
Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

author:Qi discusses the past and the present
Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable
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Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

In 2024, on the stage of Malaysia, a heart-wrenching picture is frozen in the eyes of countless fans. 62-year-old Jacky Cheung, a leader in the Chinese music scene, accidentally fell down at a concert.

Under the stage lights, he quickly got up and continued to sing despite the discomfort, the sweat on his face shining.

The answer may be hidden in his 27 years of married life. Jacky Cheung's wife, Luo Meiwei, once suffered huge losses to her family due to investment mistakes. In order to fill this financial hole, Jacky Cheung had to hold frequent concerts, and even completed the amazing feat of more than 100 performances in one year.

Behind this accident is Jacky Cheung's hard work for love.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

However, such a high-intensity training exercise took a lot of toll on his body. On that day, Jacky Cheung insisted on performing despite the dizziness caused by ear balance problems, just to not disappoint the long-awaited fans.

He sang affectionately on stage, but his steps were unsteady due to long-term fatigue, which eventually led to that distressing fall.

At this moment, we can't help but ask: What kind of love can make a king so desperate? What kind of sense of responsibility drove him to still run between stages at a time when he should have enjoyed his old age? Jacky Cheung's story is not only a legend about perseverance, but also a moving chapter about love and responsibility.

In his eyes, we see not only exhaustion, but also deep love for his wife and persistent pursuit of career.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

In 1986, the Hong Kong film and television industry ushered in an amazing story. On the set of the movie "Crazy Me", a seemingly ordinary encounter has become one of the most legendary love stories in the Chinese music scene.

The hot actress Luo Meiwei at that time and the unknown "little actor" Jacky Cheung met under the spotlight.

At that time, Luo Meiwei was already a rising star in the Hong Kong film industry. Her beautiful appearance and superb acting skills have won the love of countless audiences, and she is even known as a new generation of goddesses on the same level as Maggie Cheung.

Her beauty is like an epiphany, her talent is like a bright moon, and she is the dream lover in the hearts of many young talents.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

In contrast, Jacky Cheung is just a small role with no name, and he has not yet made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. However, the gears of fate turned, and the spark of love quietly bloomed in this seemingly unequal encounter.

Luo Meiwei did not despise Jacky Cheung's obscurity, but was attracted by his restrained temperament and potential talent.

The two quickly fell in love, as if it was fate. Jacky Cheung was deeply attracted by Luo Meiwei's beauty and talent, while Luo Meiwei admired Jacky Cheung's talent and potential.

Their love transcends the boundaries of fame and status, and interprets the preciousness of sincere feelings.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

However, the good times were short-lived. In 1988, Jacky Cheung's career suffered a major setback. His album "In Last Night's Dream" sold dismally, selling only a few thousand copies.

This blow is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the introverted Jacky Cheung. Once high-spirited, he began to indulge in gambling and alcoholism, and his personality became irritable and irritable.

Faced with the trough of her lover, Luo Meiwei did not choose to give up immediately. She tried to persuade Jacky Cheung in her own way, hoping to awaken his inner fighting spirit. However, Jacky Cheung seems to have fallen into the whirlpool of self-denial and turned a deaf ear to Luo Meiwei's concern.

The difficult trials of this period laid a deep foundation for their future relationship. It not only tested the love between the two, but also sharpened their character. Despite the difficult circumstances at the time, the experience allowed them to get to know each other better and paved the way for a later reunion.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

In this way, an unknown young actor and a radiant actress met, knew and fell in love under the arrangement of fate, composing a love overture with ups and downs.

In 1991, the love between Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei faced the most severe test. A drunken quarrel became the last straw that crushed the relationship.

Luo Meiwei, the woman who once stood firmly by Jacky Cheung's side, finally couldn't stand her lover's decadence and irritability anymore. With tears in her eyes, she proposed to break up.

For Jacky Cheung, this separation is like a bolt from the blue. The pain of losing his beloved has plunged him into an unprecedented trough. However, it was this blow that became a turning point in his life.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

After the loss, Jacky Cheung began to deeply reflect on his own problems. He realized that if he didn't change, he would not only lose Luo Meiwei forever, but also ruin his career and life.

So, Jacky Cheung made up his mind to be a new person. He struggled to get rid of his alcohol addiction and regain his spirits. Musically, he continues to push himself through and release a number of popular albums.

In his acting career, he also starred in many movies and gradually gained a foothold. All these efforts are not only to prove their changes, but also to miss and apologize deeply to Luo Meiwei.

In 1993, the opportunity finally came. With the help of a friend, Jacky Cheung reconnected with Luo Meiwei. In the face of his former lover, he sincerely expressed his determination to turn over a new leaf.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

Luo Meiwei was moved by his sincerity, but she remained cautious and gave Jacky Cheung a one-year observation period.

In the past year, Jacky Cheung has proved his changes with practical actions. Not only did he make a breakthrough in his career, but more importantly, he showed a mature and steady side.

Every song and every movie he makes seems to be telling Luo Meiwei his heart.

