
Important learning materials, collection!

author:Learn the Legion
Important learning materials, collection!

From June 17 to 19, the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission was held in Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, and President Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Standing at the height of the times and the overall situation, President Xi has systematically summarized the historic achievements of political army building in the new era, profoundly expounded the connotation and essence of the strategy for political army building in the new era, clearly put forward the requirements of the era of political army building, and systematically deployed the key tasks to be done well in promoting political army building on the new journey, pointing out the direction of progress and providing fundamental guidance for us to create a new situation of political army building. Since June 20, the People's Liberation Army Daily has published editorials and eight commentators' articles in a row, let us learn together.

Important learning materials, collection!

We should forge the heroic army under the leadership of our party into a stronger one


In the critical period of comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, and at the critical stage of striving for the centenary of the founding of the army and striving to be first-class in the army, President Xi led the senior cadres of our army to Yan'an to convene the political work conference of the Central Military Commission, emphasizing the need to adhere to the party's absolute leadership over the army, implement the strategy of political army building in the new era, firmly grasp the requirements of the era of political army building, focus on fighting the tough battle to achieve the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army, carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution, continue to deepen political rectification and training, and forge political firmness, A strong party organization with excellent ability will forge a team of high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, and worthy of the important task of strengthening the army, so as to provide a strong political guarantee for the cause of strengthening the military. This meeting is a spiritual baptism of looking back at the tradition and forging in the fire, an ideological cohesion of cultivating the original intention and following the same heart, and a political mobilization to unite and struggle and tackle tough problems, which is an important milestone in the new era and new journey.

Yan'an is the holy land of the Chinese revolution, the birthplace of the rectification movement, and the place of consolidation and maturity of ideological and political party building. President Xi personally decided to convene the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference in Yan'an, leading the CMC and the main responsible comrades of various departments and units to visit the former site of the Wangjiaping Revolution, relive the glorious history and fine traditions of our Party and our army during the Yan'an period, cherish the great achievements of the older generation of revolutionaries, and study and deploy major issues in promoting political army building in the new era and new journey. Standing at the height of the times and the overall situation, President Xi systematically summarized the historic achievements of political army building in the new era, profoundly expounded the connotation and essence of the strategy of political army building in the new era, clearly put forward the requirements of the era of political army building, and systematically deployed the key tasks to be done well in promoting political army building on the new journey. President Xi's important speech, with the broad strategic vision of a Marxist statesman, strategically solves a series of major issues of the party's command of the gun, rich in profound political vision, contains a strong power of truth, and is full of strong mission, is a programmatic document for ideological party building and political army building in the new era, with strong political leadership, ideological penetration, and practical guidance, and points out the direction of progress and provides fundamental guidance for us to create a new situation in political army building.

Without the revolutionary forging of politics, there can be no great transformation of the people's army in the new era. Ten years ago, President Xi Jinping led senior cadres of our army to return to Gutian and convened an all-army political work conference to trace the roots, reform the defects and bring forth the new, and lead the people's army to reorganize and set off again. Over the past 10 years, the Party has led the people's army to promote political rectification and training in the spirit of rectification, and unswervingly administered the Party and the army in an all-round and strict manner. The people's army has forged its military soul under the banner of the party, and the problem of the party's absolute leadership over the army has been effectively resolved. Returning to the focus of the work of preparing for war, being able to fight and win wars has become a strong voice of the times; We have vigorously promoted healthy practices, discipline, and anti-corruption, and the political ecology has fundamentally improved, and new trends and healthy trends have continued to rise...... We, the people's army under the leadership of the party, have guarded its roots and soul, embarked on the pace of rapid development, and won the initiative to march toward the first-class. Our army has been reborn in the revolutionary forging, strengthened its muscles and bones in the historic remodeling, and marched strong in the face of risks and challenges, and the most fundamental thing is to rely on President Xi Jinping to lead the helm and rely on Xi Jinping's scientific guidance on strengthening the army. Practice has fully proved that the "two establishments" are the decisive factor in promoting the historic achievements and changes in the cause of the party and the country, and are the greatest certainty, the greatest confidence, and the greatest guarantee for overcoming all difficulties and obstacles and coping with all uncertainties.

Paying attention to building and mastering the armed forces ideologically and politically is our party's fine tradition and important advantage. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and President Xi Jinping have deeply promoted the theoretical exploration and practical creation of political army building, forming a strategy for political and military construction in the new era. This strategy makes it clear that political army building is the foundation of the people's army, that political work will always be the lifeline of our army, that political rectification and training should give prominence to the political fundamentals and clear the source, that mastering ideological leadership is the basis for mastering all leadership, that the party's strength comes from the organization, that the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the troops come from the organization, that the gun must always be in the hands of people who are loyal and reliable to the party, that strictness can lead to discipline, that only by being strict can the army be prestigious, and that only by being strict can it be effective in combat, and that there must be no hiding place for corrupt elements in the army. Only by making it clear that only with a good work style can we shape heroic troops, and that the unity between the military and the government and the army and the people is the magic weapon of our army's victory. These "10 clear-cuts" are interconnected, logically rigorous, rich in connotation, and far-reaching, and systematically answer the major questions of the direction, fundamental, and overall situation of the party's command of the gun belt under the conditions of the new era, and raise our understanding of the regularity of the party's building, management, and strengthening of the army to a new height. We must comprehensively and accurately study and comprehend the strategy of political and military building in the new era, unswervingly implement it, and constantly enrich and develop it in practice.

