
Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress Tang Ling was diagnosed with stomach cancer in 2019 and had an emotional breakdown. In 2022, she was even asserted by the doctor: she can live for half a year at most.

However, Tang Ling has never given up on herself, nor has she given up treatment. Recently, she announced on social media: The fight against cancer has been successful!

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

According to Tang Ling, since she was diagnosed with cancer in 2019, she has undergone two relatively large surgeries and 8 painful chemotherapy treatments.

But luckily, she was recently disqualified from a major injury card. This means that her health has improved significantly and her condition has been controlled.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

It's hard to imagine how the doctor informed Tang Ling in 2022 that there would be at most half a year to adjust her mentality and finally survive.

In 2019, when stomach cancer was discovered, she was already in stage 4 cancer, so on the advice of her doctor, she had two-thirds of her stomach removed.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

At the beginning, Tang Ling's physical condition recovered quite well. She even returned to work, and her whole state is fine.

But in 2022, Tang Ling suddenly revealed on social media that her cancer had recurred, and the cancer cells had spread to the uterus.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

This news is undoubtedly a fatal blow to Tang Ling, who is actively recovering. But in order to survive, at the suggestion of the doctor, she underwent a second major surgery, which was to remove the uterus to save her life.

Fortunately for this time, after the removal of the uterus, Tang Ling's cancer cells were effectively controlled. It has been almost two years since the surgery was performed, and the cancer has not shown any signs of spreading.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

Tang Ling's life can really be described as ill-fated. When she was a child, she lived with her stepmother, but her stepmother was not good to her and would even scold her and beat her.

It is said that an unhappy childhood may take a lifetime to heal. So Tang Ling matured very early. After growing up, Tang Ling has always worked hard and made money desperately. Because she clearly knows that she can only rely on herself.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

Affected by her parents' unhappy marriage, Tang Ling did not have much desire for marriage from a very early age. So she is 49 years old this year, she is not married, she has not given birth to children, and she usually lives alone.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

It is worth mentioning that although Tang Ling has been in the industry for many years and has participated in many shows, she is not a popular artist. So the remuneration she received from the announcement was actually not very high, and the money she earned was not as much as the outside world imagined.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

But since 2019, Tang Ling has emptied all her savings in order to treat her illness.

In an interview with the media before, she said that she had been treated intermittently for five years, two major surgeries, chemotherapy costs, as well as taking medicine and checking her body, which cost her nearly one million.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

still remembers that in 2022, she once said to the public: I hope that after her death, no funeral will be held. You can sprinkle your own ashes into the garden. At that time, when I heard Tang Ling say this, the outside world felt very sorry for her.

But now, Tang Ling has miraculously defeated the disease, and I believe that it must be a great encouragement for her.

Spend millions of savings for the treatment of diseases! The 49-year-old Taiwanese actress announced that she had successfully fought cancer and had her uterus removed to save her life

So this time, Tang Ling decided to set off again. After that, she will use a documentary to disclose her mental journey five years after being diagnosed with cancer.

At the same time, she is also about to make a comeback and continue to work hard to earn money. After all, the previous treatment had emptied her savings. Finally, I also hope that Tang Ling will take care of her body and go well in her future life, come on.

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