
It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

author:Huang Yi is here
It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese


In 2003, under the hype of the media, Lin Chiling finally replaced Xiao Qiang as "Taiwan's first beauty".

Since then, her signature sweet voice and smile have become a lingering part of people's minds.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Lin Chiling's beauty is intoxicating, she walks and sways, even Leslie Cheung, Jay Chou and others are vying to cooperate with her, and Andy Lau, the king of heaven, can not be forgotten for a long time after being hugged by her.

It's a pity that our "Sister Chiling" finally crossed Qiu Shikai and Yan Chengxu, and finally fell into the hands of the Japanese Ryohei Kurosawa.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Obviously, many of her former fans are unacceptable to Lin Chiling's transnational relationship.

Even, this kind of "anger" once evolved into a rumor that Lin Chiling was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

It wasn't until recently that I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood that marrying far away from Japan was the right choice for her.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

The temperament goddess has a lot of love history

Last summer, the news that Lin Chiling decided not to return to the entertainment industry spread far and wide.

It happened suddenly, but it was expected.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Who will end up with a "stunner in the world" like Sister Chi Ling?

Before Lin Chiling officially announced the news of her marriage, this has always been a matter of special concern to the outside world and media friends.

After all, her love history is unimaginably exciting.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

In 2017, when Lin Chiling participated in the show in Taiwan, she blew up several "unknown" relationships.

As early as when Lin Chiling was 19 years old, she had a relationship, and the other party was Canadian.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Good guy, it turns out that Sister Chiling has been yearning for foreign countries from the very beginning.

Don't jump to conclusions, after reading the following, maybe you understand.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

People who don't know Lin Chiling will definitely have doubts about her voice, but she herself said that it was really not pretending.

Lin Chiling once said frankly that she is a "baby voice", and after listening to it for a long time, you will get used to it and understand.

And the reason why Lin Chiling is so different is mostly because of her unusual growth environment.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

We do not deny that some people in this world are born to enjoy happiness, and Lin Chiling is like this.

In addition to her figure and appearance, she is also a rich second generation, and her father, mother and brother all have their own properties.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

After learning about Lin Chiling's "princess" story, I completely understood why she spoke with a milky voice.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Chiling's academic performance is particularly good, and with the support of her family, she was admitted to the University of Toronto, Canada at a young age.

It was also here that Lin Chiling began her first love.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

However, like many adolescent beautiful girls, although Lin Chiling's first love has been talked about for seven years, it still did not achieve good results.

But she is Lin Chiling, how can she be chased by no one?

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

After that, Lin Chiling successively fell in love with Su Dianzhong, Qiu Shikai and Yan Chengxu and others, especially when she was with Yan Chengxu, they were very favored by the public.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

However, who would have thought that Lin Chiling would choose a Japanese man in the end.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

It wasn't for nothing that he was chosen

In 2019, Lin Chiling and Japanese artist Ryohei Kurosawa received news of their marriage.

The two met because of cooperation, and at first neither party had any intention of developing lovers with each other

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

It wasn't until 7 years later that their relationship broke through the boundaries of friendship and further developed into lovers.

The following year, they chose to get married and become a lifelong family, and then Lin Chiling also fulfilled her obligations as a wife and gave birth to a daughter for Ryohei Kurosawa.

It turned out that Lin Chiling was planning to live a good life behind closed doors, but it was a pity that the trees wanted to be quiet and the wind did not stop.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Since Lin Chiling married in Japan, there has been news of her being "domestic violence" in China, and there were even photos and videos for a time.

In their mouths, Kurosawa seems to have become a person who does no evil, and he treats Lin Chiling harshly while dating hot girls late at night.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

not only made it difficult for Lin Chiling to take the baby to the street to buy vegetables, but also changed her means of transportation from a luxury car to a Honda.

In the face of absolute "strength", Lin Chiling can only be forced to compromise, and she has no choice but to pay for her choice.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Therefore, when she appeared in the mainland and Taiwan, she would be called "fleeing" back.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

This has a nose and an eye, and it sounds like it's true.

But I think after seeing Lin Chiling's recent situation, you will realize how ridiculous this is.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

As early as the previous Beijing Film Festival, Lin Chiling made a stunning appearance.

deserves to be called the "goddess of frozen age", the 49-year-old Lin Chiling has no trace of time on her face, and is completely a copy of Zhang Ting.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

And her smile is still sweet, making people feel like a spring breeze.

Now, a few months later, Lin Chiling has once again rushed to the hot search.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Recently, photos and videos of Lin Chiling kicking off a baseball game in Japan have spread widely on the Internet.

Mom, if others don't say it, who can tell that Lin Chiling is over half a hundred years old at this time?

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

It's no different from a flower girl.

Lin Chiling's figure is still maintained very well, otherwise she would not become a landscape on the field.

Let's just say, can such Lin Chiling be in a state of domestic violence every day?

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

It can be seen that the previous videos, photos and news are all fake, or Sister Zhiling, who is chasing the wind and shadows, is doing well now!

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

It is often said that a woman can only stay confident and young if she is cared for all the time, and it seems that Ryohei Kurosawa is the right person for Lin Chiling.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, and there is no need to follow the advice of others, so Sister Lin Chiling has made the best choice.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

Write at the end

Lin Chiling is a very representative artist in today's entertainment industry.

She has a variety of identities, sometimes as a model, sometimes as an actress, and sometimes as a host.

However, these are all in the past for Lin Chiling today, after all, in a happy family environment, she has already chosen to spend most of her time with her husband and children.

It wasn't until I saw Lin Chiling's recent photos that I finally understood how correct her choice was to marry a Japanese

For women, especially female celebrities, this is not a good choice.

What other opinions do you have about Lin Chiling?

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