Those who observe the situation are wise, and those who control the situation win. At present, complex and profound changes are taking place in the world, the country, the party, and the military, the "four major tests" and "four dangers" facing our party have existed for a long time, and the tests facing our army politically are intricately intertwined, requiring us to firmly grasp the requirements of the era of political army building, constantly promote political army building, ensure that the people's army will always maintain its nature and purpose, always dare to fight and win, always work in unity, always produce talented people, always be pure and glorious, and always strictly enforce law and discipline, so as to continuously enhance our army's political superiority under the conditions of the new era. We must profoundly reflect on the deep-seated contradictions and problems that need to be resolved in the current political army building, show the courage to put aside face and expose the ugly, and with the attitude of digging deep into the root causes and touching the soul, we should strictly rectify and rectify the work style, strengthen political tempering, dig out the ideological roots and eradicate the malpractices, consolidate the foundation and open up new ones in practice, and promote the political army building to go deeper and more practical. The senior cadres of the whole army should keep in mind their original aspiration and mission, take the lead in carrying forward the spirit of Yan'an, take the lead in strengthening revolutionary forging, and shoulder the heavy historical task entrusted by the party and the people.

Conscientiously studying and implementing the spirit of President Xi's important speech is a major political task at present and in the future. All levels of the armed forces should thoroughly study and comprehend, resolutely implement them, and earnestly unify their thinking and action with the spirit of Chairman Xi's important speech and the requirements of the meeting's arrangements. It is necessary to enhance the consciousness and thoroughness of ideological transformation, continue to do a good job in arming the party with innovative theories, persist in integrating learning, thinking and application, and unify knowledge, belief and action, insist that senior cadres receive education first, and promote the implementation of our army's ideological and political education system. It is necessary to improve the leadership, organization, and execution of party organizations, enhance political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, improve the ability to prepare for war, and permeate the party's leadership in all fields and the whole process of preparing for war; Strictly implement the system of democratic centralism, and strengthen the responsibility of party committee secretaries as the first responsible person for managing the party and governing the party. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the cadre team, implement the party's organizational line in the new era, fully and accurately understand and grasp the standards for good cadres in the army, and fully implement this standard in all aspects of cadre work; Implement the concept of whole-link construction, take talent training as a strategic task, and improve the overall efficiency of cadre team construction. It is necessary to eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption, adhere to the strict tone unswervingly, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, and systematically treat them, so as to consolidate the main responsibility of the party committee, the supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection commission, and the responsibility of the industry department in charge of clean government, so as to expand the depth and breadth of the anti-corruption struggle; Improve mechanisms for restricting the allocation and operation of powers, and strengthen all-round supervision of senior cadres in the performance of their duties and use of power. It is necessary to boost the entrepreneurial spirit of the officers, build a scientific performance appraisal and evaluation system, thoroughly rectify the "five mores" to reduce the burden on the grassroots, solve difficulties and help the grassroots in a down-to-earth manner, and enhance the sense of gain and belonging of officers and men. It is necessary to restore and carry forward the fine traditions of political work, persist in seeking truth from facts, and persist in teaching by example over words; cadres at all levels, especially senior cadres, must set an example, take the lead in setting an example, and inspire and lead the troops with a sound work style and image.

The journey is strong, and it is time to strive to strengthen the army. On the new "three-step" journey of national defense and military modernization, we have strong determination and confidence to move forward. The whole army should unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards", implement the responsibility system of the chairman of the Central Military Commission, earnestly shoulder the major political responsibility of promoting political army building, and strive to create a new situation in political army building. We will forge this heroic army led by our party to be stronger, go all out to fight the tough battle to achieve the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army, resolutely fulfill the mission and tasks of the people's army in the new era, and provide strong strategic support for comprehensively promoting the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation with Chinese-style modernization.

Accurately comprehend and implement the strategy of political and military construction in the new era

-- First, conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

Political army building is where the unique advantages and lifeblood of our party and our army lie, and it is also the fundamental magic weapon for realizing the party's goal of strengthening the army in the new era and speeding up the building of the people's army into a world-class army.

President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, systematically summarizing the historic achievements of political and military building in the new era, and concisely summarizing the connotation and essence of the "Ten Clear" strategies for political and military construction in the new era. The strategy of political and military building in the new era is a piece of theoretical "whole steel", which not only has political foresight and profound theoretical thinking, but also has systematic scientific design and strategic deployment in work, fully embodies Chairman Xi's far-sighted and strategic thinking on political army building, contains the essence of proletarian party political army building, and shines with the truth of Marxist military outlook and methodology.

Political army building is the CPC's creative strategy and practice of building the army by consciously applying the latest achievements of Marxism, especially the Sinicization of Marxism, to the military field, and is the greatest political characteristic and political advantage of our army. In the great practice of creating and leading the people's army, our party has always attached importance to building the army ideologically and politically. In 1929, the Gutian Conference established the principle of ideological and political party building, and the military soul of the party commanding the gun was cast, and the new type of people's army was finalized. Ten years ago, President Xi Jinping led senior cadres of our army back to Gutian to convene an all-army political work conference, focusing on studying and solving major issues in the party's ideological and political construction of the army, making arrangements for political army building in the new era, and establishing the party's general strategy for political army building in the journey of strengthening the country and the army. History has profoundly shown that political army building, as the foundation of our army, must not be slackened in the slightest at any time or under any circumstances.

At this meeting, President Xi condensed and summarized the strategy of political and military building in the new era as "ten clear": make it clear that political army building is the foundation of the people's army, make it clear that political work will always be the lifeline of our army, make it clear that political rectification and training should highlight the root cause of politics, make it clear that ideological leadership is the basis for mastering all leadership, make it clear that the party's strength comes from the organization, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the army come from the organization, make it clear that the gun must always be in the hands of people who are loyal and reliable to the party, and make it clear that strictness can correct discipline and discipline and enforce the army's prestige. Only by being strict can we bring out our combat effectiveness, that there must be no hiding place for corrupt elements in the army, that only by having a good work style can we build heroic troops, and that the unity between the army and the government and the army and the people is the magic weapon for our army's victory. These "10 clear-cuts" are interconnected, logically rigorous, rich in connotation, and complete in system, covering all aspects of the theory and practice of the military's ideological and political construction under the new situation, systematically answering major questions about the direction, fundamental, and overall situation of the party's command of the gun belt under the conditions of the new era, and raising our understanding of the regularity of the party's building, administering the army, and strengthening the army to a new height.

