
In 2024, the admission score of the tertiary institution may not be low

author:How much rain comes

WeChat public account - "How much does the rain come to know"

1. I didn't dare to go back to my mother in the past two days, and I didn't dare to go to the office, and when I went, someone would definitely ask me about volunteering

If you don't have that diamond, you won't do that porcelain work, and if you don't record it, you will probably have to be complained

Moreover, I don't know why, the ones who came to me were all very tricky volunteers, basically around 330-390 points, and there were few above 400

Then I was asked a question - "Which junior college is better, if the undergraduate is not admitted at that time, then go to the junior college, and the junior college is also good"

Sure enough, parents also want to open, anyway, after the experience of being beaten in the past few years, I also began to slowly realize that in fact, many undergraduates, not as good as junior colleges, the future will be polarized, key first-class universities and professional college and higher vocations, both ends of a pole, will be very good, one to the left, to climb the peak in solid theoretical innovation, one to the right, to climb the peak in practical manufacturing innovation

This is actually the will of the country, once it is determined, it is difficult to change it, whether the two go left to right, to put it bluntly, they will find a suitable job and make money

In between, a large number of undergraduate colleges and universities will become more and more uncomfortable in the context of a declining population, because the schools have no brand influence, majors and teaching, and no competitiveness

The job market doesn't matter so much, either you have the ability or there is a force behind it

2. Then I went to look for a "good junior college", I don't know if I don't know, I asked a question, it turned out that I was a little frog at the bottom of the well, such as this "Shenzhen Vocational and Technical University", That's right, people call it a university, it was just changed last year, it was a higher vocational college before, coordinates in Shenzhen, Guangdong, there are three campuses, and now it is recruiting both undergraduates and junior colleges, and there are more junior colleges

This school, last year's financial budget was about 3 billion, which shocked me, and I went to see it, my alma mater, Zhengzhou University, 211 level, has a financial budget of 3.4 billion in 2023

30,000 people in Shenzhen, and 70,000 people in Zhengda, the financial funds are about the same, Shenzhen, really rich

But a good university is really smashed out with money, it costs money to invite professors, it costs money to buy equipment, it costs money to build infrastructure, and it costs money to declare, and if there is no money, it can't be smashed

Then I curiously clicked on the admission score, which is like this

In 2024, the admission score of the tertiary institution may not be low
In 2024, the admission score of the tertiary institution may not be low

It fully shows that there are many more pragmatic parents and students than we imagined, take Henan as an example, 507 in liberal arts, 482 in science, you know, Henan 2023 is 547 in liberal arts, and 514 in science

I'm a frog at the bottom of a well......

3. Similar to such a top-ranked and competitive college, as well as Beijing Vocational College of Electronic Science and Technology, Wuxi Vocational and Technical College, Zhejiang Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College, etc., my own view of higher vocational and junior college is to go out

For example, in a third-tier city like the one I stayed in, even if I came back from my undergraduate, it was difficult to have a suitable position, especially in the liberal arts

But the first family of the junior college is more pragmatic, the first day of entering the school is aimed at employment, the heart is not so high, once employed, and then step by step development, it is easy to surpass the ordinary undergraduate, after all, the halo of the undergraduate blessing, can exist for a short time

Secondly, junior colleges, a large part of which are in economically developed cities, focus on technology, profession, and education, and colleges and universities will also take the initiative to get contacts with some enterprises in order to find employment, such as Shenzhen Vocational University, which is largely bound to Huawei

The cities with the most colleges in the country are these, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Tianjin, Chongqing, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Fuzhou, Zhengzhou, Wuhan

Another point is that seeing that the vocational education college entrance examination and college promotion are being supported, not only can you obtain a bachelor's degree step by step, but also part of the positions will be allocated to these students in the future

Speaking of which, in fact, there is still an economic problem behind the academic qualifications, when the income of higher vocational colleges can exceed the average level of undergraduates, then everyone will take the initiative to remove the colored glasses, this situation is not unhappened, many high-welfare countries in Europe, is an example

Whether it is a bachelor's degree, a junior college, or a higher vocational position, it is nothing more than cultivating one's absolute strength in a different environment, once the absolute strength is established, the domineering strength is suppressed, and the Qiankun can still be reversed, not to mention a "mark"!

WeChat public account - "How much does the rain come to know"

In 2024, the admission score of the tertiary institution may not be low