
The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

author:China Railway Construction Engineering Group
The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

On June 28, the Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing. Wang Yusheng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Group Company, attended the meeting and gave a lecture on discipline, General Manager He Yeting presided over the meeting, and other members of the leadership team attended the meeting.

The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

▲ The scene of the conference

The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

▲Wang Yusheng spoke

Wang Yusheng gave a lecture on discipline to the party members and cadres of the whole group with the title of "Strengthening the Awareness of Party Discipline, Strictly Abiding by the Red Line of Discipline, and Providing a Strong Discipline Guarantee for Promoting the High-quality Development of Enterprises". He pointed out that at present, the whole party is carrying out in-depth study and education on party discipline, which is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline building and promote the comprehensive and strict management of the party to develop in depth, and it is also an important political task. To carry out the study and education of party discipline well, the first is to enhance ideological understanding and profoundly understand the important significance of strengthening the party's discipline building. It is necessary to study and understand the historical, political, systematic, and development logic of strengthening the party's discipline building. Second, it is necessary to conscientiously study the "Regulations" and accurately grasp the overall requirements of the party's discipline building. The "Regulations" clearly stipulate the overall requirements for the party's discipline construction, that is, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; Adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership, and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards"; Resolutely implement the major decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee on promoting comprehensive and strict governance of the Party and the Party's self-revolution. The third is to adhere to the unity of knowledge and action, and more consciously learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline. It is necessary to study discipline seriously and "clear heart and clear action" in the original flavor; It is necessary to know discipline comprehensively and accurately, and "enter the industry with the heart" in keeping pace with the times; It is necessary to show discipline against benchmarking, and "act with the right heart" in the unity of knowledge and action; It is necessary to abide by the rules and disciplines, and "work hard" in Huaide's self-respect. Fourth, grasp the key points of work and provide a strong discipline guarantee for promoting the high-quality development of enterprises. It is necessary to strictly abide by political discipline and work hard to seek practical results in studying ideology and promoting development; It is necessary to strictly abide by organizational discipline and work hard to achieve practical results in grasping the organization and leading the team; It is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of integrity, and work hard to seek practical results in clear rules and bottom lines; It is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of the masses, and work hard to gather people's hearts and forge joint forces to seek practical results; It is necessary to strictly abide by work discipline, and work hard to seek practical results in strong responsibility and implementation; It is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of life, and work hard to seek practical results in upright conduct and establishing a new style.

Wang Yusheng emphasized that the whole group should closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, conscientiously implement the goals and tasks of party discipline learning and education, know discipline in the heart, know discipline in the body, abide by discipline in action, temper a team of party members and cadres who are loyal to the party, honest and clean, dare to take responsibility, and have a strong work style, and work hard and go all out in the new journey of building a "first-class urban construction service provider", promote the high-quality development of the enterprise to achieve new results, and present a gift for the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China!

The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

▲He Yeting presided over the meeting

He Yeting read out the "Decision on Commending the 2023 "Four Good" Leadership Groups, and put forward three requirements in his concluding speech. The first is to improve the political position and demonstrate the responsibility of central enterprises in adhering to the leadership of the party. It is necessary to put all work into the overall situation of the development of the cause of the party and the country; Closely focus on major national strategic tasks such as transportation power, regional coordinated development, national defense construction, and high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and be a good pioneer; Anchoring the "Ten Key Reform Deepening and Upgrading Tasks", combined with the actual situation and comprehensive policies, we will continuously improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise and enhance the core kinetic energy. The second is to strengthen the construction of work style and demonstrate the organizational strength in constantly overcoming difficulties. Strengthen ideals and beliefs, and constantly temper the political character of loyalty to the party; Starting from the actual situation of the enterprise itself, we will strive to solve the outstanding problems that hinder the high-quality development of the enterprise; Improve the level of performance ability, and contribute to the reform and development of the enterprise with practical actions. The third is to promote the integration of work and demonstrate the effectiveness of work in promoting high-quality development. Improve the quality of operation and build the core competitiveness of market operation; Strengthen performance management, and continue to optimize the standardized management results of high-quality projects; Deepen the improvement of efficiency, and constantly consolidate the foundation of improving quality and efficiency.

The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

▲Chen Wenzhi read out the evaluation results of the activity of "reaching the standard and creating a good competition".

The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

▲Wei Xinbai read out the commendation decision of "two excellent and one first".

Chen Wenzhi, deputy secretary of the party committee and chairman of the trade union of the group company, read out the "Notice on the Assessment and Evaluation Results of the 2023 "Reaching Standards and Striving for the First" Activity, and Wei Xinbai, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, read out the "Decision on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members, Outstanding Party Workers and Advanced Grassroots Party Organizations".

The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

▲ Chongwen Entry Party Oath

At the meeting, all party members and cadres of the group company participated in the "July 1st" oath to join the party and reviewed the oath of joining the party. The leaders of the group company presented awards to the "four good" leadership groups, advanced grass-roots party organizations, outstanding communist party members, and outstanding party workers.

The Party Committee of China Railway Construction Engineering Group celebrated the "July 1st" commendation meeting and the party discipline learning and education discipline party class report meeting was held in Beijing

▲On-site commendation

The meeting was held in the form of "main venue + video sub-venue". Leaders of the group company, deputy and above personnel (party members) of various departments of the headquarters, party organization secretaries of various units in Beijing, commended advanced collectives and outstanding individuals attended the meeting at the main venue; Representatives of party members of various departments of the headquarters, secretaries of party committees of subordinate units outside Beijing, deputy secretaries of party committees, secretaries of discipline inspection commissions of subordinate units, chairmen of trade unions, heads of party and mass departments, and other commended personnel attended the meeting at the branch venue.

Contributed by this issue: Party Building Work Department

Editor of this issue: Hou Jiabao

Review of this issue: Hou Yuqiang, Fu Tao, Sun Wei, Li Zirui

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