
In 2024, the "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation event was unveiled at BIBF

author:China Science and Technology Volunteers

On June 19, Beijing time, the 2024 "Weiwei Book Cup" New Translator Collection Event was held at the National Convention Center. The event was hosted by China Science and Technology Press, with academic support from Beijing University of Foreign Chinese, Beijing Language and Culture University, University of International Business and Economics, and University of Science and Technology Beijing. The event coincided with the 30th Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF), with 1,600 exhibitors from 71 countries and regions participating in the exhibition, and nearly 220,000 Chinese and foreign books were unveiled at the expo. It provides a broad platform for deepening exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations and promoting Chinese culture to "go global".

In 2024, the "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation event was unveiled at BIBF

In the process of enhancing the mainland's opening up and cooperation with the international scientific and technological community, the translation, publication and overseas dissemination of science and technology books are of far-reaching significance to telling the story of China's science and technology. The 2024 "Weiwei Book Cup" New Translator Solicitation Event aims to stimulate the enthusiasm of young translators to participate in science and technology, academic, humanities and popular science books, provide them with a platform for self-improvement and entrepreneurial practice, and also tap and reserve young high-quality applied translation talents for the mainland.

With the theme of "Innovating Science and Technology Narratives, Talking about the Development of China", this solicitation is aimed at master's and doctoral students majoring in translation from universities at home and abroad, and practitioners who are interested in contributing to the telling of China's science and technology stories. Expert leaders, senior translators, young teachers and students from China Science and Technology Press, China Science and Technology Museum, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing University of Foreign Chinese, University of International Business and Economics, University of Science and Technology Beijing and other institutions participated in the event and spoke enthusiastically.

In 2024, the "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation event was unveiled at BIBF

Lin Zhennan, Chief Engineer of China Science and Technology Press, mentioned in his speech: In the context of global scientific and technological cooperation and exchanges, we are still facing the challenge of a shortage of young translation talents. Therefore, the publishing house has specially planned this collection of new translators, looking forward to discovering and cultivating more outstanding young translation talents, injecting new vitality into the international dissemination of Chinese science and technology stories, and allowing more readers to appreciate the talents and achievements of young translators through the platform of "Weiwei Books".

In 2024, the "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation event was unveiled at BIBF

Ou Jiancheng, former deputy director of the China Science and Technology Museum and vice president and secretary general of the Chinese Society of Natural Science Museums, has been engaged in international exchanges and translation for a long time. This situation has not only attracted the continuous attention of many language schools, stimulated the motivation of students to improve their professional quality, but also prompted the organizers to build a platform for students to compete and communicate.

In 2024, the "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation event was unveiled at BIBF

Ms. Yan Xuelian, a teacher from the School of Foreign Chinese of University of Science and Technology Beijing, has accumulated more than 900,000 words of two-way translation and finalization between Chinese and English, and has rich translation experience. She said that the release of this event provides a communication platform for college students majoring in translation to consolidate their basic knowledge of English, improve their English practice and application level, and demonstrate their English use ability. At the same time, this activity broadened the students' world vision, enhanced their sensitivity to science and technology and popular science topics, and cultivated fresh blood for the mainland's international exchange cause.

In 2024, the "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation event was unveiled at BIBF

This solicitation activity, relying on the Weiwei Pinshu APP, provides convenient reading with "light reading + high-quality content", and solves the problem of finding books with "book list + book cloud recommendation". The first batch of 38 original high-quality books on science and technology, popular science, science fiction, medicine, children's and other original high-quality books have been opened to the public for free and limited-time reading, providing users with a "one-stop" high-quality digital reading experience and providing targeted choices and references for participants to sign up for the collection.

The organizer will also provide translation certificates and written authorization for the participants, and provide translation cases and thesis materials for the majority of master's and doctoral students majoring in translation, and the winners will have the opportunity to become contracted translators and undertake the translation work of important copyright output books. At the press conference, the China Science and Technology Press issued letters of appointment to senior translators and university experts.

In 2024, the "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation event was unveiled at BIBF

China Science and Technology Press

It is reported that this release will officially unveil the 2024 "Weiwei Book Cup" new translator solicitation activity. During the six-month solicitation and translation skills competition, China Science and Technology Press will successively carry out a series of activities on university campuses to "innovate scientific and technological narratives and talk about the development of China" with young translators.

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