The strategy of political and military building in the new era is a theoretical sublimation of the principles of ideological party building and political army building, an important part of Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army, and the latest achievement of our party's military guidance theory. President Xi profoundly pointed out that without the revolutionary forging of politics, there can be no great transformation of the people's army in the new era. In the face of the new situation and tasks, only by upholding the party's absolute leadership over the army, comprehensively implementing the strategy of political and military building in the new era, focusing on the battle to achieve the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army, and further unifying our thinking, will, and action, can we provide a strong political guarantee for the cause of strengthening the military and faithfully fulfill the missions and tasks entrusted by the party and the people in the new era.

President Xi stressed that the strategy of political and military construction in the new era should be comprehensively and accurately studied and understood, unswervingly implemented, and continuously enriched and developed in practice. The strategy of political and military building in the new era is rooted in practice and guides practice, and only by doing a good job in implementing it can we demonstrate the tremendous value of truth and the power of practice. The officers and men of the whole army, especially the senior cadres, should grasp the system from a broader perspective, study the mechanism and analyze the theory, make efforts to study and understand it thoroughly, and integrate it into a thorough understanding, profoundly understand the connotation, essence, and practical requirements of the strategy for political and military building in the new era, and master the powerful ideological weapon of always maintaining the true political qualities and consolidating the purity and glory. It is necessary to firmly grasp the requirements of the era of political army building, strengthen the historical consciousness of deeply understanding achievements and strengthening confidence, firmly grasp the fundamental requirement of loyalty to the party, focus on the first priority of preparing for war and fighting war, and highlight the distinctive characteristic of political nature, strengthen the political sobriety of facing problems squarely and solving problems, grasp the practical requirements of keeping up with the times, upholding integrity and innovation, more firmly support the "two establishments" and "two safeguards", comprehensively and thoroughly implement the responsibility system of the chairman of the Central Military Commission, and strive to create a new situation in political army building. We will ensure that the whole army will work hard to achieve the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army with a new mental state and an attitude of forging ahead.

Firmly grasp the requirements of the era of political army building

-- Two Discussions: Conscientiously Study and Implement Chairman Xi's Important Speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

"It is necessary to firmly grasp the requirements of the era of political army building, constantly promote political army building, ensure that the people's army will always maintain its nature and purpose, always dare to fight and win, always work in unity, always produce talented people, always be pure and glorious, and always have strict law and discipline, and constantly enhance the political superiority of our army under the conditions of the new era." At the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, Chairman Xi Jinping stood at the height of the times and the overall situation, profoundly expounded the requirements of the era of political army building, and had far-reaching strategic, profound theoretical, distinctive, contemporary and scientific guidance. To study and implement President Xi's important speech, it is necessary to firmly grasp the requirements of the era of political army building, profoundly understand its connotation, essence, and practical requirements, and promote the work of political army building in depth and in practice.

In the great practice of creating and leading the people's army, our party has always attached importance to building the army ideologically and politically. At every major historical juncture and important historical stage, our party and army must always study and solve the major issues of political army building in order to adapt themselves to the new struggle and win new victories. It is precisely because we have closely followed the development of the times and closely followed the actual conditions of the armed forces in promoting political army building that the people's army has always maintained its nature, purpose, true colors, and work style. In 1929, the Gutian Conference established the principle of ideological party building and political army building. Ten years ago, Chairman Xi led senior cadres of our army to return to Gutian and convened an all-army political work conference, focusing on studying and solving major issues of the party's ideological and political army building, making arrangements for political army building in the new era, establishing the party's general strategy for political army building in the journey of strengthening the country and the army, and pushing our party's thinking on army building and governing the army to a new era height.

Marx and Engels once said: "The real content of all epoch-making systems is formed by the needs of the period in which they were produced." "At present, complex and profound changes are taking place in the world, the country, the party, and the military, and the tests facing our army politically are complicated. For example, the contest between consolidating roots and destroying roots has not stopped for a moment, and it is required that there must be a new plan for political army building; The influence of the accumulation of poisons and abuses has not yet bottomed out, and it is required that there must be new developments in political army building; The arduous task of tackling tough problems and building the army over the past 100 years requires new strengthening of political army building. In particular, it should be noted that in the current political building of the army, it is necessary to resolve a series of deep-seated contradictions and problems, which are manifested in politics, ideology, organization, work style, discipline, and so on, and their roots lie in ideals and convictions, the cultivation of party spirit, and the moral character of officials. All these have put forward new requirements and challenges for political army building.

The new era calls for new theories, and new theories guide new practices. Ensuring that the people's army always maintains its nature and purpose, ensuring that the people's army always dares to fight and win, ensuring that the people's army always struggles in unity, ensuring that the people's army always produces a large number of talented people, ensuring that the people's army is always pure and glorious, and ensuring that the people's army is always strict in law and discipline are interrelated and inseparable, which are not only a summary and sublimation of the experience of political army building in the new era, but also provide guidance for creating a new situation in political army building. "It's logical, it's easy; It's hard to move from time to time. "Only by firmly grasping the requirements of the era of political army building, constantly promoting political army building, and making efforts to resolve the deep-seated contradictions and problems faced by political army building, can we continuously enhance our army's political superiority and ensure that our army will always obey the party's command, always consolidate its superiority in winning wars, and always maintain its purity and glory.

