
What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Today's topic: What is the level of medical care in China? After reading the personal experience shared by netizens, I was convinced!

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Edited by Simplified Books

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years


This article is long, and it is the personal experience of netizens, and the king of Yama is fighting for his life!!!

We all know that the Chinese population is large, which also makes our doctors look after hundreds of people a day!

Sometimes a year's surgery can catch up with a lifetime of surgery by a foreign doctor.

It is precisely because of this practice that Chinese doctors are unrivaled in this regard.

In particular, doctors are more experienced in dealing with emergencies than doctors in other countries!

It is not uncommon to encounter a doctor's rescue due to an emergency!


The experience of netizens makes us realize how professional Chinese doctors are.

Stunned, what kind of cure is this?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

How can you poke in to find a blood vessel? Isn't it to look at the blood vessel tie?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Ah, that's how a child's earwax comes out.

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Nurse Abroad: You look clean. The point is that the virus and bacteria are not clean!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

The old man is so old, it is not easy to recover from a single illness.

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

I thought it was some kind of medicine that worked, but it turned out to be painkiller!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Even a village doctor has such efforts, you can imagine the level of medical care in China!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Can paralysis be cured for several years?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

People are life-savers, and people like you can't look down on them!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

No surgery is required, and foreign bodies can be easily removed!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Why can many diseases with a cure rate of 0 in foreign countries be saved in China?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years
What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

are all old nurses, so do you still need to talk about the acupuncture?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

This comparison shows how good the nurse skills are in China.

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

A medicine is fine, no need to remove the cyst?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Are community doctors abroad so outrageous? The cause is determined without examination.

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

I used to think that the free treatment abroad was very cool, but it turned out to be so free!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

After more than 60 years, the hospital can still find the medical information.

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

I didn't have surgery but saved my father-in-law's life!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

What is the operation of opening the insole if you can't walk? Did the doctor buy the insole?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

The gap between you and foreign doctors is a book.

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Can you sue this doctor, I pulled out the wrong tooth twice, it's outrageous!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

I almost cut off the child! What if it is removed?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

There are so many operations by foreign doctors! This is sawed off.

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

You're the same white coat as the doctor, and you're thinking more than he does!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Isn't this just medical malpractice? Didn't look for him?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Seven hours, you'll tell this!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Xiaobian has seen a person who was misdiagnosed and delayed abroad, and finally committed suicide after killing the doctor!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years


What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

Good guys, healed without going to the doctor!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

He also knows that he can't see it well, so you will see it!

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

How can the moon still be controlled by the doctors?

What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years
What is the level of medical care in China in the world? Netizen: Without surgery, you can continue your life for more than ten years

The above are all the life experiences of netizens, not all of them are true, please discern carefully.

What is the level of medical care in China in your eyes? Come and talk to the editor!

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