
Why is it said that not a single scorpion will make it out of Pakistan alive? In the local area, thousands of scorpions are used as cigarettes every year, and even stinged scorpions, are they not afraid of poisoning? You probably can't

author:Bread clip knowledge

Why is it said that not a single scorpion will make it out of Pakistan alive? In the local area, thousands of scorpions are used as cigarettes every year, and even stinged scorpions, are they not afraid of poisoning?

You may not be able to imagine that in the slums of Pakistan, there is a "cigarette" that is quietly spreading, and it burns not tobacco, but the creepy poisonous scorpion.

This "scorpion kiss" is not only a product of poverty and despair, but also a frightening social phenomenon.

It all started with a video that went viral: in the dim light, a man stuffs a shriveled scorpion into his pipe, lights it, takes a deep breath, and then shows an eerie smile......

This video quickly aroused the shock and curiosity of netizens, and also unveiled the mystery of Pakistan's "scorpion smoke". But it's hard to imagine that this creepy-sounding thing has been around since the sixties of the last century.

At the beginning of the birth of "scorpion smoke", some people only tried to crush the dried scorpion and mix it with tobacco to smoke, but soon "scorpion smoke" developed its own "culture".

Some people put scorpion powder directly into their pipes and smoke it, pursuing a stronger sensory stimulation; Some people even take risks and directly touch the venom of live scorpions with their hands to experience the "ultimate pleasure" brought by toxins.

It turns out that after smoking "scorpion smoke", the human body will have a feeling of pleasure similar to that after taking drugs because of scorpion venom, which can last for several hours, making people temporarily forget the suffering of reality and immerse themselves in illusory happiness.

However, the price of this "happiness" is extremely heavy. The power of scorpion venom should not be underestimated, from dizziness and difficulty breathing to muscle stiffness, impaired vision, and even death from shock. What's even more terrifying is that "scorpion smoke", like drugs, is extremely addictive.

So what makes the people of Pakistan willing to risk their lives to indulge in the "scorpion kiss"? This heart-wrenching social phenomenon is largely due to chronic poverty in the region.

In Pakistan, nearly one-third of the population lives below the poverty line, and they cannot afford expensive drugs, let alone the cost of drug rehabilitation, so they can only choose the cheap and deadly "comfort" of "scorpion smoke".

More worryingly, due to a lack of education, many Pakistanis are ignorant of the dangers of "scorpion smoke" and even regard it as a "traditional culture" that has been passed down from generation to generation.

In the face of the spread of the "scorpion kiss", the Pakistani government is not indifferent. In recent years, the police have stepped up their crackdown on illegal activities such as "scorpion smoke", but with little success.

In addition to the concealment and addiction of the "scorpion smoke" itself, it is also the deep-rooted drug problem in Pakistan.

Pakistan is one of the world's largest drug consumers, and the huge number of drug users provides a huge market demand for "scorpion smoke". In order to thoroughly solve the problem of "scorpion smoke," it is necessary to curb the trend of drug proliferation at the root.

"The Scorpion's Kiss" is a sad song in the slums of Pakistan. It reflects poverty, despair and ignorance, and is a wake-up call to social problems.

How to help the Pakistani people get rid of the "scorpion kiss" is a long-term problem. It requires the joint efforts of the local government, Pakistani society and the international community, and more importantly, it needs to awaken people's respect for life and the value of health.

Reference: China Youth Network "Pakistanis Venture to Smoke "Scorpion Smoke" Toxicity Makes People Excited

Why is it said that not a single scorpion will make it out of Pakistan alive? In the local area, thousands of scorpions are used as cigarettes every year, and even stinged scorpions, are they not afraid of poisoning? You probably can't
Why is it said that not a single scorpion will make it out of Pakistan alive? In the local area, thousands of scorpions are used as cigarettes every year, and even stinged scorpions, are they not afraid of poisoning? You probably can't
Why is it said that not a single scorpion will make it out of Pakistan alive? In the local area, thousands of scorpions are used as cigarettes every year, and even stinged scorpions, are they not afraid of poisoning? You probably can't
Why is it said that not a single scorpion will make it out of Pakistan alive? In the local area, thousands of scorpions are used as cigarettes every year, and even stinged scorpions, are they not afraid of poisoning? You probably can't

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