The value of theory lies in guiding practice. President Xi's request for the era of political army building has far-reaching theoretical and practical significance. The officers and men of the whole army, especially the leading cadres, should strengthen their awareness of the military soul and purpose, strengthen their belief in Marxism, their belief in socialism with Chinese characteristics, and their confidence in realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It is necessary to uphold combat effectiveness, which is the only fundamental criterion, firmly establish the building of combat effectiveness on winning a strong enemy, and be ready to fight at any time and be able to win a war at any time. It is necessary to persist in inspiring, motivating, and inspiring people with the party's goal of struggle, and organize and unite the vast number of officers and soldiers into "a piece of hard steel"; It is necessary to persist in cultivating people with virtue and educating people for war, and build a large-scale, rationally structured, and high-quality contingent of military talents; We must maintain the tenacity and perseverance that will always be on the road, unswervingly uphold the right and eliminate the evil, punish the evil and promote the good, and pass on the true character of the old Red Army from generation to generation; It is necessary to persist in administering the army according to law and strictly, speed up the change in the way the army is administered, unify thinking, action, and march forward in unison with strict law and discipline, strive to create a new situation in political army building, forge this heroic army under the leadership of our party into a stronger force, and greet the 100 th anniversary of the founding of the army with outstanding achievements.

Enhance the consciousness and thoroughness of ideological transformation

-- Three Theses: Conscientiously Study and Implement Chairman Xi's Important Speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

There is no end to ideological transformation. Communists must live to old age, learn from old age, and transform old age.

At the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference, Chairman Xi Jinping systematically deployed six key tasks to be grasped in promoting political army building on the new journey, the first of which is to "enhance the consciousness and thoroughness of ideological transformation". To conscientiously study and implement President Xi's important speech and promote the deepening and solidification of political army building, Party members and cadres, especially senior cadres, must carry forward the spirit of thorough self-revolution, take the lead in strengthening revolutionary forging, carry out ideological transformation to the end, temper the revolutionary contingent stronger, and ensure that the people's army is always pure and glorious.

"Seeing the good is like not being able to see the good, and seeing the bad is like exploring the soup." Ideological transformation is to purify and purify the mind, to cultivate and forge the Marxist world outlook, outlook on life, values, correct outlook on power, outlook on political achievements, and outlook on undertakings, and is a basic project for promoting political army building. The process of ideological transformation is not only a process of upholding the truth and correcting mistakes, but also a process of tempering party spirit and elevating one's realm. Communists should regard ideological transformation as if it were air. Otherwise, the mind will rust and the soul will be corroded. Just as Comrade Zhou Enlai said in "Passing the Five Levels": "Every party member should have such an understanding from the moment he joins the Communist Party: he is ready to transform his mind and transform until he is old. Therefore, it is the inherent need of every party member and cadre to self-revolution, and it is also an inevitable requirement to implement the strategy of political and military construction in the new era and continue to deepen political rectification and training.

"Only when the theory is strong can the direction be clear, the people are united, and the confidence is sufficient." If the theory is not deeply armed, it will lead to a weak foundation of belief; If the ideological transformation is not thorough, it will lead to the mixing of loyalty to the party. To enhance the consciousness and thoroughness of ideological transformation, party members and cadres are required to transform their minds in the course of studying their minds, unify their minds in the process of emancipating their minds, and always maintain their advanced nature and purity in their thinking. It is necessary to continue to arm the party's innovative theories, conscientiously study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army, and Chairman Xi's important speech, establish and improve the "first topic" system, deepen the study and education of the responsibility system of the chairman of the Central Military Commission, and continuously consolidate and expand the achievements of studying and implementing the theme of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is necessary to insist on reading the original works to learn the principles of the original texts, adhere to the unity of learning and thinking, knowledge, belief and action, learn to understand the truth and philosophy, so as to know its words and know its meaning, know its nature and know its reason, further forge loyal character, strengthen political beliefs, further tidy up our thinking and pace, truly keep up with the new requirements of the new era and new journey, and earnestly achieve new results in casting the soul with learning, increasing wisdom with learning, and promoting work with learning.

Ideological transformation does not stop, and education lasts indefinitely. Ideological and political education is a building in people's minds and is a powerful means and a powerful weapon for carrying out ideological transformation. Only when educators first receive education and consciously unify their words with their deeds can they educate and inspire people with their good image and exemplary role. To enhance the consciousness and thoroughness of ideological transformation, it is necessary to insist that senior cadres receive education first and truly receive education. It is necessary to focus on deepening ideological transformation, study and strengthen the ideological and political education of senior cadres, not simply regard education as reading documents and attending meetings, and not replacing ideological analysis with work review, strengthen the analysis of right and wrong and ideological clean-up in view of the root problems of ideology, rectify some vague, distorted, and even subversive concepts, and ensure that those who manage the soul take the lead in purifying the soul and stress discipline first and strictly observe discipline, so as to effectively enhance the charisma, influence, and credibility of education.

Promoting political army building is the common responsibility of the whole army, and ideological transformation is a special requirement for every party member and cadre. President Xi pointed out that "every comrade has the responsibility to transform himself and improve himself, and to clean up the dust of thought, get rid of bad habits, and correct wrong words and deeds is endless, and it is always in progress." It is necessary to strengthen political training and ideological baptism, aim at essential problems, practical problems, and living ideas, closely follow the reality of the development of the cause of strengthening the military and preparing for war, and closely follow the needs of officers and men in cultivating values and growing into talents, pay close attention to the theme education, basic education, and regular ideological education, prosper and develop the culture of strengthening the army in the new era, promote the implementation of our army's ideological and political education system, firmly establish the orientation of testing learning results with actual results, constantly enhance our army's political superiority, and strive to create a new situation in political army building.

