
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

author:Sister Gao commented

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The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Text/Sister Gao commented

Editor/Sister Gao commented

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Recently, a blockbuster news has resounded wildly in the medical field! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng pointed out that "seeing a doctor is like a transaction" among Chinese people at present, and fiercely bombarded the dirty status quo of the mainland's medical system of "treating patients as commodities". This blunt remark was a thunderbolt and a word of the heart, which immediately caused an uproar and heated discussion.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

People can't help but question: As the last line of defense for life and health, how can medical services be reduced to a risky "transaction"? Is Bai Jianfeng's sharp comment honest and straightforward, or is it too outrageous alarmism? Follow the editor to find out the truth!

Cain's cause is multipherently contradictory

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Looking back at the origin of the doctor-patient relationship in China, we can find that the bond of trust between the two parties has long been in jeopardy, as if it has fallen into an "incorrigible" predicament. All of this is actually hidden by a series of institutional roots and environmental drivers.

First of all, the construction of the medical security system has lagged behind for a long time. The narrow coverage of medical insurance, the heavy proportion of patients' out-of-pocket expenses, and the insufficient financial investment in medical and health care have made patients have to bear a heavy economic burden and a huge gap in medical expenses when seeking medical treatment, which is the bane of the aggravation of doctor-patient conflicts.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Secondly, the high cost of medical services is also a major criticism. Soaring drug prices, lack of supervision of medical service charges, and lagging hierarchical diagnosis and treatment systems have contributed to the continuous rise in medical costs, which have become the main culprits of ordinary people's "poor families" in seeking medical treatment.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

In addition, there is a lack of benign doctor-patient communication. On the one hand, doctors have been under tremendous work pressure for a long time, and it is difficult to have the spare time to patiently explain to patients; On the other hand, patients' understanding of medical knowledge is often biased, so the two sides are prone to estrangement, and conflicts will inevitably intensify.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

The most corrupt medical ecology is the handful of "scum" who deviate from medical ethics and seek mercenary. They seek to maximize their personal interests and disdain the professional ethics of medical paramount supremacy. In order to make huge profits, some hospitals also acquiesce and let this go, which is a complete desecration of medical standards.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

To sum up, it can be seen that Bai Jianfeng's sharp comments really hit the pain point directly, and it is not surprising that it caused an uproar in public opinion. When there are so many institutional shortcomings and environmental risks in the medical field, there is some credible basis for people to question that medical services have been reduced to "trading and selling".

The logic of capital breeds the scourge of "drug shortage".

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Indeed, the excessive pursuit of capital interests is the main culprit that leads to the complete distortion of the ecology of the medical system. Without the original intention, what kind of professional ethics and moral bottom line will also be lost, and it is not surprising that the medical field is degenerating.

A more typical example is the phenomenon of "drug shortage" that has been common across the country in recent years. Every important holiday, there is always news of a large-scale drug supply outage, which brings great inconvenience to the treatment of many patients.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Although its roots may seem complex, it is not a paradise. Some analysts pointed out that the large-scale supply interruption of commonly used drugs was mainly triggered by two major interests. First, because the profit of commonly used drugs is low, hospitals and doctors are inevitably reluctant to prescribe more for profit; Second, pharmaceutical companies have implemented a high-price monopoly pricing policy for some hot-selling drugs.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Under this chain of profit-seeking business logic, both hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are only faced with the cold demands of "big market" and "big money", rather than the vital interests and health needs of patients.

The same logic of capital is at play, and the phenomenon of over-testing and over-use of antibiotics is also becoming more and more widespread across the country. Hospitals and doctors turn a blind eye to the basic medical common sense of "illness comes from the mouth", and only treat patients as a gold-stamping machine to make money. As a result, the quality and overall reputation of the industry have plummeted.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Where is the "benevolence and benevolence"? Experts call for a return to the original intention

It is not difficult to find that the crux of the continuous escalation of doctor-patient conflicts and the complete breakdown of the trust relationship between doctors and patients in China is the increasingly serious distortion of the logic of commercialization and capitalization in the medical field. As Bai Jianfeng Rui said, "treating medical treatment as a transaction" is undoubtedly a naked blasphemy against life and health.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Therefore, in order to completely resolve the current predicament, it is necessary to return the medical industry to the original intention and mission of saving lives and helping the wounded. That is, abandon the decadent logic of capitalization and commercialization, take people's health as the core, adhere to public welfare and non-profit, and truly "serve the people wholeheartedly".

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

The government should further increase investment in medical and health care, improve the compensation mechanism for public hospitals, and effectively reverse the unreasonable situation in which hospitals can only rely too much on drug sales and financial allocations for survival.

At the same time, it is necessary to establish and improve the drug pricing management system, explore the centralized procurement mechanism of the consortium, and promptly stifle all kinds of speculative behaviors such as speculating on drug prices and raising prices. Only by cutting off the root of the logic of capital can the high drug prices begin to return to rationality.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

In terms of the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system, it is necessary to further accelerate the pace of reform, improve the primary medical and health service system, and deepen the reform of medical service fees to ensure that the majority of patients can enjoy fair and accessible high-quality medical resources.

In particular, it is necessary to strictly enforce the code of integrity of the industry, and severely punish hospitals and doctors who waste resources and damage the image of the industry. And establish a sound doctor-patient dispute prevention and mediation mechanism, strengthen the benign communication between the two sides, and achieve real harmony and win-win results.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Eventually, patients will no longer see the hospital as a super "shopping mall", and the bond of trust between doctors and patients will eventually be re-bonded. At that time, Bai Jianfeng's sharp comments may be self-defeating and disappear. No one wants to see the vocation of saving lives and helping the wounded degenerated into a desperate "transaction".

"Three de-Wu" layout of the medical reform route

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

In order to effectively promote the reform of the medical system and reshape the health ecology, it is necessary to build a new medical model of humanization, people's and public welfare in an all-round way, so as to fundamentally reverse the dilemma of the tension between doctors and patients. Specifically, it needs to be "de-armed":

First, de-commercialization, de-profitization, and de-capitalization are the fundamental principles of the medical industry. Only by firmly guarding this lifeline can medical ethics be truly established.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Second, make it simple. Effectively rationalize the allocation of medical resources, reduce intermediate links, open up the direct path between patients and medical terminals, and avoid funds being stranded in the intermediate chain.

Third, turn inefficiency into efficiency. Vigorously promote the reform of medical insurance, hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and other systems, and effectively improve the fairness, accessibility and convenience of medical services.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Fourth, turn indifference into humanization. Respect the main position of patients, listen to the needs of patients, and let the concept of "people-oriented" be rooted in the hearts of every medical worker.

Fifth, turn self-interest into altruism. Strengthen medical ethics education, refine the original intention of practicing medicine, and stimulate the noble concept of selfless dedication and service to others.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! People's Daily reporter Bai Jianfeng bombarded China's medical treatment, don't treat medical treatment as a transaction!

Only by adhering to the road of "three de-defeating" can the medical industry be on the right track, steady and far-reaching, and truly benefit the people. With the joint appeal and joint efforts of the whole society, a new and healthy medical ecology will surely be revitalized on the land of China.

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