
Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

author:Like the wind says dreamy
Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

Hello everyone, I'm Rufeng, a veteran player who brings you a fantasy story! (Original code words, resist plagiarism, thank you for your attention and likes)

Since the open beta in 2003, Fantasy Journey to the West has gone through several generations of planning teams. At different stages of the game, they have developed a lot of cross-era gameplay, such as life and death, martial god altar, group of heroes, dungeon gameplay, etc., leaving a strong mark in the history of fantasy development.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

In the latest adjustment of the fantasy development team, a major event happened, that is, the executive master planner Xiao Qi officially left and transferred to another game under Aunt Wang.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

After Xiaoqi leaves, whether there will be major adjustments to the overall R&D direction and ideas of the dream development team, let's wait and see!

In the latest Shanghai player exchange, the players who participated in the meeting mentioned many topics that the brothers were very concerned about, and the official also sorted out these issues.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

Regarding the double lock and confidence issues that players are most concerned about, the planner said that after the adjustment is full of one month and there is enough data on May 21, he will make more accurate optimization actions. On the question of confidence, the planner said that the dream did not change in essence and would enter a new homeostasis over time!

Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

Players are also very concerned about the modification of Super Red Child, and the planner said that the reason for the adjustment is that it has a great impact on the existing combat pattern and economic system.

In addition, Dream plans to launch a 7-star difficulty within this year, and there are no plans to launch a new school.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

In terms of sect adjustments, Lion Camel Ridge will not be adjusted. The planner will continue to observe the problems brought by the spellmaster Putuo, and will make adjustments later if there are some new problems that seriously disrupt the experience.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Planner Xiaoqi left the game development team, and there are no plans to launch a new school in the near future!

When asked if artifact rewards are being tiered, the planner made it clear that they won't be making too many adjustments to the rewards in the near future, and they're also considering redesigning the classic gameplay in the summer event.

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