
The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!


It's another big day for the college entrance examination scores.

The 13.42 million children who took the college entrance examination this year have finally waited for the answer to their ten-year cold window in the past few days.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

But then there is another hurdle in front of the children.

Fill in the volunteers.

It is said that the college entrance examination is just an exam, and filling in the volunteer is life.

Many parents began to talk about this matter very early on, running around to inquire.

"Fill in the volunteers, not a single point can be wasted".

So in the past few days, a group of people have almost lived in the hot search.

"Hundreds of millions of dollars in 3 hours" and "two months to make a year's money"......

But someone, the eyes are red.


This group of people is called the college entrance examination volunteer planner, or the college newspaper teacher, which is a new industry that has only taken shape in the past two years.

The most famous, everyone knows: Zhang Xuefeng.

At the beginning of the month, the college entrance examination had not yet started, and Zhang Xuefeng's live broadcast room put volunteer filling services on the shelves.

The price is really not low, the dream card is 11999 yuan, and the dream card is 17999 yuan.

It is worth two or three years of tuition fees for ordinary public universities.

However, it still depends on grabbing.

Many parents said that they squatted on the Internet to fight for the speed of the hand, and they were so excited that they sent it to Moments, and they couldn't wait to tell the world.

I was even more excited than grabbing Jay Chou concert tickets.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

Even the link for the presale was sold out.

2 years later, the 2026 class of volunteers will fill in the consultation package, priced at 8999 yuan.

But all the provincial quotas were sold out.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

Although these dream cards and dream cards are clearly prompted, they are not necessarily all guided by Mr. Zhang Xuefeng himself.

But the 20,000 places were still sold out.

What is the concept?

Roughly calculated, within 3 hours, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million.

But that's just a small piece of cake, only 20,000 places.

A staff member calculated the accounts:

This year, 13.42 million people applied for the college entrance examination, and according to the 50% online rate, more than 6 million people will participate in the voluntary application.

Even if only 1/10 of these more than 6 million people need to volunteer for consulting services, that is 600,000 people.

But in fact, according to statistics, 88.1% of college entrance examination candidates are willing to spend money to buy college entrance examination voluntary filling services.

The year before last, the market size was 880 million, last year, it was 950 million, and this year, it will only be more.

So you can see that I don't know when many Gaobao teachers interpreted the application rules in the live broadcast room, and many voluntary filling agencies popped up.

Some of them are high school teachers who have led many classes of students, and some are planners who specialize in studying application information.

They will delineate the batch concept, marking rate, acceptance rate, rank, equivalent rank, equivalent score, number of equal scores, undergraduate line, and enrollment plan...... All the information is familiar to me.

Consult once, hundreds, thousands.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

In this matter, the earning is the real earning.

Therefore, many people also question whether it is an IQ tax and cutting leeks.

How to put it, I don't advertise to anyone, I just want to share some heartfelt words:

If I had this kind of service when I took the college entrance examination more than ten years ago, I would rather save money than have someone to show me the way.


I am a rural baby, and when I went to high school, I was already the most educated in my family.

There was no one around me who could impart experience to me, and I always thought that if I studied hard and took the exam, I would go to university.

But in fact, even if the score is not low, if you don't fill in the volunteer, you may slip into the gear, fail to study, or fill in a major you don't like and regret it for life.

At that time, the Internet was not developed, and if you wanted to search for school information, you could only use the computer to look at their official website to get a general idea.

Besides, I don't have a computer at home, so no one can help me.

I can only hold the thick application guide by myself and gnaw at home, and the only person I can consult is the head teacher.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

But I still failed to fill in my wish.

I was afraid of slipping, so I filled in very conservatively.

In the end, I entered the school, entered the class, and saw those students who had a lot lower scores than me, and then I realized that in fact, according to my grades, I could have filled in a better school.

A lack of support was enough for me to regret for many years.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

At that time, many of my classmates were not much better than me.

As soon as some people heard about business administration, they thought that they were in charge of people and money, so they reported it.

Some people think that they can become doctors when they go to medical universities, but they are transferred to other specialties, and only after they go to know that they are not close to doctors at all.

Every year during the college entrance examination season, many netizens want to cry and cry to protect their younger brothers and sisters from lightning.

Children from ordinary families can only choose their future by relying on the fragmentary information obtained on the Internet.

But this information is likely to be one-sided, lagging, and wrong.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!
The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

Over the years, the rules have become more and more complicated.

This year, many provinces are still in the first year of the college entrance examination reform.

And the policy is also changing every year, for example, in some places, if you choose a physics subject last year, you can apply for a computer science and technology major.

But this year, you have to choose physics and chemistry to apply.

This affected a lot of people.

Many children didn't understand it when they chose subjects before, and when they applied for the exam, they couldn't apply for science and engineering majors, so they could only choose from both arts and sciences or liberal arts majors.

I understand this embarrassment and regret too well.

We are all from the past, and we all understand:

Filling in the application is far more complicated than the 6 words "choosing a university and choosing a major".


A high-level reporter told a story.

She came into contact with a mother in Harbin who wanted to go to school in the city from the countryside in high school.

This mother looked for people everywhere, but in the end she had no choice, so she called 12345 for help.

12345 told her that she could do it if she had a city hukou.

In the end, she asked someone to find a kind distant relative who was willing to let her child settle down, and the child's school was finally completed.

Funny, right? People in the city who don't know that hukou affects school districts.

But for an ordinary rural family, this is unfamiliar information, and this is the "inside story" that can only be obtained with hard work.

Just like when I had no connections and no resources, I didn't know until I went to university, and it turned out that there was also the term "college entrance examination immigration", and it turned out that children with conditions could go to school in developed areas and then go to underdeveloped areas to take exams.

