
Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

author:Henan traffic police
Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

Rainy weather has increased in the flood season

The hidden danger of driving increases


Flooded waterways are a frequent occurrence of incidents

Some car owners are venturing through waterlogged roads

Due to the depth of the stagnant water

The vehicle stalls and breaks down, causing the driver and passengers

Trapped in the car and unable to get out

There were even casualties

Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

While driving

When passing over waterlogged roads

How can we respond?

Wading blindly in the water will not only make driving more difficult, but also very dangerous.

Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

If the water level exceeds half of the tire, do not pass, if you encounter potholes and manhole covers, it may cause the engine to stall. Do not re-ignite at this time to avoid damage to the engine. In case the vehicle stalls in standing water

What should we do?

When the vehicle has been turned off in the water, and the water level has been submerged over half of the wheels, reaching the lower threshold of the vehicle, and the water level is still rising, the driver should decisively abandon the car to escape, this is the best time to escape.

Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

If the water is too strong, it has flooded the car door, and the vehicle has a floating feeling, and the situation of being top-heavy and swaying from side to side occurs, open the window and abandon the car before the power is cut off, do not covet the property, and leave quickly.

Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

The commonly used window breaking tools include a safety hammer, which is used to knock hard around the window, and a spring press the window breaker, which can quickly break the window by pressing hard, and must be placed within reach, never in the trunk.

Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

In addition, if the vehicle falls into the water, remove the safety lock and quickly open the door or window to escape. The choice is to break the window or climb out of the skylight. If you really can't break the window, you can open the door when the water is almost filling the car and the pressure inside and outside the car is almost equalized.

There are thousands of roads, safety is the first one, remember that there is also an escape route for vehicles falling into the water! Everyone talks about safety, everyone will respond to emergencies - unblock the passage of life and leave a path of hope for life!

Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

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Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

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Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!
Travel Tips丨@All Drivers This safety skill must be learned!

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