
The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

author:Scholar of literature and history
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

Recently, the U.S. aircraft carrier Eisenhower withdrew from the waters of the Red Sea, and although the reason was not clearly stated, the Houthis immediately launched an attack on Israeli ships.

In this regard, they claimed to have used hypersonic missiles and admitted to attacking Israeli ships in the Arabian waters, which has attracted a lot of attention in the international community, and some experts speculate that Israel is taking advantage of the window period when the US aircraft carrier left.

Since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel's continued attacks on Palestine have aroused the dissatisfaction of some opposition groups, including the Houthis.

The withdrawal of the US military this time is also very doubtful, according to the past practice, when the US troops are attacked, they will definitely counterattack as soon as possible, but this time they actually claimed to have returned to the port.

The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated
The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

The Houthis are armed with hypersonic missiles, and the international speculation behind the authenticity of the technology

The current situation in the Middle East can be described as chaotic, with various government resistance groups joining in, including the Houthis, who dare to face the challenge of the United States and launch missiles to attack its aircraft carriers three times in a row.

Although this is a Yemeni rebel group, its strength should not be underestimated, and since March this year, they have claimed to have conquered the technology of hypersonic missiles, and even completed tests.

The release of this news really made the international community unbelievable, and even thought that it was falsifying, after all, with the military strength of the Hu side, it is extremely difficult to have both capital and technology.

Countries speculated that the Hu side was just trying to catch up with a gimmick, or that it had received help from Iran and other countries, but just three months later, the Hu side actually attacked the Israeli ship with hypersonic missiles.

The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

According to the Hu side, the missile launched this time was "Khatim-2", but according to the published video, it is more like an Iranian ballistic missile, similar to the type of "Haiber Shekan".

According to the data given by the Iranian side, this missile has a range of more than a thousand kilometers, a maximum speed of Mach 5 can also be reached, and it is an improved version of the Conqueror series.

The addition of third-generation solid fuel, and the change of the warhead to a double-cone type, make the terminal penetration more flexible and maneuverable, and it is completely sufficient to deal with the "Patriot" and other air defense systems of the United States and Israel.

Even if this missile can cover Israel, it is still different from the hypersonic missile used by the Hu side, and it is a variant on the basis of the original, and it is still much worse than the official hypersonic missile.

The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

The Houthi challenge to US aircraft carriers, military confrontation and geopolitical analysis

At present, only China and Russia have made hypersonic missiles public, and now the United States is still in the deployment and testing stage, and this operation has been carried out for many years, and it has been reported by the Japanese media before.

The original plan of the United States was to complete the entire process of building a hypersonic missile in 2023, but successive experimental failures have delayed the project until now.

Now China and Russia are ahead of the United States in this type of weapon, and the reason why the development of hypersonic missiles is so difficult is that the requirements for them are quite high, and there must be irregular ballistics, and the speed exceeds that of interceptor missiles.

The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

Even the United States has faced many obstacles in developing the missile, and as an anti-government organization in Yemen, even with the support of Iran, it is difficult for the Houthis to achieve a real technological breakthrough.

This is also the reason why many countries have questioned the fact that Hu Yi's three anti-ship missiles launched at the US aircraft carrier were all false news in the first two of them, and they were accompanied by some videos of normal operation.

However, after the third launch, the US side did not have a so-called reply, and even said in a relatively low-key manner that the "Eisenhower" had returned and had been deployed for eight months.

The US side did not have a clear response to this matter, but gave a follow-up plan, that is, to replace it with the "Roosevelt", and it is expected that the aircraft carrier will be able to arrive in the sea area in July.

It was also aware of this situation that the Hu side began to publicly attack Israeli warships, in order to make the US side think clearly about whether to continue to deploy warships here.

The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

Military intervention with the resistance of the Houthis, a problem under US hegemony

Previously, the Houthis had also carried out many attacks on US warships, but they were eventually stumped by their air defense systems, and after that, the US military launched a counterattack, which made the Houthis even more unable to parry.

On 26 June, the US Command openly stated that it had completed the strike mission at a radar station on the Hu side and completely destroyed it.

If the Hu side really comes up with hypersonic missiles, then it is only possible to seek help from other countries, and the United States knows this, but it can be under the pressure of US hegemony.

All countries are now more or less affected, China and Russia are the main targets of US sanctions, and the situation between Russia and Ukraine has become extremely critical because of US interference.

The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

If you want to directly obtain relevant technology, it is still extremely difficult to cooperate, after all, cooperation between countries is more about the exchange of reciprocal interests, if you do not have enough confidence to support, it is difficult to establish "two-way communication".

Now, with the support of the United States, Israel continues to clamor in the Middle East, claiming that it wants to make Hamas pay the price, and a large number of Palestinian civilians have been harmed in the process.

In this regard, the Israeli side has no intention of stopping, but continues to bomb Gaza and other strips, which makes Lebanon, Houthi, Iran and other countries look down on it, so they have come out to support the Palestinians, causing further chaos in the area.

The Houthis showed their ultimate "killer weapon", targeting Israeli ships, and the US aircraft carrier urgently retreated

The situation in the Middle East is uncertain in the future, and the current financial and technological constraints of the United States

The US does not care about the situation in the Middle East and continues to support Israel, but even so, the Houthis and other groups are not afraid and continue to stand firm to the end.

As more and more people support Palestine, the power of the Houthis has also expanded to a certain extent, while in the United States, some problems have arisen both at home and abroad, and the struggle between the two parties in the country has become more and more intense.

There are still many places that foreign countries have taken into account, and there is no way out under their hegemonism, whether it is a return to the Asia-Pacific region or the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the United States will have to get involved.

The construction and supply of corresponding military equipment is very much in need of funds and technology, and the US side itself is becoming less and less dollar, which makes it extremely difficult to truly complete a project perfectly.

Therefore, no matter how the situation changes in the future, only peaceful coexistence is the guideline, and anyone who interferes in the affairs of other countries in a coercive and radical way will be strongly opposed.

Reference materials

Xinhua News Agency: Yemen's Houthis Say Attack on Israeli Ship in Haifa Port

Globe: "Houthis attack! The first announcement of the use of hypersonic missiles "Houthis say they launched a new missile to attack an Israeli ship"

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