Why do so many people need Zhang Xuefeng?

Because the world that children from ordinary families see is really walled.

There is a high newspaper teacher who has been a math teacher for 4 years, and a few years ago he helped a child from a single-parent family.

His mother wears hearing aids and does odd jobs in the county hospital, changing quilt covers and bed sheets, for 3,000 yuan a month.

As for the child, his grades are average, with more than 300 points, but he especially wants to graduate and work as soon as possible to reduce the pressure on his mother.

According to his score, he can only go to the private office, but the pressure on tuition is too great.

The teacher suggested that he go to Nanjing Railway Vocational and Technical College to major in EMU maintenance technology.

For children, this is a school and major that they have never heard of.

But the teacher knows that this school has industry characteristics, but also technical barriers, and the tuition fee is not high.

The child finally applied for the examination, graduated from the school recruitment, and successfully entered the railway bureau in Nanjing.

It's good that people who don't have smooth information at the bottom know how to choose a major and how to apply for college.

And information, sometimes changes a person's life.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

Just like Zhang Xuefeng, he often tells you to choose a major with professional barriers.

For example, if you don't learn the law, you won't understand it, but you can only understand it when you learn it, so that you can go to the law firm and take the public security system, which is called a barrier.

For example, in the Chinese language, the most positions in this major are recruited in the public examination editing stage, which is an advantage.

He will tell you that you can go and study veterinarian.

From first-tier cities to third- and fourth-tier cities, you can find a job in a pet hospital, or even open a pet clinic yourself.

Even though it is difficult to get rich and expensive, in today's declining fertility rate and soaring pet raising rate, we must not worry about eating and drinking.

He'll also tell you that the mouth is worth learning.

It is less stringent in terms of academic qualifications, and undergraduate students can enter private hospitals, which is not necessarily less than graduate students in public dental hospitals.

I still remember that as soon as he said this, many people scolded him, saying that the number of people who filled in the dental profession had skyrocketed, and the niche track they chose for their children was known to everyone.

You see, what is meant to break the information gap, this is.


A few days ago, Zhang Xuefeng connected with a rural girl in the live broadcast room.

The girl wanted to study Chinese medicine, but she could only score about 500 points.

I don't want to go to the private office, and I don't want to go to a place other than my home province.

No one in the family worked in the hospital, and both parents were farmers.

Zhang Xuefeng was silent for a while.

The girl's score really doesn't go up or down.

Even if she is admitted, she is not very competitive, and the road ahead will be difficult.

This is too shocking to say, but Zhang Xuefeng still said bluntly:

"Girl, you have to give up.

But if I were you, I'd consider the agricultural management orientation students in your rural areas.

Or if you have a higher score, you can also consider your country doctor program. ”

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

After seeing the explanations of some netizens, I realized that these two directions can help girls get a stable establishment in the future.

Zhang Xuefeng said sincerely:

"Your parents said that a farmer who faces the loess with his back to the sky, in your generation, through your hard work, can become a doctor in your township health center, and can become a manager of your local rural agricultural development.

Personally, I think you're already far ahead of your parents' generation. ”

I understand this too well.

The children of poor families are scared, and they especially want to become masters in one step.

I want to grasp everything, but my ability is not enough, and it is too easy to grasp everything.

At this time, it is necessary to have someone come to tell us the truth.

Some rural parents want their children to study medicine, Zhang Xuefeng will always remind:

Clinical studies attach too much importance to academic qualifications, and if you want to enter a big hospital, how dare you think if you don't get a master's degree or a doctorate.

The initial investment is too big and too long, and the family conditions are average, if you expect your children to work early to earn money, don't take this road as soon as possible.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

Studying finance, if there are no resources at home and no connections, he will also make everyone think about it, and he may not be able to mix well in this circle.

What about the first professional grade, when you arrive at the unit, will the leader see if you are good at studying?

It will only depend on how much deposit you can pull.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!

A Gao Bao teacher also said that some parents want their children to learn artificial intelligence.

Because looking at the online propaganda, artificial intelligence seems to have become hugely powerful and will soon occupy all corners of our lives.

But the teacher told him that in fact, from a practitioner's point of view, this is still a long way off.

When a technology cannot be commercialized or civilian on a large scale, it will create fewer mid-level or front-line jobs.

If the child is only an ordinary undergraduate, and there is no special competitiveness, it will be too difficult to enter this industry.

Yes, we ordinary children apply for majors to see which name is tall, and imagine how to break it in the future.

Why do so many people need Zhang Xuefeng?

Because they tell the truth, they tell people less detours and less cannon fodder.

You can't be bitter for your parents and children, and in the end, learning to even eat will become a problem.

The college entrance examination score is out, Zhang Xuefeng's company received 200 million yuan in 3 hours, but I am not blushing at all!


Every time Zhang Xuefeng is on the hot search, and every time the profession of high-level newspaper engineer is reported, some people feel absurd:

Chinese children have to be so careful every step from studying to choosing a school.

It's really sad to say, but it's also realistic.

To tell the truth, parents with average family conditions can't give their children much vision and long-term planning.

If you are not careful, you will make a wrong step, and you will be more and more difficult.

But how can children from poor families have so many opportunities for trial and error?

I have always understood that it is not easy for ordinary children to live and live well.

Zhang Xuefeng can make money, and I am not angry at all.

On the contrary, I want to break the poor information and tell the truth, and people earn more and live well.

Because only in this way will more Zhang Xuefeng appear.

More children from ordinary families will have a trustworthy guide.

Of course, I also hope that this industry will become more and more standardized, and we must not let profit-seekers who fish in troubled waters mess around and harm people.

May all the children be well.

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