
Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly

Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly

Mozai's mother is raising children

2024-06-27 12:58Creators in the field of parenting

A parent left a message saying: 3-month-old baby crying before going to bed, the old man always says it doesn't matter, crying tired of falling asleep naturally, we took the child at that time like this, don't pick up and coax, coax after you can't put it in bed.

Later, the baby did fall asleep, and the old man said: Look, I'm right, crying is exhausting energy, and when the strength is exhausted, he falls asleep.

After reading this message, I couldn't help but sigh, in the field of baby sleep, there are really too many wrong "traditional experiences", and I really have to summarize it for everyone to avoid pitfalls.

Today's violent sleep method of "crying and falling asleep naturally" especially needs to be taken out separately to nag, because it is very harmful to the baby!

Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly


When you are tired of crying, you will naturally go to sleep, which is very harmful to the baby

1. The quality of sleep is not high when you fall asleep crying

Falling asleep with a big cry will cause the following sleep problems: ◆ Wake up frequently after suddenly crying about 20 minutes after falling asleep, and never fall asleep

◆ After the baby who does not sleep well wakes up, his emotional state is also very bad, and he falls into a vicious circle of not eating well, playing well, and sleeping poorly.

2. It is easy to cause night terrors and nightmares in babies

If your baby cries at night before bedtime, it can cause your baby to have night terrors, nightmares, or wake up from crying frequently during the night. The baby and the family don't sleep well all night.

3. Cause damage to the baby's brain

British parenting expert Dr. Penelope Lihe believes that prolonged crying in babies can damage brain health, leading to cognitive impairment later in life.

I've seen a similar conclusion in brain science science: when a child cries, he or she is hoarse, his mouth is wide open, his eyes are closed, and his cry is full of fear and panic.

Crying for more than 10 minutes causes a large accumulation of the stress hormone cortisol, which delays the formation of 2.7 billion neural connections.

Crying for more than 30 minutes, cortisol can even kill the brain cells themselves.

If a small month-old baby cries for more than 20 minutes or even longer before going to bed every time, you can imagine how heavy the baby's brain burden is.

4. It is not conducive to the establishment of the baby's sense of security and trust

A baby who cries for a long time eventually stops, not because he has mastered the knack for falling asleep on his own, but because he is exhausted and no longer has any hope of getting help.

This kind of disappointment and depressed emotions will make them secrete a "depression hormone", leaving a psychological shadow on the baby.

The younger the baby, the more the family needs to provide a timely response and a sense of security, if the baby is allowed to cry, we do not provide any comforting measures, it is undoubtedly throwing the baby into the black hole of fear.

Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly

Speaking of which, we have to mention the "crying immunity method" this sleep training method, crying without hugging, not crying before hugging, training the baby to become a very little crying, especially so that parents worry about the "good baby".

Actor Ma Yili used this method, but later she complained on Weibo about the cruelty of this method and destroyed the emotional connection between her and her children.

What was the result of John Watson, the pediatrician who invented the cry immunity method, to train his children in this way?

The eldest son, Reina, committed suicide, the younger son became a homeless man, and the daughter also committed suicide several times.

It can be seen that methods like this ignoring the baby's crying are extremely harmful.

The first two drawbacks are visible to the naked eye, while the damage to the brain and sense of security is invisible, far-reaching, and difficult to remedy.

In the matter of coaxing sleep, we still have to be good at absorbing scientific and correct concepts, taking the essence and removing the dross, and don't always talk about "the previous baby slept like this".

Find the reason first, and then soothe and sleep.

Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly


Find out why your baby cries before bedtime

The baby is not crying before going to bed for no reason, first check one by one according to the following reasons:

1. Hunger and physical discomfort

Novice parents will not be able to figure out when the baby is hungry and when the baby is sleepy, which often makes the baby hungry and sleepy.

Small month-old babies will also have intestinal discomfort, and they will cry non-stop, this is easier to check, see if this point is a regular sleeping time.

2. Missed the best sleep time and was too sleepy

The milk is also eaten, the intestines are not uncomfortable, the baby cries and plays before going to bed, obviously very sleepy but just can't sleep, most of them are caused by sleepiness.

Parents do not grasp the baby's best sleep signal, when the baby begins to yawn and rub his eyes before ready to coax the baby to sleep, or hold the baby to play a little longer, don't sleep during the day and sleep well at night, has been dragging the baby.

Failure to establish a regular routine for the baby will also cause sleepiness, and parents will not be able to grasp the baby's sleep point at all, and cry as a signal to sleep.

3. The baby really doesn't want to sleep

There is a situation where "parents feel that the baby is sleepy" and insist on holding the baby horizontally to start sleeping, but at this time the baby has no sleep needs at all, and crying is inevitable.

In this case, if you put your baby on the bed, your baby may not continue to cry, but will cry for a while and play on his own.

4. Excessive activity before bedtime

If the baby is allowed to play too intensely and too high before going to bed, and the mood is particularly excited, it may cause the baby to cry at this time.

Because the baby's brain development is not perfect, he cannot give his emotions "brake in time and switch sleep modes".

Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly

To sum up, when the baby cries before bedtime (especially at a young age), we should respond to the baby in a timely manner.

While holding it up (babies who are used to bed slapping can not be picked up), quickly check the reason for crying in their minds.

On the premise of ensuring that you are well fed and healthy, decisively use the boo method and side hugging method in the "5S pacification method".

Quickly turn on your baby's "calming reflex" to help his brain get out of the chaos and gradually fall asleep quietly.

At this time, there is no need to implement any "pick up and put down method" and "self-sleep training".

Otherwise, the end result will be: the baby is getting more and more disappointed, and the parents are getting more and more angry.

Thinking about it from another angle, if we are a baby who is waiting to be fed and has no ability to take care of itself, when we cry, what we want most must be gentle love and positive response.

And not indifferently ignoring.

The next job is to learn to grasp the baby's sleep signals and fall asleep at the right time to avoid the recurrence of falling asleep after crying.

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  • Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly
  • Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly
  • Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly
  • Babies cry tired and sleep naturally? The traditional experience is not all right, and these 4 harms should be told to the elderly

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