She knows that personal success is inseparable from the support of society, and this recognition makes her always grateful.

With the original intention of giving back to the society, Qiu Likuan founded the "Tolerance Fund" to help children from disadvantaged groups receive high-quality education. She firmly believes that education is the most powerful tool to change lives, and in this way, she hopes to open the door to a better future for more children in need.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

In addition to philanthropy, Qiu Likuan also actively participates in political affairs and contributes to the promotion of Taiwan's social development. She believes that every citizen has a responsibility to contribute to the progress of society.

This active participation in public affairs demonstrates her deep understanding of social responsibility.

Between artistic pursuits and social responsibility, Qiu Likuan has found a balance. She proved with practical actions that successful people must not only have outstanding personal achievements, but also have a sense of social responsibility.

Qiu Likuan's story tells us that true success is not only a brilliant individual, but also a life that can bring a positive impact on society. Her all-round development interprets the responsibility and charm that a public figure should have, and sets an example for those who come after her.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

Looking back on Qiu Likuan's legendary life, it is not difficult for us to find the secret of her success. From youth to more than half a hundred years old, Qiu Likuan has always adhered to his mother's teachings: be a man and do things seriously.

This seemingly unpretentious creed of life has become a weapon for her to overcome obstacles and help her remain invincible in the complex entertainment industry.

Even though he is over 50 years old, Qiu Likuan still retains the enthusiasm and fighting spirit of his youth. She firmly believes that as long as she is kind and fair, she will win respect and live a wonderful life.

This never-say-die spirit is not only the key to her personal success, but also a source of inspiration for others.

Holding the red Faye Wong in one hand, she saved Lin Chiling from the evil forces, but no one dared to mess with her when she was over 50 years old

Qiu Likuan's story is not only a legend of personal success, but also a vivid life lesson. She used her own experience to explain what a real "big sister" is, and set an example for those who came after her.

In this complex world, Qiu Likuan's story will always shine with a warm and firm light, guiding people in the direction of progress.

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