
After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

author:Shuangmu Entertainment
After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot


Deng Chao couldn't have imagined that just because of a long article by his wife Sun Li, he was pushed to the forefront of "personality collapse".

Recently, Sun Li posted a long article about married life on social platforms, which aroused widespread attention and discussion.

In the article, Sun Li not only reviewed the bits and pieces of her relationship with Deng Chao over the years, but also revealed Deng Chao's true appearance in marriage.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

This article surprised many netizens, and also made people reacquaint themselves with this funny and uninhibited male artist in front of the screen.


The marriage of Deng Chao and Sun Li has always been regarded as a model in the entertainment industry.

The two have known each other since 2005 due to the filming of the TV series "Happiness Like Flowers", and officially entered the marriage hall in 2010.

After getting married, they had a son and a daughter, and lived a happy life.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

However, Sun Li's long article let everyone see the other side of Deng Chao in marriage.

Deng Chao is often the funny person in the eyes of the public.

His performance in variety shows often makes the audience laugh.

He used his face to teach how to eat snails, set off fireworks with his expression, and even inexplicably pinched Wang Mian with chopsticks, these funny actions made him nominated as "the funniest male artist in domestic entertainment".

However, being funny is only one side of Deng Chao.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

In Sun Li's long article, we see an affectionate and responsible Deng Chao.

As early as 2002, Deng Chao and Hao Lei became acquainted with each other because of the play, and Deng Chao was suave during their relationship, but this relationship did not last long.

The two broke up in 2005 due to relationship problems, and Hao Lei fell into depression for a while.

And Deng Chao soon met Sun Li and did everything he could to pursue Sun Li.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

Sun Li mentioned in the article that Deng Chao's pursuit of her was so serious and persistent, which made her slowly open up and accept this man who was a little "crazy".

The encounter between Sun Li and Deng Chao can be said to be the arrangement of fate.

Sun Li experienced the divorce of her parents when she was 12 years old, and the departure of her father made her full of distrust of love and marriage since she was a child.

She once thought that she would not get married, until the appearance of Deng Chao changed her mind.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

Sun Li mentioned in the long article that Deng Chao not only moved her with his humor and enthusiasm, but also proved his sincerity with his actions.

Unlike Hao Lei, Sun Li behaved very calmly and maturely in the face of Deng Chao's scandal.

She didn't make a fuss in the crew like Hao Lei, but reminded Deng Chao to pay attention to proportions in her own way.

For example, when there was a scandal between Deng Chao and Che Xiao, Sun Li just silently went to the crew to wait for him to finish filming, and gently extinguished the cigarette when he lit it, so as to warn him to be measured.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

This kind of practice that is both face-giving and deterrent made Deng Chao completely conquered.

After many years of marriage, Deng Chao's changes are obvious to all.

He has changed from an unmarried man to a good man who cares about his family.

Sun Li recalled in the article that after marriage, Deng Chao not only became more intimate in life, but also learned to share housework and take care of children.

In their interactions, there is less of the original smell of gunpowder, and it is replaced by more understanding and tolerance.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

Deng Chao is also growing in marriage.

He has changed from a playful "prodigal son" to a good husband who knows how to pay for his family.

Every important festival, he will prepare a small surprise for Sun Li and the children to keep the marriage fresh.

Especially on Mother's Day some time ago, Deng Chao gave Sun Li a special gift - a video he shot with the children recorded the children's love and gratitude to their mothers.

This moved Sun Li a lot, and also made netizens see another side of Deng Chao as a husband and father.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

Although Deng Chao and Sun Li's marriage seems to be happy, they often face doubts and gossip from the outside world.

From the early rumors of Deng Chao's heart to the frequent scandals after marriage, the couple has always chosen to trust each other and face it together.

Sun Li mentioned in the article that whenever the outside world questioned Deng Chao, she would choose to believe in her husband, and Deng Chao also proved her loyalty and love with practical actions.

The marriage between Sun Li and Deng Chao is not only a love story between two people, but also a testimony of mutual trust and common growth.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

In the face of external pressure, they chose to be tolerant and understanding, and responded to all doubts with practical actions.

Deng Chao's change is the result of Sun Li's love and wisdom, and Sun Li's tenacity and tolerance also allowed Deng Chao to find the warmth and sense of responsibility of the family.

The relationship between Sun Li and Deng Chao is not just husband and wife, but more like partners.

The two face the difficulties and challenges in life together, support each other and grow together.

Deng Chao has changed from an unmarried person to a good man who cares about his family, and Sun Li has also changed from a girl who doesn't believe in love to a woman who runs the family wholeheartedly.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

Every step they take together reflects the tacit understanding and understanding between each other.

In life, Deng Chao always puts Sun Li first.

Whether it is a birthday or a holiday, he will always prepare carefully to make Sun Li feel his love and care.

And Sun Li also used her wisdom and gentleness to help Deng Chao become a better husband and father.

After more than ten years of marriage, Sun Li's long article unveiled Deng Chao's true face, allowing people to see the affection and responsibility behind this funny male artist.

After more than 10 years of marriage, Sun Li revealed Deng Chao's true face! Netizen: He has indeed changed a lot

Their stories show us how important trust and understanding are in marriage.

No matter what the outside world thinks, as long as the husband and wife can support each other and grow together, they can face the ups and downs in life together and go further.

Deng Chao and Sun Li used practical actions to explain what a real "model couple" is.

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