Improve the leadership, organization and execution of party organizations

-- Four Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

The strength of the party comes from the organization, and the army is strong when the organization is strong. President Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, and clarified six key tasks around promoting political construction on the new journey, one of which is to "improve the leadership, organization and execution of Party organizations". To study and implement the spirit of Chairman Xi's important speech, we must thoroughly implement the strategy of political and military building in the new era, focus on forging strong and powerful party organizations, continuously improve the quality of our army's party leadership and party building work, and provide a strong organizational guarantee for the realization of the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army.

The key to strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army lies in the party. The strategy of political and military construction in the new era makes it clear that the party's strength comes from the organization, and the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the troops come from the organization. The party organizations of the armed forces are the organizational support for the party's leadership and control of the armed forces, and shoulder the important responsibility of realizing the party's absolute leadership over the armed forces, uniting and consolidating the troops, and accomplishing various tasks. A strong and powerful party organization is where our army's strong point and strength lie. To accomplish well the tasks entrusted by the party and the people, party organizations at all levels are required to make efforts to improve their leadership, organization, and executive power, to grasp the party's leadership and party building work more tightly and in a more solid manner, and to build party organizations into stronger and more effective ones. To promote political army building in the new era and new journey, only by focusing on the main responsibility and main business of preparing for war and fighting, strengthening the construction of the party's organizational system in our army, and giving full play to the organizational function, can the party's leadership be "like an arm and an arm", and the party's political and organizational advantages can be transformed into winning advantages.

Party committees at all levels of the armed forces occupy a leading position, play a key role, and bear overall responsibilities in the building of the armed forces, and in particular, high-level party committees at and above the military level occupy an important position and bear heavy responsibilities in the organizational system of the party in our armed forces. Political construction is the fundamental building of the party and determines the direction and effect of party building. Preparing for war is the main responsibility and main business of the army, and leading the preparation for war is the most important task of party committees at all levels. To improve the leadership, organization, and execution of party organizations, we must adhere to the organizational line to serve the political line, take a clear-cut stand on politics, earnestly put political construction in the first place, and grasp it as a top priority, and constantly enhance political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution. We must firmly shoulder the political responsibility of preparing for and fighting wars, enhance our ability to grasp and fight wars, and ensure that the party's leadership permeates all fields and the entire process of preparing for and fighting wars.

The quality of the deliberation and decision-making of the party organization has an extremely important impact on the overall construction of the unit and the long-term development of the army, and is also an important embodiment of leadership, organization, and execution. At present, with the acceleration of the modernization of national defense and the armed forces, the operation of the military system is becoming more and more complex, the missions and tasks of the armed forces are constantly expanding, and the scope of decision-making by party committees is becoming more and more extensive, more and more difficult, and the standards are getting higher and higher, and higher requirements are being put forward for the quality of deliberation and decision-making. Party committees at all levels must strictly implement the system of democratic centralism, properly handle the relationship between promoting democracy and correct centralism, and ensure that all work is placed under the unified leadership of the party committees and all important issues are collectively studied and decided by the party committees. It is necessary to optimize and standardize the procedural rules for the deliberation and decision-making of Party committees, strengthen the consultation and evaluation of major decisions, improve the implementation of Party committee decisions and the mechanism for supervision and notification, improve the scientific and effective decision-making, and ensure that decision-making is correct, implemented in place, and supervision is effective.

The party must manage the party, first of all, the party committee must manage it, and the party committee secretary must manage it. The key to the leadership, organization, and execution of the party organization lies in the secretary of the party committee. The secretary of the party committee is the "squad leader" of a team, and only by standing at the head of the line and rushing in front can he set a good benchmark and lead the team. It is necessary to strengthen the responsibility of the party committee secretary as the first person responsible for managing the party and governing the party, starting from adhering to the party's centralized and unified leadership, starting from strengthening the education, management and supervision of party members and cadres, especially team members, and from strictly regulating the political life within the party, especially the system of democratic life meetings, to ensure unity, harmony and stability within the team. It is necessary to be strict with oneself, strictly assume one's responsibilities, and strictly manage the areas under one's jurisdiction, truly set up political orientation, grasp political experience, and strict political rules, and forge a strong party organization with firm politics and excellent ability.

Strengthen the construction of the cadre ranks

-- Five Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

"The momentum of the three armies is more important than the general." The building of the contingent of cadres has a bearing on the overall situation of army building and on the outcome of future wars. By grasping the important matter of building the contingent of cadres, we have grasped the decisive factor in building and administering the army.

At the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, Chairman Xi Jinping systematically deployed the key tasks to be grasped in promoting political army building on the new journey, one of which is to strengthen the construction of the cadre team. President Xi's important speech profoundly condensed the fine tradition and valuable experience of the party's management of cadres, focused on the internal requirements and institutional innovation of promoting the high-quality development of the cadre team in the new era, and further pointed out the direction and provided guidance for the whole army to forge a team of high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, and gather outstanding talents in all fields who are determined to strengthen the army and win wars.

"After the political line is decided, the cadres are the decisive factor." Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee, the Central Military Commission and President Xi Jinping have insisted on integrating the strengthening of the army with talents into the strategic layout of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army in the new era, and have made great efforts to strengthen the construction of the cadre team. In the new era and new journey, as the backbone of army building, cadres at all levels are not only the concrete executors of the party's theory, line, principles, and policies, but also the maintenance and users of weapons and equipment, the innovators and creators of combat methods, and the organizers and practitioners of military operations. Only by forging a contingent of high-quality cadres who are loyal, clean, and responsible and worthy of the heavy task of strengthening the army can the building of the armed forces flourish and develop, and can the cause of strengthening the military continue to develop.

