
Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

author:Pearl River Economic Observatory

"Chi Meiren's fruit is heart-shaped, with bulging shoulders and a gorgeous appearance, with an average single fruit of more than 50 grams, which is twice the weight of ordinary lychees."

"The red crispy glutinous flesh is crisp, sweet and juicy, and fragrant, which is suitable for planting in the late-maturing lychee producing areas of Guangdong."

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

In a lychee orchard in Shenquan Town, Huilai County, it is full of greenery, and the lychee trees are full of heavy fruits, exuding an attractive aroma to welcome the "diners" who arrive. On June 28, the Huilai Lychee Leading Varieties Main Promotion Technology Seminar was held in the conference hall of the Huilai County Agricultural and Agricultural Bureau, with a new model of agricultural science and technology socialized service, linking experts and agricultural technicians to carry out the "field open class", strengthening the promotion and guidance of high-quality and efficient cultivation technology of lychee, and at the same time helping the listing and publicity of the leading varieties of Huilai lychee, continuously promoting the optimization of the structure of lychee varieties, boosting the quality and efficiency of the "Millions and Millions Project", and making every effort to promote the high-quality development of the Huilai lychee industry and run out of the "acceleration" of development.

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Lychee tasting, Huilai's leading varieties debut

For thousands of years, Huilai County has been famous for cultivating lychees. According to the "Chaozhou Mansion Chronicle", "Emperor Wei Wen's edict, 'the treasures of southern fruits, longan, lychee, Jiuyi everywhere'". It can be seen that as early as the Three Kingdoms period, the lychee forests of Huilai have bloomed everywhere, and the fragrance is overflowing. Diving into history, we get a glimpse of a fascinating picture: under the lychee trees, the sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, dotted with red fruits. Lychee has been given many poetic names here, such as Danli and Lizhi. In 2005, Huilai County was given the glorious title of "China's Lychee Township", which has long been rooted in the cultural life of the local people, and has become a resounding business card of Huilai County as a product of China's National Geographical Indication.

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

In the middle of summer, the lychee forest of Huilai ushers in a bumper harvest. The wide variety of lychee varieties is dizzying, and each lychee is a sweet gift from nature. When the flesh melts in your mouth, you feel like you are tasting the history and story of Huilai, and the light sweetness instantly makes you feel deeply emotional about the land.

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

At the Huilai Lychee Leading Varieties Publicity Conference, the most attractive thing was the plump and round late-maturing lychees. Due to the special climate and soil conditions, Huilai lychee has created a unique flavor, and compared with lychees from other origins, it has its own distinctive characteristics, with huge fruits, bright colors, thick flesh, and sweet taste, each of which exudes an attractive aroma.

Huang Xiwen, chief agronomist of Jieyang Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said, "This year, due to the impact of the climate, many places are facing a reduction in lychee production, but Huilai lychee still has a good yield. We must grasp the market, steadily grasp the docking of production and marketing, actively organize the activities of the buyer's origin, introduce high-quality buyer resources, establish a cooperative relationship between production and marketing, and comprehensively expand sales channels. ”

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Huang Xiwen, chief agronomist of Jieyang Agriculture and Rural Bureau

"Doing a good job in the promotion of Huilai lychee is one of the focuses of our work this year", Hu Guowen, member of the party group and deputy director of Huilai County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said, "Huilai lychee as the people's 'rich fruit', the county's existing lychee area of more than 170,000 acres, with an annual output of more than 100,000 tons, the quality and efficiency of planting technology is a long-term plan to adjust the structure of high-quality lychee varieties." ”

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Hu Guowen, member of the party group and deputy director of Huilai County Agriculture and Rural Bureau

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

The agricultural offices of various towns in Huilai County and the lychee growers in each town participated in the lecture

Expert evaluation, quality shows market potential

With the continuous development of the lychee industry, how to improve the quality and yield of lychee has become an important issue for fruit farmers. In recent years, Huilai County has achieved remarkable results in the development of the lychee industry. Through the introduction and improvement of more than 40 new lychee varieties, such as Chi Meiren, Bing Li, Red Crispy Nuo, Zi Niangxi, etc., Huilai Lychee shines in the market. This achievement is not only due to the unique natural ecological environment of Huilai, but also inseparable from the continuous innovation and application of lychee cultivation technology. This event invited a number of experts in the field of agriculture to conduct on-site guidance and exchanges.

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Huilai mainly promotes the lychee variety red crispy lychee

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Huilai mainly promotes the lychee variety Chi Meiren

The experts went deep into the lychee orchard and conducted a detailed evaluation of the leading varieties such as Red Crispy Glutinous and Chi Meiren. Combined with their professional knowledge and rich practical experience, they conducted a comprehensive evaluation from the appearance, sweetness, taste, aroma and other aspects of lychee, and gave in-depth explanations on the green and efficient cultivation technology, soil management, and pest control of lychee.

