
Chinese subway stations are equipped with standard toilets, and American foreigners are "eye-opening": why are there no foreign countries?

author:Xiao Nan loves to chatter

On the day she first arrived in China, Xiao Ai took the Beijing subway for the first time. As a new travel blogger from the United States, she is full of curiosity and anticipation for this subway trip. But when she stood on the subway platform, that scene made her eyes widen - it turned out that there was also a striking sign in the subway station that said "toilet"!


"How is this possible?!" Xiao Ai muttered in surprise. In her memory, subway stations in the United States were not like that. Everywhere you can see is a mess of graffiti and garbage, and the occasional drunken homeless person. And on the issue of the bathroom, there is not even a shadow to be found. Once there is something urgent, you can only rush to the outside of the subway station to look for it.

But the subway station in front of him, which is as clean and tidy as the hotel lobby, is conspicuously marked with the direction of the toilet at the entrance, which makes Xiao Ai sigh: "This is too convenient!"

Immediately, she remembered what happened to her subway station in the United States. You have to pay more than a dollar every time you go to the bathroom, but when you finally find the bathroom, you often find that it is so dirty that you can't bear to look at it. This is undoubtedly a big pain point for an American who is accustomed to free public toilets.

Chinese subway stations are equipped with standard toilets, and American foreigners are "eye-opening": why are there no foreign countries?

"It turns out that in China, there are not only toilets in subway stations, but also free to use?" Xiao Ai couldn't help but sigh. She seems to have found the pain point she has always had – even in her own country, there are many problems with such basic public facilities.

In an instant, Xiao Ai's first impression of China changed dramatically. She realized that her previous knowledge of this mysterious eastern country was actually based on some reports chasing after the wind. And when she personally set foot on this land and learned about the Chinese way of life and urban construction, she found that this was not the case.

Not only that, but when Xiao Ai walked into the bathroom in the subway station, she was even more eye-opening. Not only are the toilets neat and clean, but they are even air-conditioned, just like the squalid public toilets she's seen in the United States. couldn't help but sigh: "No wonder everyone says that China is too advanced, it turns out that even this kind of small detail is so good!"

At this time, the doubts in Xiao Ai's heart have been completely solved. She couldn't resist sharing the discovery on social networks, attaching a photo she had taken inside a toilet in a metro station.

Soon, Xiao Ai's news caused heated discussions among many netizens. Many people expressed surprise at her discovery, and some even bluntly said: "It turns out that foreign subway stations don't even have toilets, which is really eye-opening!"

Someone humorously quipped: "It seems that the United States needs to learn from China how to maintain public facilities." Others seriously analyzed: "This may have something to do with the Chinese government's long-standing emphasis on urban construction." After all, providing a convenient and comfortable public service environment for the people is the basic duty of a responsible government. "

Chinese subway stations are equipped with standard toilets, and American foreigners are "eye-opening": why are there no foreign countries?

Just as Xiao Ai was immersed in the large amount of praise and attention she received, she unexpectedly found that netizens seemed to have deeper thoughts about this matter. "This is not just an infrastructure issue, but also a reflection of the Chinese government's advanced concept of urban planning and management," someone said.

Others bring a broader perspective: "China's meticulous and meticulous approach to urban development not only makes people feel the convenience of life, but also shows the importance that the country attaches to the well-being of its citizens." This is so different from our previous impression of China. "

Hearing these comments, Xiao Ai couldn't help but feel a little emotional. She realized that her previous perception of China was actually seriously one-sided and biased. It was from this trip that she really got to know a different side of this mysterious oriental country.

Online, there are also voices that address a deeper issue: "This is not only a reflection of the Chinese government's institutional advantages of attaching importance to people's livelihood, but also echoes China's overall urban planning and infrastructure construction." As a developing country, it is admirable that China has achieved such urbanization in just a few decades. "

Chinese subway stations are equipped with standard toilets, and American foreigners are "eye-opening": why are there no foreign countries?

These words made Xiao Ai deeply touched. She realized that China's rapid development is not limited to some scattered details, but has the overall planning and execution ability throughout the whole process. This gave her a deeper understanding of the country's development path.