It is necessary to implement the party's organizational line in the new era, fully and accurately understand and grasp the standards for good cadres in the military, and comprehensively implement this standard in all aspects of cadre work. In selecting and employing people, we must first clarify the criteria. The standard for a good cadre in the military is to be loyal to the party, good at planning and fighting, dare to take responsibility, have outstanding achievements, and be honest and honest. This standard embodies the high degree of unity between the party's common standards for good cadres and the special requirements of the army, clarifies the principled requirements for high-quality cadres who take on the heavy task of strengthening the army, and gives a new connotation of the times to the standards for good cadres in the army. All levels of the armed forces must persist in the party's management of cadres, the party's management of qualified personnel, and the organization of the selection of personnel; according to the situation of cadres of different types, different posts, and different ranks, they must concretize the criteria for good cadres, give prominence to political standards and the ability to fight wars, and ensure that the barrel of the gun is always in the hands of people who are loyal and reliable to the party.

It is necessary to improve the evaluation of cadres and improve the accuracy of the penetrating ability of governors to understand people. Only by knowing people can we make good use of them, and only by being accurate can we use them well. It is necessary to reasonably set the assessment standards, according to the different types of responsibilities and job characteristics of cadres, highlight the priority of morality, the key indicators of ability, and the bottom-line thinking of integrity, so as to ensure that the assessment work is targeted, scientific and efficient. It is necessary to innovate and improve the methods of evaluation, centering on the establishment of a system of daily assessment, classified assessment, and close-range assessment of governors and people, earnestly grasp the political assessment, clean government assessment, work style assessment, and actual performance assessment, and comprehensively and multi-channel examination of the actual cadres' actual ability and ability and consistent performance, so that the selected cadres can rest assured, the officers and men are satisfied, and the cadres are convinced.

It is necessary to implement the concept of whole-link construction, take the cultivation of talents as a strategic task, and improve the overall efficiency of the construction of the cadre team. Qiji thousands of miles, not overnight; Lide Shuren is not a day's work. It is necessary to earnestly establish the guidance of grasping and building people in advance, highlight the decisive factor of people, and strive to build a work link focusing on education shaping, training and exercise, management and supervision, assessment and evaluation, selection and appointment, and positive incentives, and smooth the growth link of solid seedlings, compound experience, quality upgrading, and ladder development, and pay attention to grasping the needs of different growth stages such as the window period for the formation of cadre values, the career adaptation period, and the golden period of development, and differentially design training ideas and measures; It also pays attention to grasping the coherence and progressiveness of the whole process of cadre growth, planning the path as a whole, continuing to track and train, and through long-term system organization guidance and training, so that cadres can be righteous, increase their wisdom and ability, start a business, and grow into talents. It is necessary to pay more attention to system management, comprehensive policy, more attention to source management, and the whole process of exerting efforts, concentrate efforts to overcome the deep-seated contradictions that restrict the building of the contingent of high- and middle-level cadres, and ensure that the ranks of our army cadres have a solid foundation, are comprehensively excellent, and produce a large number of talented people, so as to provide a stronger organizational guarantee and strong talent support for realizing the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army as scheduled and speeding up the building of the people's army into a world-class army.

Eradicate the soil and conditions that breed corruption

-- Six Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

"Those who are good at eliminating harm look at their roots, and those who are good at dealing with diseases will eliminate their sources." As long as there is the soil and conditions for the problem of corruption to arise, it will be impossible to eradicate the phenomenon of corruption, and the struggle against corruption will not stop.

Corruption is a complex social phenomenon with historical, cultural, economic, social, institutional, and ecological soil and conditions. At the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, Chairman Xi Jinping systematically deployed the key tasks to be grasped in promoting political army building on the new journey, one of which is to "eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption". This reflects President Xi's farsightedness, foresight and profound thinking on the anti-corruption struggle, his accurate grasp of the new situation and new trends facing the anti-corruption struggle, and the profound exposition of the basic anti-corruption law of treating both the symptoms and the root causes and systematically tackling them. We must thoroughly study and implement the spirit of President Xi's important speech, unswervingly adhere to the strict tone, devote great efforts to eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption, and resolutely win the tough and protracted battle against corruption.

Corruption is the greatest cancer that endangers the party's vitality and combat effectiveness, and the fight against corruption is the most thorough self-revolution. The strategy for political and military building in the new era makes it clear that there must be no hiding place for corrupt elements in the military. Our army is a people's army under the leadership of the party, and it absolutely has no special interests of its own, still less the power to engage in specialization. The army is armed with a gun, and the problem of corruption must not exist within the party, especially in our army. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chairman Xi Jinping and the Central Military Commission have vigorously promoted healthy practices, discipline and anti-corruption, effectively curbed the breeding and spread of unhealthy trends and corruption in our army, solved the outstanding problems that have been wanted to be solved for many years but have not been solved, and completely reversed the situation of being difficult to return. Practice has fully proved that the more the troops fight corruption, the stronger, purer, and more effective they will become.

Freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and the soil and conditions that breed corruption are not formed overnight, but are the result of long-term accumulation and superposition, and it is impossible to completely eradicate these soil and conditions overnight, let alone once and for all. At the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, President Xi Jinping pointed out that in the new journey, the anti-corruption struggle must continue to exert efforts and advance in depth on the soil and conditions for eradicating corruption. The general requirement is to persist in promoting the integrated promotion of not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt, deepening both the symptoms and the root causes, and systematically treating them, constantly expanding the depth and breadth of the anti-corruption struggle, prescribing the right medicine, applying precise treatment, and taking multiple measures at the same time, so that the recurring old problems will gradually decrease, make it difficult for new problems to spread, and promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of corruption.

