
As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished his remarks on the resumption of Taiwan, Lai Qingde said that he would not allow the status quo to be changed

author:Great light observation

Recently, while attending a symposium on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France by the French Foreign Affairs and United Nations Association, Chinese Ambassador to France Lu Shaye expressed his stance on the Taiwan issue and on the matter of recovering Taiwan's right to govern. Soon after Ambassador Lu Shaye's statement, Lai Qingde declared that he opposed the use of force to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.

According to Taiwan media reports, Lai Qingde pointed out in his speech on the morning of June 28 when inspecting the enlistment training of recruits in the Chenggongling camp in Taichung that the international community now believes that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is a necessary element of world security and prosperity, and at the same time, it also opposes the use of force by any country to change the "status quo" in the Taiwan Strait. At the same time, Lai Ching-te said that Taiwan's progress and development will also further promote the progress and development of the world.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished his remarks on the resumption of Taiwan, Lai Qingde said that he would not allow the status quo to be changed

Lai Ching-te's remarks have directly exposed his ambition to "internationalize" the Taiwan issue, which was originally China's internal affair, by peddling deceptive "Taiwan independence" arguments to the international community. After all, Lai Ching-te has always boasted that he is a "pragmatic Taiwan independence worker," and he had previously made a lot of nonsense about cross-strait relations at his so-called "inauguration ceremony," and even peddled the idea that "the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other" at the activities to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the Huangpu University, with the result that cross-strait relations entered a state of unprecedented tension just one month after he took office.

In view of the "Taiwan independence" forces on the island, various departments on the mainland have jointly issued new regulations on punishing "independence," which not only classify "Taiwan independence" separatist acts, but also set standards for sentencing, which can be punishable by death at the maximum. However, even though the mainland has promulgated new regulations to punish "independence," it has not suppressed the arrogance of the "Taiwan independence" forces headed by Lai Qingde. In this regard, Lai Qingde also said that the mainland does not have any right to "sanction" the Taiwan people, let alone the right to "trace back" the Taiwan people across borders. Lai Qingde's attempt to use the "Taiwan people" as a shield can also show that he has no idea of changing his attitude.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished his remarks on the resumption of Taiwan, Lai Qingde said that he would not allow the status quo to be changed

Having said that, even if Lai Qingde tries to win over the international community and wants to seek "independence" through this, it will not change the fact that Taiwan is part of China. Nowadays, more and more countries have accepted and supported the one-China principle, and the DPP authorities' "Taiwan independence" stance has long been unpopular, and the fact that the DPP is not recognized by the international community can be highlighted from the loss of nine so-called "countries with diplomatic relations" in the Taiwan region in seven years and the reduction in the scale of Lai Ching-te's "inauguration ceremony."

Just as Ambassador Lu Shaye said, the current regime in Taiwan is only a rebel regime in China's territory, and the Chinese government has the right to expel and regain the right to govern Taiwan at any time. Although Taiwan is currently in a state of partition, this will not change the situation in which both sides of the strait belong to one China, and if other countries connive at or support the DPP authorities in pursuing "Taiwan independence" and undermining the prospects for cross-strait reunification, then China will never show mercy.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished his remarks on the resumption of Taiwan, Lai Qingde said that he would not allow the status quo to be changed

All along, the mainland has upheld the idea of hoping to realize Taiwan's return through peaceful means, that is, it does not want the Taiwan people to suffer the scourge of war, but the DPP authorities have blindly adhered to their unrealistic "Taiwan independence" stance and completely ignored the consequences of doing so, which will put Taiwan in a dangerous situation of war and war, and has not taken into account the interests of the 23 million Taiwan people. The mainland has shown sufficient goodwill to the DPP authorities, and if the DPP authorities still do not know what to do, then the mainland will not rule out the use of force to recover Taiwan in an unpeaceful manner.

As soon as the Chinese ambassador finished his remarks on the resumption of Taiwan, Lai Qingde said that he would not allow the status quo to be changed

Taiwan has always been a part of China, and "Taiwan independence" is undermining the integrity of the country and even more violating international law, so no matter how Lai Qingde tries to win over the international community, it will be of no avail, and it will not change China's determination to resolutely smash the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and foreign interference plots. Taiwan has only one future, that is, to return to the embrace of the motherland, and in any way, China will never allow Taiwan to split from the motherland.

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