
The 35-year-old Tsinghua man said that he scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination: he did not complete the goal of 700 points, but he still had a chance to be admitted

author:Nine News

Recently, Li Long, a 35-year-old Tsinghua graduate, was re-admitted to Tsinghua University, which sparked heated discussions. On June 26, Li Long posted a video saying that his college entrance examination results were very poor and he was very dissatisfied.

The 35-year-old Tsinghua man said that he scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination: he did not complete the goal of 700 points, but he still had a chance to be admitted

Li Long said that he found out the results last night. "I was very embarrassed in this exam, and I am very dissatisfied with the results."

Because he still has to apply for a specific school, he said that it is inconvenient to tell everyone the specific score. "If I score more than 400 points in the exam, it will definitely be announced directly, because I don't have to think about applying for the exam, and I will definitely not be able to pass the exam. Now there is still a slight chance of being admitted, and I still have to apply for the school. ”

The 35-year-old Tsinghua man said that he scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination: he did not complete the goal of 700 points, but he still had a chance to be admitted

Li Long said that the Chinese language was a few points lower than expected, and it was not expected to be high, because he did not put in too much energy, and he was the worst in all subjects, "I want to get points through other subjects." ”

Li Long said that he will also review the physics results, "because physics is a more confident subject, after the exam, I took the answers one by one, and the final score was 18 points less than estimated, and today I will prepare materials for review." ”

When talking about English, he said, "English is all objective questions, and more points are deducted for essays, so I don't do very well in English." ”

He said that the grades in Chemistry and Biology were in grade A, slightly above but not particularly high. Math was 2 points higher than estimated.

"Overall, the actual score of this exam is 20 or 30 points lower than the lower limit of my assessment, so the test score is relatively poor." Li Long said.

The 35-year-old Tsinghua man said that he scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination: he did not complete the goal of 700 points, but he still had a chance to be admitted

Finally, he responded to the question of being questioned about the hype. "If it's hype, I'll just hype up my math grades, I don't have to spend more than 100 days studying other subjects, I really want to go to college. Eventually, I will fill in my own application to see if I can be accepted. ”

Earlier, Li Long said in the live broadcast room that he did not complete the goal of 700 points, but revealed that it was a score starting with 6 characters.

The 35-year-old Tsinghua man said that he scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination: he did not complete the goal of 700 points, but he still had a chance to be admitted

Previously reported

In 2008, Li Long was admitted to Tsinghua University's basic science experimental class of mathematics and physics with a score of 695, but gave up studying medicine due to family reasons. After graduating, Li Long worked in the education and training industry and bought three apartments in Beijing.

The 35-year-old Tsinghua man said that he scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination: he did not complete the goal of 700 points, but he still had a chance to be admitted

Li Long is studying

This year, 35-year-old Li Long decided to fight for his dream and retake the Tsinghua University to study medicine.

Li Long began to prepare for the college entrance examination 100 days before the college entrance examination, and his study schedule was: Monday to Friday, basically from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., he studied in school; Basically, I study at 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the evening, or play with the child at 8:30 o'clock, and then continue to study after the child sleeps, which is about 11 o'clock.

Li Long said: "Now I am definitely not as good as my 18-year-old self." I set a goal of 700 points, but in the end it was acceptable to score above 650 points. ”

[Source: Comprehensive party account, Jiupai News, etc.]

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