"Xinsong hates not a thousand feet high, and the evil bamboo should be cut ten thousand poles." The anti-corruption struggle has entered deep waters, and we must never turn back, slacken, or be merciful, and we must always blow the trumpet of the charge. We must adhere to the attitude of zero tolerance, the determination to eliminate the disease with fierce medicine, the courage to scrape the bones and cure the poison without leaking, and the scale of severe punishment without loosening. It is necessary to effectively integrate those who dare not be corrupt, those who cannot be corrupted, and those who do not want to be corrupted, exert force at the same time, in the same direction, and make comprehensive efforts, and combine the deterrent force of not daring to be corrupt, the binding force of not being corrupt, and the appeal of not wanting to be corrupt, so as to promote the achievement of more institutional results and greater governance efficiency. It is necessary to consolidate the main responsibility of the party committee, the supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection commission, and the responsibility of the department in charge of clean government, tighten the screws of responsibility, make good use of the sharp weapon of accountability, and expand the depth and breadth of the anti-corruption struggle with a strict attitude, practical style, and hard punishment.

The essence of corruption is the abuse of power, and many corruption problems are related to the unscientific allocation of power, the irregular exercise of power, and the lack of proper supervision. To eradicate the soil and conditions for the breeding of corruption, it is necessary to make a fuss about the supervision of power, improve the mechanism for restricting the allocation and operation of power, use good rules to ensure the scientific allocation, correct exercise, and effective supervision of power, put an end to all kinds of black-box operations, and minimize the space for rent-seeking of power. It is necessary to enrich the toolbox for punishing new types of corruption and hidden corruption, establish a linkage mechanism for early warning and punishment of corruption, and intensify the screening and investigation of new types of corruption and hidden corruption. It is necessary to strengthen all-round supervision over the performance of duties and the use of power by principal leading cadres, especially senior cadres, to tighten the cage of the system more tightly and firmly, and to lead the "vast majority" with the demonstration of the "key minority" to create a good political ecology with a clean and upright atmosphere.

Boost the entrepreneurial spirit of the officer

-- Seven Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

Committed to extraordinary causes, there must be extraordinary spirit, extraordinary responsibility.

"Boosting the entrepreneurial spirit of officers" is a key aspect of President Xi's proposal to further promote political and military construction on the new journey. Conscientiously studying and implementing President Xi's important speech and promoting the political construction of the army is of great significance for further encouraging the majority of party members and cadres to cultivate their original aspirations under the banner of the party, follow them in line, unite and struggle, tackle tough problems, and constantly create a new situation in the cause of strengthening the military.

Mental state is the difference between success and failure in your career. Educating, motivating, and inspiring people has always been an important content and eternal theme of political work. To implement the strategy of political and military building in the new era and give full play to the advantages of political work, it is very important to boost the entrepreneurial spirit of the vast number of party members, cadres, and officials, and encourage officers and men to go all out to fight the tough battle of achieving the goal of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the army. A good mental state is an important prerequisite for doing all the work well, and it is a concentrated embodiment of dedication, responsibility and enterprising. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said: "Without the spirit of forging ahead, without the spirit of 'taking risks,' and without the vigor and vigor, we will not be able to embark on a good road, a new road, or a new cause." "Facts have proved that a good mental state of entrepreneurship will enable people to concentrate all their energy, show all their abilities, and release all their potential, so as to create miracles and achieve extraordinary. If the mental state is not good, it is difficult to implement the scientific plan, and it is difficult to realize the best blueprint.

"There are sweet and bitter things, and those who taste them know; There is danger in the road, and those who follow it know. "At present, the realization of the goal of the centenary of the founding of the army has reached a period of hard work and a sprint period of refueling and pressurization. On the way forward, there are still "snow mountains" and "grasslands" that we need to cross, and "Loushan Pass" and "Lazikou" that we need to conquer. To achieve this set goal as scheduled, we urgently need to give full play to the role of political work as a service guarantee, arouse the mental state of the vast number of officers and men, unite the strength to forge ahead, and more firmly work in unity, overcome difficulties, and forge ahead in a pioneering spirit under the banner of the party.

"If the water is excited, the stone will be loud, and the people will be ambitious." To boost the entrepreneurial spirit of officers, it is necessary to give full play to the role of positive incentives. Whether party members and cadres are energetic and active, in addition to their personal party spirit consciousness and duty requirements, they also need positive incentives and motivation support from the organization. It is necessary to insist on carrying forward positive energy, singing the main theme, establishing a positive incentive system that advocates hard work, driving responsibility, and cheering, establishes a clear orientation of daring to take responsibility and heavy responsibility, and gives play to a typical leading role, with a clear attitude for those in charge, responsible for those in charge, and support for those who are in charge, so as to stimulate the spirit of party members and cadres to forge ahead and work hard, and strive to create glorious achievements belonging to the new era. To build a scientific performance evaluation system, we should not only look at the outstanding performance, but also look at the potential performance, not only to examine the usual performance of party members and cadres, but also to pay attention to the performance of major moments, not only to see the number of votes, but also to look at the public opinion of officers and soldiers, and to be responsible for the growth and progress of party members and cadres, and promote them to reflect their value and realize their dreams in entrepreneurship.

To boost the entrepreneurial spirit of officers, it is also necessary to eliminate all kinds of negative factors that affect the performance of the executive to the greatest extent. Practice tells us that negative factors cannot be ruled out, and it is difficult to invigorate the spirit of struggle and maintain the state of work. On the one hand, it is necessary to eradicate formalism and bureaucracy. Many officers and men said that they are not afraid of heavy front-line tasks and tiring combat readiness training, but they are afraid of meaningless tossing. It is necessary to dynamically update the list of problems of formalism and bureaucracy, thoroughly rectify the "five mores" in order to reduce the burden on the grassroots units, and restore a united, tense, serious, and lively environment to the grassroots units. On the other hand, it is necessary to guard against unscientific accountability and failure to help the poor. At present, the generalization and simplification of accountability, the lack of warmth and lack of real sense of care and care are an important reason for the reluctance and dare not take responsibility of party members and cadres. It is necessary to implement the "three distinctions", refine the specific circumstances and standards of precise accountability, open up policies and systems such as the protection of military personnel's treatment and implement the "last mile", truly solve difficulties and help the grassroots level, enhance the sense of gain and belonging of officers and soldiers, and ensure that everyone has no distractions to do their careers, wholeheartedly seek to win, and strive to show new achievements and make new contributions on the new journey of strengthening the country and the army.

