
She can speak 32 Chinese, was rated as a national first-class actor, was abandoned by her husband at the age of 30, and went to the United States to become the president

author:Xiao Moe*

The popular singer Zhu Mingying, who became popular all over the country because of her appearance on the Spring Festival Gala, was proficient in 32 Chinese and had countless honors in her life, divorced her husband at the age of 30, and took her son to the United States to break through, what happened now?

She can speak 32 Chinese, was rated as a national first-class actor, was abandoned by her husband at the age of 30, and went to the United States to become the president

Zhu Mingying, who was born in a famous family, received an excellent education since she was a child, and developed a strong interest in art.

After growing up, Zhu Mingying joined the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe to start her acting career, she was very interested in the culture of various countries at that time, and in her spare time, she would read various books and video materials to learn history.

Over time, Zhu Mingying gradually became proficient in the languages of various countries, and she was easy to explain to the people around her, and she was very famous in the troupe, and everyone praised her for being too studious and sure to succeed in the future.

She can speak 32 Chinese, was rated as a national first-class actor, was abandoned by her husband at the age of 30, and went to the United States to become the president

As the saying goes, "Opportunity is always reserved for those who are prepared." "In the Spring Festival Gala in 2021, the program of "African Song and Dance" impressed many audiences and made Zhu Mingying famous.

fluent African, and the blessing of makeup that complements each other, if you don't say it, who will know that this African friend who seems to be "native" is actually played by Chinese Zhu Mingying......

When she received this proposal, Zhu Mingying read a lot of African history in order to perfect her performance, and was proficient in the local language and the expressions of the aborigines.

She can speak 32 Chinese, was rated as a national first-class actor, was abandoned by her husband at the age of 30, and went to the United States to become the president

The success of this performance made Zhu Mingying famous, and then she sang a song "Back to My Mother's Home" on the Spring Festival Gala, and her career reached its peak, and her work became more and more busy.

In order to improve herself, she studied abroad at her own expense, and obtained a master's degree in acting and a full scholarship in a foreign music university.

Zhu Mingying, who was devoted to her career, gradually ignored her husband's feelings, the two were childhood sweethearts, and they were each other's first love, and their relationship had been very stable for many years of marriage, until she suddenly exploded.

She can speak 32 Chinese, was rated as a national first-class actor, was abandoned by her husband at the age of 30, and went to the United States to become the president

Husbands and wives who gather less and leave more, contradictions and estrangements gradually arise, the husband does not understand his wife's behavior of "ignoring the family", Zhu Mingying does not understand, the husband does not support his attitude, and quarrels have become commonplace.

No one was willing to compromise, the two finally decided to divorce, Zhu Mingying, who returned to single at the age of 30, was not sad or negative, took her son to the United States to start a business, and became an excellent entrepreneur.

A single mother with her son working alone in a foreign country can imagine how difficult it is, but Zhu Mingying not only was not defeated, but also made impressive achievements.

Soon after, Zhu Mingying responded to the call of the country, took his son back to China for development, founded "Mingying Development Co., Ltd.", and prepared for the establishment of the "Beijing International Art and Culture Institute...... Make a difference.

She can speak 32 Chinese, was rated as a national first-class actor, was abandoned by her husband at the age of 30, and went to the United States to become the president

Returning to China with advanced knowledge and resources, Zhu Mingying's career is getting bigger and bigger, her industry involves many fields, each of which is very successful, and her son has grown up healthily and is engaged in art like his mother.

Now 74-year-old Zhu Mingying is still single, her son has started a family, but her destination has not been settled, the family hopes that she will find another one, but she thinks it is good to be alone.

Career has always been Zhu Mingying, an inseparable part, marriage may also be a kind of constraint for her, she has freedom and success, and her family is happy and healthy, so it is enough......

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