
In retaliation, this time it was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene

author:Wishing you prosperity.

In that ancient and troubled land of the Middle East, Israel's feud with Hamas seems to be a never-ending cycle.

In retaliation, this time it was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene

Recently, Israel announced in a high-profile manner that its military operation in Rafah was coming to an end, but at the same time had to face up to the embarrassing reality that Hamas had not really been defeated. This raises the question of whether the end of the war really heralds the dawn of peace.

Israel's "decapitation operation" is aimed directly at the Hamas leadership, and this tactic is so ruthless that not only Hamas, but also other forces such as Allah in Lebanon. But the question is, can this method of countering violence with violence really plant the seeds of peace? I'm afraid that this will only make the soil of hatred more fertile.

In retaliation, this time it was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene

On 27 June, the Israeli army suffered heavy losses in Jenin, and a well-planned ambush reduced their armoured vehicles to scrap metal in the roar of roadside bombs, killing Captain Aaron Sagiu, a physical wound and a mental blow to the Israeli army.

The Quds Force, an Islamic jihadist group, stepped forward and claimed the attack. Six improvised explosive devices were detonated with precision, and the two military vehicles were wiped out in an instant. This proves that even though Israel has advanced military technology, they are still terrified in the labyrinth of street fighting.

The battle in Jenin at night was like purgatory, with Israeli snipers deployed everywhere, but always seemed to be one step behind their opponents. The enemy knows every step of their move, as if they have eyes behind them, so that the mines are buried deep and the muzzles of the guns are always aimed in the right direction.

Since the outbreak of the conflict, the Israeli casualty figure has climbed to 15, while the Palestinian side has seen a whopping 553 deaths. Behind every number, there is a broken family, a silent wail. The bills of war are always written in blood and tears.

In retaliation, this time it was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene

As the smoke of Rafah cleared, Israel's eyes were set to the north. General Halevi is reviewing a new strategy against Allah, and the army is quietly moving north, signaling another storm brewing.

In the face of provocations, Allah retaliated with more intense artillery fire, behind which stood the "axis of resistance" supported by Iran. As a result, the situation has become more tense.

Iraqi militias are ready to intervene in the situation in Lebanon, but Iran's ambiguity shows that it was deliberate before acting. Every move of Iran touches the nerves of the entire Middle East.

In retaliation, this time it was the turn of the Israeli officer to be beheaded, and there were heavy casualties at the scene

And behind all this, the interests of the United States are also walking on thin ice. The threat of the Iraqi militia of the "Justice Alliance" has cast a shadow on the strategic layout of the United States in the Middle East, and its diplomatic and security strategy is facing an unprecedented test.

Looking at the big picture, Israel's military action against Hamas, while gaining ground, falls far short of getting to the heart of the matter. The brutality and complexity of the war, coupled with the covert rivalry of regional powers, make the road to peace particularly bumpy.

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