
Latest! Is the North Shore ready to resume work? The delivery has been postponed

author:Xiangmao Riverside

Recently, @大红岛 retrieval learned that some enthusiastic citizens complained about the slow resumption of work of Zhengyang Yuefu real estate in Hetao Street, Chengyang District, and the relevant departments of Chengyang District gave the latest reply.

Latest! Is the North Shore ready to resume work? The delivery has been postponed

The third name of a real estate project in Hetao Street, Chengyang, "Zhengyang Yuefu"

Citizens said that they have several questions about the resumption of work in Zhengyang Yuefu and hope that the relevant departments will answer.

Question 1: Renovation of workers' living quarters What is the current stage of construction, and has the workers' living quarters been built? I have been saying that I will resume work in July, but now there is only half a month left, and it will be July, has the workers' living area been built, can I resume work?

Question 2: Our contract delivery deadline is 6.31, which will definitely not be able to hand over the house, I would like to ask the developer should give an exact delay in delivery notice information (email is also OK) and compensation plan!

On June 19, according to the implementation of Hetao Street, Chengyang District, the third phase of the Yilufa Shijia Yuyuan project started in March 2015, and the construction of the project has been completed; In the fourth phase of Shiyu Home, the project plans to build a total of 5 buildings, with a construction area of about 13 million square meters and a height of 35 floors, which will start construction in April 2021 and be delivered in December 2023 as planned. Qingdao Yilufa Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. stopped work due to project funding problems.

At present, the general contractor of the Shiyu Home project has been replaced, and the site selection has been completed for the renovation of the workers' living quarters, and the construction will resume in August this year.

Latest! Is the North Shore ready to resume work? The delivery has been postponed

Through the official reply, it can be seen that there has been new progress in the resumption of work in Zhengyang Yuefu, and it is finally no longer a living area that has not been built and has been restored to the owner. Now it seems that the site selection of the workers' living quarters is very difficult, so that the construction unit has only completed the site selection since the Chinese New Year this year.

So can the "Zhengyang Yuefu" project resume work in August? Here we have to put a question mark, the owners of the industry on a year-by-year basis really can't afford to wait, and hope to promote the resumption of work as planned, so that the people who buy houses can see hope.

Latest! Is the North Shore ready to resume work? The delivery has been postponed

The location of Zhengyang Yuefu Phase IV is close to the Dajian Metro Station of Line 8 that has been opened

Latest! Is the North Shore ready to resume work? The delivery has been postponed

Renderings of the fourth phase of Zhengyang Yuefu project

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