In the days that followed, Ai continued to share what she saw and heard in China on social networks. Whether it is food, scenery or humanities, she recorded it with the camera, which triggered the interaction of many netizens. Someone sighed: "This is the real China we want to know!" It seems that China is completely different from what we imagined before. "

Sought after by netizens, Xiao Ai's fans are increasing. Some people even began to affectionately call her "Little Sister China". Xiao Ai has also become a well-known overseas Internet celebrity.

In fact, Xiao Ai's experience is not unique. With the implementation of China's 144-hour visa-free policy, more and more foreign tourists have started to travel to China. In this magical oriental land, they all have new experiences and discoveries similar to Xiao Ai.

Chinese subway stations are equipped with standard toilets, and American foreigners are "eye-opening": why are there no foreign countries?

For example, the travel blogger "Italyukchina" from Italy, whose videos in China have also attracted a lot of attention online. In the video, he was surprised to find that China's subway stations not only have clean toilets, but also have modern facilities such as air conditioning.

"Is it true that in foreign countries, there is not even a toilet in the subway station? That's inhumane, isn't it?" He said this with emotion when sharing the video.

Many netizens have said that they have never thought about this problem before. It turns out that in many countries, subway stations do not even have the most basic toilet facilities, which is really incomprehensible. This reflects some of China's unique advantages in urban construction and public service delivery. The first is a sound urban planning concept. Compared with many other countries, China's urban construction pays more attention to the needs of people's livelihood and focuses on infrastructure construction. Whether it is a subway station, a park or other public places, people's daily use needs will be fully considered, and more thoughtful supporting facilities will be provided as much as possible.

The second is a strong government enforcement capacity. The Chinese government has been able to achieve efficient coordination from top-level design to implementation to ensure that all construction tasks are effectively promoted. In contrast, government departments in some countries are inefficient and have a clear division of responsibilities, making it difficult to ensure the sustainability and reliability of public facilities.

In addition, the Chinese government also pays attention to the equalization of public services. Take the subway station toilet as an example, whether you are an ordinary citizen or a tourist, you can enjoy free and clean public toilet services. This not only facilitates people's daily travel, but also reflects the government's emphasis on people's livelihood.

Chinese subway stations are equipped with standard toilets, and American foreigners are "eye-opening": why are there no foreign countries?

In addition, China is also committed to the concept of green environmental protection in urban planning. Many subway stations not only have clean and comfortable toilets, but also integrate supporting facilities such as garden landscaping to make the whole space more warm and pleasant. This is not only convenient for citizens, but also reflects the ecological wisdom of China's urban construction.

In general, the Chinese government's thoughtful consideration and efficient implementation of urban construction have created a more convenient and comfortable public environment for the people. This not only benefited the domestic masses, but also left a deep impression on tourists from abroad, making them look at China with admiration.

As Xiao Ai sighed, "It turns out that China is not only so advanced in hardware construction, but also has done some detailed public services far beyond my imagination." This experience not only gave her a new understanding of China, but also sparked heated discussions and reflections among many netizens.

Some netizens said, "This made me realize that some of our prejudices and stereotypes about China in the past were actually based on some one-sided information." Now, through Xiao Ai's sharing, we really understand the other side of China, a magical country. "

Others said, "China's concept of urban construction and the level of public services are truly admirable." It is not easy for a developing country to achieve such an achievement. We should look at China's progress objectively and discard some preconceived prejudices. "

It is this kind of cross-border exchange and comparison that has given more people a new understanding of China. Some commentators pointed out that "overseas Internet celebrities like Xiao Ai are becoming a bridge between China and the world." They used their cameras to record China's changes, disseminate an objective and true image of China abroad, and made important contributions to the promotion of cultural exchanges. "

Chinese subway stations are equipped with standard toilets, and American foreigners are "eye-opening": why are there no foreign countries?

Finally, Xiao Ai sent a new news on her social account: "My trip to China not only broadened my horizons, but also made me realize some of my previous prejudices and misperceptions of this country. Now I can't wait to continue exploring this fascinating Oriental Divine Prefecture and discover more interesting stories. I hope you will continue to pay attention to my follow-up sharing, and let us witness the transformation and take-off of this great country together!"

I believe that with the efforts of Xiao Ai and other new generations of travelers, China, a magical country, will surely show more charming charm on the world stage and make more people fall in love with it.

#中国地铁站标配厕所, American foreigners "opened their eyes": why not abroad?

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