
The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Little Tea Commentary

2024-06-23 01:02Published in Hunan film and television creators

(This article contains spoilers, mind being cautious)

After watching the ending of "Ink Rain and Clouds", my eyes are already crying and swollen, even if I look at the easter eggs, I can't suppress the uncomfortable energy.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Character ending

The endings of all the characters in "Ink Rain and Clouds" can be summed up in one sentence: the damned are dead, and the undeserved are also dead.

1, Wanning

Shen Yurong wanted to take advantage of the mutiny to make Wanning's death fake scene really happen, and replaced the fake death medicine with real poison, wanting to get rid of Wanning and give him a chance to start over with Xue Fangfei.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Wan Ning noticed that the soup Shen Yurong gave her was poisonous, and found out the truth that Shen Yurong wanted to kill her, in order to retaliate against Shen Yurong, she used the hairpin that Shen Yurong gave her to complete the "suicide", using Shen Yurong's hand and borrowing Shen Yurong's strength.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

She knew that Shen Yurong wanted to wash herself and start over, but she wanted to make him bear the infamy of killing the princess, so that he would never be able to turn back.

She used her death to complete her final revenge, paranoid and determined.

2, Shen Yurong

Shen Yurong offered advice to King Cheng, got the fish talisman of the Long Wu Army, and wanted to use the Long Wu Army to kill Xiao Yu.

He thinks it's all because of Xiao Yu, Xue Fangfei doesn't take him seriously now. He wanted to see Xiao Xuan isolated and killed, once loyal to the Xiao family's Long Wu Army.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Unexpectedly, Xue Fangfei came to help him single-handedly with a bow and arrow, and wanted to advance and retreat with him.

Xue Fangfei shot Shen Yurong's hand holding the fish talisman and helped Xiao Yu get the fish talisman, and the strong men and women had a concrete embodiment at this moment.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Xue Fangfei helped Xiao Yu successfully control the Long Wu Army, while Shen Yurong saw that his defeat was decided, and he was unwilling to bear the judgment of the Great Yan Law, so he jumped off the city wall a second before the guards captured him.

3, Concubine Li

The ending of Wanning and Shen Yurong is not difficult to predict, but what is surprising is the ending of Concubine Li.

Originally, I thought that she and the emperor were just using each other, but I didn't expect that under the use, they were all true feelings.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

In order to cover the emperor's escape, Concubine Li left herself at the palace banquet and used herself to lead the king to buy time for the emperor to escape.

After King Cheng's action, she didn't want to become King Cheng's handle to take Xiao Yu, so she resolutely crashed into the blade and ended her life.

4, Lu Ji and Wen Ji

Lu Ji and Wen Ji fought against Dai Guo with Xiao Yu, and in the end, only Wen Ji, Lu Ji, and Xiao Yu were left, and the long-term fight made their physical strength a little exhausted, while the enemy's reinforcements were endless.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

A spear struck, Lu Ji died to protect Wen Ji, Wen Ji saw Lu Ji die protecting himself, reason was defeated by emotion, and an arrow died of negligence.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Although I cried loudly when Lu Ji and Wen Ji died, I still have to say that Lu Ji and Wen Ji died too hastily, so hastily that it was a little inexplicable.

I have to suspect that the screenwriter is rushing to the annihilation of the whole army.

End of story

From the standpoint of the heroine Xue Fangfei, "Ink Rain and Clouds" is a traditional happy ending.

1. Family affection

Xue Huaiyuan's sanity was completely restored, he remembered everything before, and he also expressed his approval to Xiao Yu, and the Xue family of three was reunited again.

Xue Fangfei introduced Xue Zhao to Situ Jiuyue, and Xue Zhao, who lost Qiongzhi, gained happiness again......

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Jiang Yuanbai already knew that it was Xue Fangfei who returned to the Jiang family, not the real Jiang Li, but he still recognized Xue Fangfei's daughter and regarded her identity as a secret between the two of them.

At the end of the story, Xue Fangfei completely became Jiang Li, she wanted to return Ye Zhenzhen's hairpin to Jiang Li, but Jiang Li in the illusion put the hairpin on her head again.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

Jiang Li also admitted her identity as the daughter of the Jiang family and agreed that she would continue to live as Jiang Li.

2. Love

As soon as King Cheng died, the army of Daiguo was ready to move, and after Xiao Yu and Jiang Li got married, they went to the north, one was to eliminate the remnants of King Cheng, and the other was to kill and retreat from Daiguo, so that they would stop eyeing Dayan.

Xiao Yu and Jiang Li agreed that when the plum blossoms, it will be the time when he is safe and triumphant.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

When the plum blossoms bloomed, Jiang Li waited for Xiao Yu who came from the horse under the plum tree, although he did not show his face, but the tanuki jade pendant on the belt had already revealed the identity of the person.

Okay, here's the problem.

Wen Ji and Lu Ji died in battle one after another, only Xiao Yu was left, Xiao Yu was besieged by a group of Dai Guoren, the first snow fell in the sky, Xiao Yu looked at the snowflakes flying in the sky, he knew that the time he had agreed with Jiang Li had arrived.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

The camera came to Yanjing City, Jiang Li ran on the corridor in red, she was going to wait for the triumphant Xiao Yu.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

How did Xiao Yu get rid of the siege of the Dai Guoren? How did he return to the capital? In the whole play, Xiao Yu has never ridden a white horse, is the white horse here symbolic?

Plum blossoms are a winter scene, but now the grass is green, and the plum blossoms on the mountain are still in bloom, whether the plum blossoms are blooming in people's hearts or in reality?

Is all this Jiang Li's vision, dream or reality?


The picture on the battlefield came to an abrupt end, Lu Ji and Wen Ji died one after another, and the meeting under the plum tree was like a dream, making it impossible to tell whether it was a dream or reality, and it was really difficult for me to convince myself that Xiao Yu was still alive.

After watching the finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds", I suddenly understood why the director drove out an easter egg.

The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

If there is no paid easter egg, Xiao Yu and Xue Fangfei can be regarded as an open ending, but with the addition of that paid easter egg, I feel that all this is what the screenwriter wants to cover up

It's so good, before I finished reading it, I scratched my heart and cheeks about the plot behind it, and now that I've finished reading it, I'm scratching my heart and cheeks about the plot I've watched.

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  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead
  • The finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds": The damned are all dead, and the unworthy are also dead

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