In 1994, seeing Jacky Cheung's sincere repentance and great transformation, Luo Meiwei finally decided to give him a second chance. The two officially announced that they were getting back together, and the news caused quite a stir in the entertainment industry.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

Two years later, in 1996, Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. This love, which has gone through ups and downs, has finally come to fruition. At the wedding, Jacky Cheung looked at Luo Meiwei affectionately, his eyes were full of gratitude and cherishment.

Their reunion is not only a victory of love, but also a testimony of the two people growing together.

This experience made the relationship between Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei deeper. They understand that true love requires mutual dedication and tolerance. This reborn love has laid a solid foundation for their future married life, and has also become one of the most talked about stories in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Life after marriage is not as flawless as a fairy tale. Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei's marriage also faced many challenges. Among them, some of Luo Meiwei's special habits have brought a lot of tests to this relationship.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

The first is Luo Meiwei's investment behavior. She has an almost obsessive love for investing, and often makes large-scale operations in hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars. In 2008, a mistake in investing in Lehman Corporation in the United States caused the family to suffer a huge loss of up to 40 million Hong Kong dollars.

In order to make up for this hole, Jacky Cheung had to redouble his efforts and held more than 100 concerts in one year. This kind of high-intensity work not only made him physically and mentally exhausted, but also missed the precious time to accompany his daughter's growth.

However, Lo's investments have not always failed. In 2017, a successful operation in the foreign exchange market brought a rich return of more than one billion Hong Kong dollars to the family, and was praised by the media as the "female version of Buffett" for a while.

This style of investment with ups and downs makes the family's financial situation a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

In addition to investment, Luo Meiwei also has an incomprehensible habit - a serious cleanliness habit. She is almost demanding in her approach to cleanliness, insisting on thoroughly disinfecting her home every day and not tolerating any tiny dust.

This paranoid behavior led to frequent changes in the number of domestic helpers, with more than 20 domestic helpers changed in just three years.

What's even more worrying is that Luo Meiwei's cleanliness has even affected her daughter's life. She strictly restricts her daughter's contact with the outside world and insists on repeatedly wiping down all items that her daughter may come into contact with disinfectant.

This practice not only brought a shadow to the daughter's growth, but even made the daughter feel afraid of her mother.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

In the face of these challenges, Jacky Cheung has shown remarkable tolerance and understanding. Not only did he not complain, but he firmly supported his wife. When he was out and about, he often had to apologize to others for his wife's special habits, but he never showed impatience.

Even in public, such as at the farewell ceremony of the late friend Anita Mui, when Luo Meiwei showed strong discomfort due to the sneezing of others, Jacky Cheung only silently comforted her, showing infinite tolerance.

In the face of criticism from the outside world, Jacky Cheung has always defended Luo Meiwei. He publicly said that marrying Luo Meiwei was the wisest decision in his life. This deep affection and unconditional support have kept their marriage strong despite all the challenges.

In Jacky Cheung's life, the balance between family and career has always been a huge challenge. In order to maintain the high expenses of the family, especially to make up for the losses caused by investment mistakes, he had to hold frequent concerts.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

This high-intensity work rhythm made him miss many precious moments when he accompanied his daughter's growth, which undoubtedly had a certain impact on family relationships.

At the same time, Jacky Cheung is also facing pressure from his career. His manager, Chen Shufen, put strict requirements on him in order to successfully hold a 30th anniversary tour.

However, Jacky Cheung, who was already physically and mentally exhausted, found it difficult to come up with novel ideas, which led to an increasingly growing conflict between him and his agent.

Under pressure, Jacky Cheung made a surprising decision. In order to fight for greater autonomy, he chose to pay liquidated damages of up to tens of millions of yuan to terminate his contract with the broker.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

While this decision gave him more freedom, it also made the family's already strained finances even worse.

In this tug-of-war between family and career, we see the contradictions and struggles brought about by Jacky Cheung's multiple identities as a husband, father and artist. He struggles to find a balance between various roles, showing admirable perseverance and responsibility.

After 27 years of married life, the relationship between Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei not only did not cool, but became deeper and deeper. Although their lives are full of challenges and difficulties, Jacky Cheung has always proved his love with practical actions.

In the face of the outside world's doubts and criticisms of Luo Meiwei, Jacky Cheung chose to stand firmly by his wife's side. He publicly stated that he understands and supports Luo Meiwei's investment behavior and special habits.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

In his opinion, these are acceptable, and he promises to support her as always.

This affectionate love not only touched Luo Meiwei, but also won the envy of many people. The marriage of Jacky Cheung and Luo Meiwei shows the true meaning of love: not only passion, but also responsibility and tolerance.

They used practical actions to interpret the marriage vow of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son".

In this 27-year marriage, we see not only sweetness, but also mutual support and growth together. Jacky Cheung's tolerance and understanding of Luo Meiwei, and Luo Meiwei's support for Jacky Cheung's career, are the key to the longevity of this marriage.

Jacky Cheung, the king of heaven, only doted on Luo Meiwei for 27 years after marriage, and the relationship between husband and wife is enviable

Their story has become a rare story in the entertainment industry and has also set an example for modern marriage.

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