
76 new deaths in Japan, suspected to be due to taking a certain Internet celebrity health care product

author:Ningde Radio and Television Station
76 new deaths in Japan, suspected to be due to taking a certain Internet celebrity health care product

According to CCTV news, on June 28, local time, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Keizo Takemi said at a press conference that the number of consumers suspected of dying from taking Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company's health care products containing red yeast rice ingredients increased by 76. Previously, Kobayashi Pharmaceutical had reported the death toll to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as 5.

76 new deaths in Japan, suspected to be due to taking a certain Internet celebrity health care product

Source: CCTV News

Editor: Xiao Lijie

Review: Cai Lixian

Supervisor: Lin Yunfeng

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76 new deaths in Japan, suspected to be due to taking a certain Internet celebrity health care product

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