
Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

author:Firecracker World

As an important part of traditional Chinese culture, the fireworks industry has always attracted the attention of consumers and the market.

Through the analysis of the number of new fireworks and firecrackers enterprises in the past ten years, the fireworks world network has a preliminary understanding of the current situation and development trend of the industry.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

According to the analysis of the Big Data Research Center of Firecrackers World Network, the number of cancellations of fireworks retail stores in the past decade has experienced a significant downward trend between 2015 and 2023. In 2015, the number of cancellations peaked at 52,081. In the following years, the number of cancellations decreased year by year, until 2023 it reached its lowest point in nearly a decade at 13,064.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

From 2014 to 2016, the number of write-offs fluctuated and was generally at a high level.

Since 2000, cities have introduced bans one after another. After 2015, air pollution problems such as smog and PM2.5 quickly led to a consensus on banning fireworks. Since 2017, the number of write-offs has entered a steady decline phase, with a decrease every year, and the decline has increased year by year.

The increase in the number of write-offs could also mean that there is a reshuffle and consolidation underway within the industry, with some smaller, weaker companies being eliminated and some larger, stronger ones able to continue to grow.

This trend may be related to a variety of factors, such as policy adjustments, changes in market demand, and increased pressure on environmental protection. With the increasing concern about environmental protection and safety, as well as the tightening of the regulation of the fireworks market, the operating environment of fireworks retail stores has become more stringent.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

According to the big data research and analysis of Firecrackers World Network, the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years has shown a fluctuating upward trend.

From 2014 to 2023, the overall number of new additions has increased, although there have been ups and downs in the middle years.

In 2014, the number of new firecrackers was 64,251, and by 2022, the number of new additions has climbed to 119711, and firecrackers in many places have been "banned" and "restricted", and the sales of fireworks and firecrackers have increased significantly, and with the increase in demand, the registration of retail stores has reached the highest point in the past decade.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years
Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

Between 2014 and 2016, there was a small increase in the number of new additions, followed by a slight decline in 2017.

Beginning in 2018, the number of new additions entered another phase of growth, until it peaked in 2022. Among them, the growth in the three years from 2019 to 2021 was relatively flat, and in 2022 and 2023, there was a significant increase in the number of new additions.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

This growth trend may be influenced by a variety of factors, including market demand, policy environment, industry norms, etc. With the improvement of people's living standards and the inheritance of festival culture, fireworks and firecrackers, as one of the traditional ways of celebration, are still in demand.

At the same time, the regulation and management of the industry by relevant departments are also constantly strengthened, providing a more favorable environment for the development of fireworks and fireworks retail stores.

The number of new additions and cancellations of fireworks retail enterprises is constantly changing.

Fluctuations in the number of additions may reflect the dynamism of the market and changes in consumer demand. In some years, such as when there are more festivals or when consumer demand rises, the number of new additions may increase; In other years, such as policy adjustments or market saturation, the number of new additions may decrease.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

In the past ten years, the number of new fireworks and firecrackers enterprises has shown a fluctuating upward trend.

According to the analysis of the Big Data Research Center of Huapao World Network, the industry has gradually entered a stage of stable growth since the 94,708 new enterprises in 2014.

However, since 2019, the number of new additions has begun to decline year by year. Although the decline is modest, this trend is still worth watching. This may indicate that with the improvement of environmental awareness and the government's strict requirements for safe production, the development of the fireworks industry is beginning to face some challenges. In addition, the intensification of market competition and the diversification of consumer demand may also have a certain impact on the industry.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

2022 has become the peak of the number of new fireworks enterprises in this decade, reaching 121679.

The ban on fireworks and firecrackers has been gradually relaxed, and Shanxi, Henan, Zhejiang, Shandong, Inner Mongolia and other places have complied with the people's will and actively responded to the policy. It not only retains the charm of traditional culture, but also ensures the safety and well-being of the people. The fireworks industry still maintained a strong growth momentum in the market environment at that time.

Although the number of new additions fluctuated, the overall size of the fireworks industry remained at a relatively stable level. This is due to the brand influence and consumer base that the industry has accumulated over the long term. At the same time, with the progress of science and technology and the innovation of technology, the fireworks industry is constantly exploring new development directions to meet the diversified needs of the market.

Analysis of the number of new fireworks retail stores in the past ten years

The fireworks industry will continue to face a development environment where opportunities and challenges coexist. On the one hand, with the inheritance of traditional culture and the creation of a festive atmosphere, the fireworks industry still has a certain market potential.

On the other hand, environmental protection, safety, innovation and other factors will become key factors in the development of the industry. Therefore, fireworks and fireworks enterprises need to strengthen technology research and development and brand building, improve the added value and competitiveness of products, in order to cope with market changes and challenges.

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