Restore and carry forward the fine traditions of political work

-- Eight Theses: Conscientiously study and implement Chairman Xi's important speech at the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission

■ Commentator of the People's Liberation Army Daily

What is at the root must be kept, and the traditional advantage cannot be lost. At the Central Military Commission's Political Work Conference, Chairman Xi systematically deployed six key tasks to be done well in promoting political army building on the new journey, of which the sixth aspect is to "restore and carry forward the fine traditions of political work". To study and implement President Xi's important speech, implement the strategy of political and military building in the new era, and constantly create a new situation in political and military building, it is necessary to pass on the fine traditions forged by our ancestors with their blood and lives from generation to generation, and ensure that the people's army will have a permanent bloodline, a solid foundation, and an eternal advantage.

Political work will always be the lifeblood of our army, and the fine tradition of political work is the fundamental principle and content of our army's political work. The fine tradition of our army's political work has been accumulated in the practice of long-term military struggle, and has profoundly demonstrated the nature, purpose, and true character of the people's army. Looking back at the course of development over the past 90 -odd years, the fundamental reason why our army has been able to overcome all obstacles and thorns, continue to grow stronger and stronger, and advance from victory to victory lies in the fact that it has always infiltrated a whole set of fine traditions of political work, such as upholding the fundamental principle and system of the party's command of the gun, into the roots of army building and development, integrated into the blood of officers and men from generation to generation, and internalized it into a politically sound ideological consciousness, thus ensuring that the lifeline is uninterrupted and that our army always resolutely obeys and follows the party. The times are changing and the situation is changing, but the fine traditions of our military's political work will never become obsolete, and we must inherit and carry forward them at all times.

"All things are born according to their origins, and all things are made by their ways." At the Gutian All-Army Political Work Conference, Chairman Xi creatively summed up the fine tradition of political work formed by our army in long-term practice as "11 adherences": adhere to the fundamental principle and system of the party commanding the gun, adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, adhere to the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, adhere to the fundamental style of the mass line, persist in arming officers and soldiers with scientific theories, persist in playing the role of service guarantee around the central tasks of the party and the army, persist in selecting and using cadres in a fair and upright manner, adhere to the unity of officers and soldiers, and carry forward democracy. Adhere to the implementation of conscious strict discipline, adhere to the revolutionary spirit of hard work, sacrifice and dedication, and insist that party members and cadres take the lead and lead by example. These "11 insistences" have profoundly summed up the principles and work style that our army has consistently emphasized and adhered to, and are an important magic weapon for our army's unique political superiority and victory over the enemy. At the Central Military Commission's political work conference, Chairman Xi concisely summarized the connotation and essence of the "ten clear" strategies for political and military construction in the new era, which not only inherently contain the fine traditions of our army's political work, but also further enrich, develop, and sublimate the fine traditions of our army's political work.

To restore and carry forward the fine tradition of political work, we must persist in seeking truth from facts. Tradition is not to keep the ashes, but to pass on the flame of passion. To persist in seeking truth from facts is to prevent subjectivist work guidance, to prevent work style that is divorced from the masses, to prevent work requirements that are eager for quick success and quick gain, to prevent a rigid and rigid work attitude, and to prevent work methods that only block but not slacken. It is necessary to persist in upholding integrity and innovation, advancing with the times, integrating fine traditions with the spirit of the times, making better development in the course of inheritance and better inheritance in the course of development, and constantly enhancing the character of the times and the appeal of political work. It is necessary to do a good job in the study and education of party history and military history on a regular basis, learn from traditions, love traditions, and stress traditions, find out where traditions come from, what their connotations are, and how important their role is, and guide officers and men to deepen their understanding and understanding and enhance their inner identity. It is necessary to interpret the tradition by using the forms and carriers that officers and men like to see, grasp the characteristics of the development of combat methods and technological changes, make good use of the tradition, arouse from the tradition the steadfast integrity of "the revolutionary ideal is higher than the sky," strengthen the revolutionary friendship of "sharing weal and woe, life and death," cultivate the fine style of "working hard and building the army through diligence and thrift," temper the fighting spirit of "not fearing hardship and not fearing death," and constantly write new glories.

Those who teach by example follow, and those who teach by words sue. To restore and carry forward the fine traditions of political work, it is necessary to persist in teaching by example over words. Political work depends on words for three points and for doing seven points, and the exemplary role itself is the best political work. Restoring and carrying forward the fine traditions of political work is something that has been grasped and brought out. Party members and cadres consciously ensure that educators receive education first, and those who cast souls first cast their souls, and take the lead in restoring traditions and taking the lead in creating a new style, can they influence and drive the vast number of officers and soldiers to carry forward the red tradition and inherit the red gene. In the new era and new journey, party members and cadres at all levels, especially senior cadres, should set an example, take the lead in setting an example, establish a "party representative" with firm conviction and strong party spirit, a "commander" with excellent quality and can win battles, a "fire sower" who spreads the truth and enlightens people's minds, and an "honest person" who is consistent with his words and deeds.

Source丨People's Liberation Army Daily

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Producer丨Ou Can, Hou Dawei, Editor丨Liu Jianwei, Yan Shan, Qian Zongyang, Editor丨Zhou Zhou

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