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Professor Liu Chengming communicated with Huilai lychee growers on the spot

In 1994, Wang Wuliang, a villager of Meiyuan, contracted the village's Hongtang Longpian Lychee Garden, covering an area of about 40 acres, the orchard's lychee varieties are many and mixed, and it was found that one of the trees was grafted into glutinous rice balls, and the other half was grown into real seedlings. The fruit quality of this seedling is not inferior to that of "glutinous rice ball", and the fruit cracking is light in the fruit expansion stage, but not in the later stage, so it is retained. After many on-site observations and investigations, it was confirmed that it has good development potential, and it was named "Meiyuan Glutinous Lychee", which is the first half of the life of the leading variety Red Crispy Glutinous.

Chi Meiren used "Ma Guili" lychee as the female parent and "Jiaohe March Red" lychee as the paternal parent to carry out a multi-year hybrid breeding process, combining the advantages of two kinds of lychee fruits, such as large fruits, high and stable yield, and gorgeous fruit color.

Liu Chengming, a professor at the College of Horticulture of South China Agricultural University, said, "The two new varieties are easy to flower, with high and stable yields, and the size of the year is not obvious; At the same time, it has the characteristics of "late ripening", "large fruit", "glamorous" and "excellent comprehensive quality", and has a strong visual impact and market attractiveness. ”

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Liu Chengming, a professor at the College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University

Lin Huajie, an agricultural extension researcher and president of the Huilai County Lychee Association, put forward management suggestions on the current situation of lychee production in Huilai County, "Strengthen the construction of orchard facilities, such as road facilities, water and fertilizer integration facilities, green prevention and control facilities, etc.; To strengthen orchard management, one is to cultivate strong autumn shoots and fruiting mother branches, the second is to control shoots to promote flowering, cultivate strong flower spikes, and the third is to strengthen the management of the fruiting period and do a good job in protecting fruits and strengthening fruits. ”

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Lin Huajie, agricultural extension researcher and president of Huilai County Lychee Association

"Huilai's original lychee industry is low, mainly because of poor varieties," said Wang Huicong, a professor at the College of Horticulture of South China Agricultural University and director of the Guangdong Lychee Engineering Technology Research Center. Another is an efficient and safe stable yield cultivation technology, including how to better flower, fruit set, pest control and other supporting technologies to maintain stable yield. ”

Experts agreed that through scientific cultivation management and technological innovation, the quality and yield of lychee can be further improved, and the high-quality development of the lychee industry can be promoted.

With the help of science and technology, grasp the "lychee" wealth code

The Huilai Lychee Leading Varieties Seminar is not only a variety display and tasting activity, but also a "report card" of the deep integration of agricultural technology and the lychee industry. At the meeting, experts and agricultural technicians conducted in-depth discussions and guidance on the promotion of high-quality and efficient cultivation technology of lychee, aiming to further tap the potential of Huilai's lychee industry and improve the quality and efficiency of lychee through the power of science and technology.

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

The seminar emphasized the importance of science and technology in the lychee industry, and put forward specific measures to optimize the cultivation and management of lychee and improve the quality of lychee through scientific and technological means. At present, the main technologies are litchi high grafting technology and post-flowering fruit preservation technology. Lychee high grafting technology is an efficient variety improvement method, which uses the strong root system of the original lychee tree to graft the branches of the new variety to the original tree, so as to realize the rapid replacement of lychee varieties without changing the tree body. This technology not only greatly shortens the cultivation cycle of new varieties, but also ensures that the new varieties can quickly adapt to the growth environment of the original trees, and achieve rapid fruit bearing and high yield. The post-flowering fruit preservation technology is designed for the key stage in the growth process of lychee - the post-flowering fruit setting period. After lychee flowering, scientific management measures, such as reasonable fertilization, timely irrigation, pest control, etc., ensure the healthy growth of lychee fruits, reduce fruit drop, and improve fruit quality and yield.

At the briefing, the experts explained in detail the key points and precautions of the operation of these two technologies, and shared cases of successful application. They emphasized that the development of the lychee industry is inseparable from the support of science and technology, and only the continuous introduction and application of new technologies can promote the sustainable development and upgrading of the lychee industry.

At the same time, the meeting also encouraged the deep integration of the lychee industry with tourism, culture and other industries, to create a litchi cultural tourism brand with local characteristics of Huilai, and to promote the diversified development of the litchi industry. This year is the 500th anniversary of the establishment of Huilai County, which is a year of great significance, and Huilai sends a warm invitation to the world: "Come to Huilai, taste the five treasures, especially to eat lychees happily!" ”

The successful holding of this tasting and exchange activity not only provided strong support for the brand promotion and market expansion of Huilai's lychee industry, but also injected new vitality into the sustainable development of the lychee industry. In the future, Huilai County will continue to strengthen the technological innovation and market development of the lychee industry, and promote the development of the lychee industry in the direction of higher quality and higher efficiency.

Huilai lychee, bring surprises! Take advantage of the power to promote the cultivation technology of leading varieties

Written by: Chen Xiaochan

Poster: Hu Yuye

Image: Gong Zhi, Yang Ziyang

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